GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Then Gran Turismo’s license testing mode introduced the idea of a colour coded racing line, telling you optimum brake, freewheel and acceleration lines? Forza takes this further now, with a dynamic racing line. Back off the accelerator too early and the red line indicating your braking point will fade and move further ahead, stab on the accelerator mid corner before the apex and watch as the freewheel tones start fading out the optimum acceleration line. A great tool for new drivers in particular

Just thought that was pretty interesting :)
Then Gran Turismo’s license testing mode introduced the idea of a colour coded racing line, telling you optimum brake, freewheel and acceleration lines? Forza takes this further now, with a dynamic racing line. Back off the accelerator too early and the red line indicating your braking point will fade and move further ahead, stab on the accelerator mid corner before the apex and watch as the freewheel tones start fading out the optimum acceleration line. A great tool for new drivers in particular

Just thought that was pretty interesting :)

Very cool. The GT4/Enthusia/Forza battle is not over yet still I cannot help getting excited about the idea of what all this will mean for GT5/Forza2/Enthusia2. I hope the competition among these games really heats up.
Finally got through all 208 pages :crazy:

What did struck me was there are not many pics of GT4 up ?

Anyhow GT4 should be out in the US now shouldnt it ? well in a few hours.

Have fun. :)


#4 Johansson Audi R8 and the APR Performance Toyota Celica GTS (Widebody)


They certainly look to have fixed the problem with the wheels in motion it looks so much better now.

The above cars are looking mighty impressive also some new information has been dug up from a Korean Gaming Event I don't suppose anyone here would know what the event was called ?
2 New Videos

Maple Leaf Circuit + Tsukuba

[Link ]


Somthing that Forza Motorsport excels in is the Track detail.... wow.

and bare in mind this is the OXM demo :)

Theres a whole bunch of of these screenshots at :

[Link ]

I think Forza is shaping up very very nice indeed

#4 Johansson Audi R8 and the APR Performance Toyota Celica GTS (Widebody)


They certainly look to have fixed the problem with the wheels in motion it looks so much better now.

The above cars are looking mighty impressive also some new information has been dug up from a Korean Gaming Event I don't suppose anyone here would know what the event was called ?

Be aware that the picture is at least photoshopped and probably rendered too. Not saying that's a bad thing, but effects (like wheelspin) can be achieved with PS or renders.
As for the PAL & NTSC differences:

PAL has more resolution (512 interlaced lines vs 480 of NTSC) and better colour rendition than NTSC, but a lower framerate (50 vs 60 fps).

PAL is used in all european countries, Australia and many former british colonies.

NTSC is used in Japan, USA and most Latin-American countries.

I'm not sure about Canada.

Generally speaking PAL extra resolution is almost useless, since most developers are in NTSC countries and make games for NTSC resolution. That's the reason for the typical black borders we see on most japanese games (including the GT series) These are the *unused* extra lines PAL offers.

On the other side, *all* modern TV sets are compatible with both systems, so a growing number of PAL games offer players the option to play in NTSC mode enjoying an extra 10fps and no black borders. This is a noticeable improvement in some games, for example the Tekken series.

Those with HDTV sets don't have to worry about all this. HDTV is a different standard, much better in resolution and framerate than both PAL & NTSC. (But only if the game supports HDTV)

One last thing: the same way that 60fps NTSC games run at 50fps once converted to PAL, 30fps games run at 25fps. So Forza shoul run at 25fps in PAL countries (unless the developers include the option to play in NTSC mode)

actually when i start a game I often get to choose beetween 60 hz or 50 hz and i dont see any borders at all when i play gt3 and other pal games...
Be aware that the picture is at least photoshopped and probably rendered too. Not saying that's a bad thing, but effects (like wheelspin) can be achieved with PS or renders.
Photoshopped no, rendered at a higher quality, maybe. But thoes effects are all in Forza so seeing a picture with them in doesn't make it doctored.
i thought more about forza and gt4....actually i love them both even though i havent played them...... i love the tune/custom part of forza, the online play is surely wonderful too. GT4 is loved by me cus it have so many cars and the tracks seems fun too.. the cars seems more real life in gt4 but the souroundings in forza are fulll 3d and that is awesome... there is no loser in this fight both forza and gt4 surely will be great games....Yes games.....i mean nothing beats the real deal...driving a real car is so much better, well if its an old rwd car that ya dont care for my volvo 142 from 68....really that car is a blast to drive in hehe....what i say is true and its final..hehe :) peace love and understanding hehe
What you say is true, both games are great and since they are on different consoles and not in direct competition there can't be a winner.
gt4 looks pathetic in comparison to forza :| but gt will still be the better game with more realistic looking cars



Rest of the images are here [Link]

The Forza Motorsport team have certainly kicked it up recently everything about the game appears to have improved.

GT4 may just have met it's match :scared:
I have been trying to figure this out but i can't.Why does anyone care if this game turns out to be better than GT4?I just don't know.
I know this is a GT4 fan board, but come on people. I love GT4 to death. I dream of it. I play it from wake to sleep. I don't eat because of it.


I played the forza demo, it's great. period. It's a great game. Perhaps great enough to rival GT4. I mean really think about it, what does GT4 bring to the table? More cars, a screen shot mode, and more tracks. The physics are improved but by no means realistic, the track graphics are beautiful but lets face it, the PS2 has reached just about it's limit and some of the textures do look a little blurry.

What does Forza bring to the table? More serious racing cars, damage, customization, XBox level graphics, tire marks on the ground, good smoke effects and online play. It seems to me Forza is introducing a slew of concepts the GT series should've had NAILED by their fourth iteration. Face it, the GT series is pretty much the same game it was back when the original came out. That's not saying its bad, but it hasnt really revolutionized the way we look at driving simulation. Forza looks like it will set a new standard.

Look on the bright side, you KNOW GT5 is going to have to have everything Forza does to compete, that means a better GT for us. Competition is always a good thing, it pushes companies to try and better themselves or die. Honestly, GT has had no real competition since it's begining, and look how lazy they got. Forza, if not great as a game itself, will be great in a way that it ups the ante for what all racing games have to be from here on out.
Well, if Forza does turn out to be better than GT4, it's quite possibly because the X Box is superior to the PS2. There, I said it. :(
but all is not lost, the way the PS3 is shaping up it's looking set to blow the X Box 2 and GameCube 2 out of the water, so GT5 will almost certainly regain it's crown (if it loses it in the first place). 👍
I wouldnt say Forza is a better game, but you will still see me playing my families forza thats for sure. but still gt4 has a long way to go to be called the game under forza.
Of course forza is as good with online, vehicle damage, and all this other mumbo jumbo.
You take that away and we are going to see just another racing game.

Forza reachest its own expectations, but Gt4 has aswell, once it comes out, we will see that gt4 and forza are both the best racing games.

Will we forget about the king I thought it, but there is a game for everyone out there and mines is GT4.
I've played the latest Forza code at Microsoft and it still looks like an N64 game. Pop-up is terrible, even the track surface detail. Handling is solid now, but it still drives like it's on rails like V8 Supercars 2 (TOCA Racedriver 2).
^Then you haven't played the most up to date code since Tha_con has a preview build of the game and says it's handling is as good as GT4's, on top of that I've played the demo and I agree on the handling, and the demo was earlier still, and the popup isn't too good in the demo but in the screens vids seen recently it's much improved.
^Then you haven't played the most up to date code since Tha_con has a preview build of the game and says it's handling is as good as GT4's, on top of that I've played the demo and I agree on the handling, and the demo was earlier still, and the popup isn't too good in the demo but in the screens vids seen recently it's much improved.

any news on the fanatec wheel?

I've been playing GT4 for 3 days straight and the DFP is a FRICKIN MIRACLE!

there really isn't any going back to the game pad.
I doubt very much that the Forza wheel will be as god as the DFP, however as long as it feels strong and is sturdy enough to take a beating it should be good enough.
played Forza demo last night. (dont ask me where to get it)

only lets you play one track , Laguna seca. Its not bad, but as someone else posted it has a driver 2 feel. Which isnt a bad thing, but I prefer GT by long shot. As far as graphics in Forza....a huge let down. The car models were a mixed batch (only like 10 cars in the demo) some of the cars looked near GT level, some looked like PGR level. the road texure is bland. Has the typical "old pc game" look of xbox. Not sure when this demo was made...perhaps there have been lots of improvements since the demo, but I walked away very unimpressed....and keep in mind I wanted to like this game. If for nothing else that the 1080i would look better with less jaggies over GT (not sure if the game runs in that mode...played the demo on a SD tv)

Also dont fall for the prerendered "in game" shots......the game looks nothing like that.

so from what I can tell from the demo Forza=Driver 2 in a lot of ways.

on to Enthusia!

::embarrassed:h yeah::
game has some of the best use of surround sound in a game yet. The rear speakers make the motor scream. Would be very cool to play this game in a chair with rear mounted speakers.
flynn since youve only played the demo, don't asume the fianl game will be the same. GT4:P was't like GT4 in terms of quality. TBH I'm getting fed up of repeating this, so read my post at the top of this page. The demo is quite old and like all demo's is not a show of the final quality of the product. Check out Tha_con's preview comments in the Fora thead in the X-box section.

At the end of the day if your still unipressed with Forza after it's been launched and you've sampled the final product so be it, but at least do that because this game is looking very promising.
Ok, but like you said the demo is fairly old and therefor not very competitive. And the Photomode shots from GT4 aren't comparable to the real game either. Let's just wait and see how the final game will look. But I suggest it won't make me buy a X-Box, even if the game is better than GT4.

the Interceptor
the Interceptor
Ok, but like you said the demo is fairly old and therefor not very competitive. And the Photomode shots from GT4 aren't comparable to the real game either. Let's just wait and see how the final game will look. But I suggest it won't make me buy a X-Box, even if the game is better than GT4.

the Interceptor

if it's better than GT, you won't buy an xbox for it? odd. I'd buy a PS2 for GT4, and the systems cost the same amount.
If it's like Tha_con is saying and the online works well I'm buying an X-Box for it.
if it's better than GT, you won't buy an xbox for it? odd. I'd buy a PS2 for GT4, and the systems cost the same amount.
Yeah, but I already have a PS2, and I don't have the money to get an X-Box at the moment. I might be getting one in the future though, who knows. I didn't want to express that I'd never buy Forza and an X-Box, it's just unlikely at the moment.

the Interceptor
I can perfectly understand people not buying an X-box FOR Forza, it's a lot of money for one game.