GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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the Interceptor
Ok, but like you said the demo is fairly old and therefor not very competitive. And the Photomode shots from GT4 aren't comparable to the real game either. Let's just wait and see how the final game will look. But I suggest it won't make me buy a X-Box, even if the game is better than GT4.

the Interceptor

I agree 100%, but lets not forget that prolouge came out way before gt4, and I was still damn impressed, and it gave me a very good basis to see the direction they were going in with gt4.

As far as this demo goes, I'm sure the render engine will not change much, if at all (thats one of the first things made in game production). So, I'm not holding my breath on that.

maybe they can tweak out the physics.....but not sure if they will, Its not like they were bad...just very driver 2 like. (which many people love, I'm just not one of them)

I'm not in any way shape or form saying that this Demo is exactly what the game will be like in the end....I am saying that I am definatly going to "try before I buy"
the Interceptor
Ok, but like you said the demo is fairly old and therefor not very competitive. And the Photomode shots from GT4 aren't comparable to the real game either. Let's just wait and see how the final game will look. But I suggest it won't make me buy a X-Box, even if the game is better than GT4.

the Interceptor

oh no doubt the photomode looks nothing at all like the in game shots. (I didnt fall for the GT4 prerendered shots either)

I only said that cause someone posted a prerendered shot of Forza on here as a basis for what the game will look like....
The graphics changed since GT4:P, I've already told you where to go to read what the BETA version is like which is almost complete. Theres no point coming here and saying I don't think they'll of done this or that won't change when Tha_con has explained all in the Forza thread and you can find out exactly what they have changed and done. BTW the BETA's physics in Forza are as good as GT4's, you can read what they're like in detail.
The graphics changed since GT4:P, I've already told you where to go to read what the BETA version is like which is almost complete. Theres no point coming here and saying I don't think they'll of done this or that won't change when Tha_con has explained all in the Forza thread and you can find out exactly what they have changed and done. BTW the BETA's physics in Forza are as good as GT4's, you can read what they're like in detail.

changed ..yes. Night and day? not at all.

I hear what you are saying......but for this game to wow me, they would have had to start over from scratch from what I saw. And I doubt that will be the case.

As far as physics say "as good as GT4" well I am saying that not everyone likes GT physics, so I wasnt basing this game on that at all. I said they felt like driver 2....which are damn good imo. I just prefer the "style" of gt's physics. Again Physics were not bad at all. Sorry if I gave that impression.

Hey lets hope I am wrong :) I sure do.
I just hope Forza and Enthusia are good enough to keep the PD boys honest as they work on GT5.

Competition is good. The better the two new games are, the harder PD will try on GT5, and we all win.
Exactley Zardoz. Good competition means better finished articles in the future.
Forza looks good, GT4 looks more lifelike imo. Also I have seen a lot of screens of forza and ingame there only are 4 cars on the track when the shots are taken, why don't they have shots of 6 cars or 8 cars???


In all honesty the car models are looking much more realistic i'd even say more realistic than Gran Turismo.

Can't wait until we see the finished product in May :)
Polyphony NL
I have seen a lot of screens of forza and ingame there only are 4 cars on the track when the shots are taken, why don't they have shots of 6 cars or 8 cars???

Because there is only 4 cars on the track in the demo.
played Forza demo last night. (dont ask me where to get it)

only lets you play one track , Laguna seca. Its not bad, but as someone else posted it has a driver 2 feel. Which isnt a bad thing, but I prefer GT by long shot. As far as graphics in Forza....a huge let down. The car models were a mixed batch (only like 10 cars in the demo) some of the cars looked near GT level, some looked like PGR level. the road texure is bland. Has the typical "old pc game" look of xbox. Not sure when this demo was made...perhaps there have been lots of improvements since the demo, but I walked away very unimpressed....and keep in mind I wanted to like this game. If for nothing else that the 1080i would look better with less jaggies over GT (not sure if the game runs in that mode...played the demo on a SD tv)

Also dont fall for the prerendered "in game" shots......the game looks nothing like that.

so from what I can tell from the demo Forza=Driver 2 in a lot of ways.

on to Enthusia!

::embarrassed:h yeah::
game has some of the best use of surround sound in a game yet. The rear speakers make the motor scream. Would be very cool to play this game in a chair with rear mounted speakers.

Et moi je dis : Faut arrêter de se gratter les coucougnettes ! :yuck: :ill:

Gran Turisto 4 is :yuck: :yuck:

Forza Motorsport is better than GT4 on all points !!!! :cheers:

Bye ...
Gee thank you for posting 2 screenshots that all show the exact same thing that we allready know. Thank you. Really.

Though more cars on track the better, 6 to 8 is hardly incredible.

Even if you prefer forza, that hardly makes GT4 crap.
If they look silly to you, then I guess you have never seen a car in your life. I noticed you used the words "seen", which implies you aint played it.
Well it'simple, ignore all the above replys, they suck. Look at both machines, look at the games, decide which games you prefer, buy the machine. Both are superb, but if I HAD to pick one machine, I'd keep my xbox.

Xbox can suck it...poorly designed, the dvd drive busts like once a month, and you wont be seeing games like GT4 on there....ever. Enough said. Yeah yeah yeah Forza is going to be great looking, but is it going to be as good as the heavyweight champion of all racing games...? I think not.
Xbox can suck it

HAHAHA is he trying to start console wars? Oh ffs, grow up little boy, no one cares.

Neither console is exactly famous for build quality. Listen, I'm not gonna get in to console wars with anyone, especially not with some one like yourself, whose first machine was obviously a ps2. I've never had a problem with either my PS2 or xbox, I guess I'm lucky, nor have I experienced this "DVD drive going wrong every month" problem, infact mine has never gone wrong.
Xbox poorly designed? Well at least it had network online abilites, 4 joy pad ports, and a HDD in at launch. Poor design? Seems like pretty good design to me.

The more I see of forza, the more I think it may actually be better tbh, GT4 seems to have been accepted as abit of a let down in certain areas (damage, online play etc). Oh well, we shall see, I certainly won't "bum" GT just because it's GT like alot of people seem to do. I'll play em both either way, and I'm sure I'll enjoy em both.

and you wont be seeing games like GT4 on there

Well forza is LIKE GT4. So that's pretty much made a joke of that.
Well you gotta remember 2 things.

First the ps2 has alot less power to play with

Secondly it's running at twice the frame rate

These 2 things make a difference. That's also a VERY unflattering Gt4 shot.
Well you gotta remember 2 things.

First the ps2 has alot less power to play with

Secondly it's running at twice the frame rate

These 2 things make a difference. That's also a VERY unflattering Gt4 shot.

The comparison is ended :cheers:

Forza Motorsport is the biggest simulation never creates ! :sly:

Without rancor ;)
hey, does anyone have your house burnt down because of the XBOX power cable :crazy: I am so happy that I bought the PS2 instead of the XBOX...he..he
The comparison is ended :cheers:

Forza Motorsport is the biggest simulation never creates ! :sly:

Without rancor ;)
I'm not gonna get into one of these conversations, so just one thing:

I agree that the screens of the Nurburgring from Forza look better than the one from GT4 as a computer generated image. Nevertheless, if you know the Ring, you'll notice that the screen from GT4 looks much more like the real thing, whereas Forza looks like a track that has the same layout as the Ring, but a different styling.

Additionally, as a Forza fanboy you'll never agree to anything we might ever say if if's not pro-Forza, so you might not really be paying attention.

Vive la France! 👍
the Interceptor