GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Actually the game came out to 60 dollars US, the wheel came to 170 the Ps2 came to 170 there was a 50 dollar add on for the 3 year warrenty because I don't trust Ps2's since that is my 3rd and 15 for the memory card.

that's 465, and it's still 415 if you don't include the "unrequired" warrenty and 400 if you don't include the "required" memory card.

I'm just glad I didn't order this stuff online or it would have been more due to shipping.

I'm assuming that 1) you don't live in the US and 2) you don't play any other games on PS2 besides GT4.
1: I do live in the US (Arizona) and 2: I rent PS2 games from time to time but there isn't anything out worth my time at the moment (that goes for Ps2 and Xbox)

I'm figuring in taxes to by the way, I wish there was some magical way (maybe the "Easy" button like the Staples commercials) to avoid paying more money than the 49.99/149.99 sticker price but there isn't.
If you cant see the time and effort thats gone into halo 2, id say you were pretty blind.

I do agree that some of Gt4's skins etc look utter poop, look at the gold Speed 12...WTF.
Drifster, expectations kills the game, look at God Of War, one of the best game of all time for this generation of platform, and that is coming from major gaming websites, NOBODY I mean NOBODY expected this game, and now, it's a major hit.

GT4 was just too hyped up, and 400$ on a video I'm impressed.
If you cant see the time and effort thats gone into halo 2, id say you were pretty blind.

I do agree that some of Gt4's skins etc look utter poop, look at the gold Speed 12...WTF.

I really don't see 3 years gone into Halo 2.
I don't.
I honest to god don't.

the thought process that went into the game was either done by idiots, or they completely disregarded it.

There's just so much in that game that screams out "We don't care about our finished product as much as we do money"
and THAT is where the lack of time and effort shines bright and true.
I disagree 100%.
The games overall quality shines out, superb graphics, sound and game play. The AI on the enemys is sublime, the multiplayer is fantastic, loads of maps, and highly customisable. If you think that was done in a year or less, your a fool, sorry. You seriously must think games are made in 5 minutes :P. They are, to put it simply, ABIT complex. The graphics, music, story, sound, coding, bug testing, for a game on the scale of Halo 2, it takes YONKS. I hate to sound smug, but I simply am right.

Bungie have never struck me as cash-in-whores, they talk to fans and keep them constantly updated, and don't seem to act all high and mighty.
I really don't see 3 years gone into Halo 2.
I don't.
I honest to god don't.

the thought process that went into the game was either done by idiots, or they completely disregarded it.

There's just so much in that game that screams out "We don't care about our finished product as much as we do money"
and THAT is where the lack of time and effort shines bright and true.

To make a statement like that, it's quite obvious you've never been a programmer or have an understanding of the development process. GT4 took some 3+ years, Forza has taken about the same amount of time. Look at Halo 2, Doom III, and other high profile games. They take incredible amounts of time. Please don't discount the effort of game developers because you don't understand the process.
Yeah, look at doom 3. I'm not argueing with the fact that doom 3 took a long time. It's a wonderful and beautiful game.

Halo 2 on the other hand. With it's out dated ragdoll physics. With mc's flat armor modeling, if you don't notice this get a bright green armor and then walk around without a weapon (for those of you who know how to drop weapons entirely, and I mean observe him) with the wrists rotating as you turn, i don't know about ANYONE else, but if I were to turn with a shotgun in my hand my wrists wouldn't rotate in the direction i was turning. With the susbtantial amount of glitches throughout the game, be it in multiplayer or single player. (not just accidental clipping or anything) with the substantial popup. With the horrible dialog, with the poor choice of weapons throughout levels, but the seemingly endless weapon availibility? With the models of each character. If you don't believe me get a sniper rifle and stand a elite model right next to a spartan model, headshot the spartan in the top of it's head then move the cursor to the identical spot on the elite. It won't be touching it's head, but will kill him either way.
The only thing they apparently thought about was the weapon firing speed being different, (elites shoot plasma rifles faster and spartans shoot shotguns faster).
I know development. Not fist hand, but third hand so to speak. A good friend of mine (George Cardenas) had a large hand in the developmeny of Metal Fatigue by psygnosis. A large part of development speed and quality is based on resources availible. They had 3 years, REDICULOUS amounts of funding. top of the line development equipment and their finished product was "par"......If that.

With the fact that the game was centered around little kids without skill playing it proves that they made the game to make money off of new customers who might not have been as good at Halo:CE

If bungie isn't cash whores, why have they done nothing to fix the problems? why has there been 22 people booted from X box live from feedback? even if they have replays on hand. They said THOUSANDS of people have been banned, they were reffering to X box live in general. That's for glitching PSO, for glitching PG, for MechA etc etc. Not just Halo 2.

They are releasing a MAP pack, which COSTS MONEY that as of yet has said ANYTHING about fixing halo 2's problems, but they spent their time making maps instead of making the game a BETTER game for their players. Yeah, they kept people updated durring halo 2's "development" How else do you think they sold so many? If they never gave any insight as to how bad ass it was SUPPOSED to be it wouldn't have sold 897540832507432890(exaggeration) copies in it's first hour.
Yeah, look at doom 3. I'm not argueing with the fact that doom 3 took a long time. It's a wonderful and beautiful game.

Looks great, yet dull in the end.

Halo 2 on the other hand. With it's out dated ragdoll physics.

The physics through the game were pretty good if you ask me, especially on the trucks and flying robots, they fell with a satisfying clunk.

With mc's flat armor modeling, if you don't notice this get a bright green armor and then walk around without a weapon (for those of you who know how to drop weapons entirely, and I mean observe him) with the wrists rotating as you turn, i don't know about ANYONE else, but if I were to turn with a shotgun in my hand my wrists wouldn't rotate in the direction i was turning.

IT'S A GAME. You could moan about half lifes view point being in the chest, but you don't because it doesn't matter. I mean ffs, who gives a flying crap which way his wrists turn, it looks freaking cool, and that's what matters.

Oh and you comment on the armour, your tv is damaged, it's was all lovely and bump mapped for me.

Flat armour?

With the susbtantial amount of glitches throughout the game, be it in multiplayer or single player. (not just accidental clipping or anything) with the substantial popup.

Soooo when you say glitches, the best you can come up with is some pop up. a hahahahah. ha. I played through the game a few times, and speant hours on multiplayer, and yes, I've seen some glitches, but all in all, it's a polished game, no where near the level you suggest.

With the horrible dialog, with the poor choice of weapons throughout levels, but the seemingly endless weapon availibility? With the models of each character. If you don't believe me get a sniper rifle and stand a elite model right next to a spartan model, headshot the spartan in the top of it's head then move the cursor to the identical spot on the elite. It won't be touching it's head, but will kill him either way.

I loved the dialog (very professionally done, but hey, you wouldn't care), and wtf, you went about testing hit locations...I mean I'm sure your right, but tbh, it's not that big of an issue when it's out by such a small amount. From what it you saym it just sounds like both characters share the same hit boxe locations around them.

The game is centered around gun based combat, ofc there's loads of weapons :P

The only thing they apparently thought about was the weapon firing speed being different, (elites shoot plasma rifles faster and spartans shoot shotguns faster).
I know development. Not fist hand, but third hand so to speak. A good friend of mine (George Cardenas) had a large hand in the developmeny of Metal Fatigue by psygnosis. A large part of development speed and quality is based on resources availible. They had 3 years, REDICULOUS amounts of funding. top of the line development equipment and their finished product was "par"......If that.

You really don't have a clue do you. Your arguments are at best weak. Your only complaints seemed to be "OMG there's some pop up" and "OMG the hit boxes are 3 cm out". If you knew anything about games, and tbh it doesn't seem that you do, you would realise that Halo 2 is a hell of a game considering it's on a console.

With the fact that the game was centered around little kids without skill playing it proves that they made the game to make money off of new customers who might not have been as good at Halo:CE

Please, dont try and get "1337". 0MG H4L0 15 4 n00bs. You suggesting that it's for little kids suggests that you yourself are a little child that has little knowledge on the gaming market. Games like Halo 2 etc are aimed at a more adult market, mid teens onwards.

If bungie isn't cash whores, why have they done nothing to fix the problems? why has there been 22 people booted from X box live from feedback? even if they have replays on hand. They said THOUSANDS of people have been banned, they were reffering to X box live in general. That's for glitching PSO, for glitching PG, for MechA etc etc. Not just Halo 2.

They have fixed problems in a patch, that's free, and coming out soon (might be allready out).

They are releasing a MAP pack, which COSTS MONEY that as of yet has said ANYTHING about fixing halo 2's problems, but they spent their time making maps instead of making the game a BETTER game for their players.

All maps will end up being 100% free by summer, check you facts. They have to make a living some how, they don't work for free, and the sum will be next to nothing anyway. It's your choice.

Yeah, they kept people updated durring halo 2's "development" How else do you think they sold so many? If they never gave any insight as to how bad ass it was SUPPOSED to be it wouldn't have sold 897540832507432890(exaggeration) copies in it's first hour.

It sold so many because it's a bad ass game, and most people seem to think that too. 2

Ofc Halo 2 isn't perfect, but it strikes me that you just don't like it.

What next, Half Life 2 took 1 week to make because it's got some bad textures? :dunce:
Hey guys, aren't we(including me) getting a bit off topic here? Aren't we supposed to be ragging on Forza? :sly: ;)
the one thing that is gonna shine oover GT4 and we all know it is the AI, the AI in GT4 is very poor and the AI in forza isnt, even in the demo its more challlenging than GT4, so if the demo is ancient what is the final game gonna be, dammingly real if you ask me.
the one thing that is gonna shine oover GT4 and we all know it is the AI, the AI in GT4 is very poor and the AI in forza isnt, even in the demo its more challlenging than GT4, so if the demo is ancient what is the final game gonna be, dammingly real if you ask me.

Real, nah, no where near. Not even remotely close. Now, will it be better then GT4, I'm pretty certain it will. Few things are more annoying then slowing down for a corner and being rear ended or having the computer simply push you off the track because you're in the racing line.

But don't think for one second that Forza's AI will be "real" or "realistic" It will attempt to have some "realism". This is another point that I wish PD would've addressed in GT4, oh well. Considering I spend the majority of my playing time in some sort of free run mode, I'm not terribly troubled by it. :sly:
Oh and you comment on the armour, your tv is damaged, it's was all lovely and bump mapped for me.

Flat armour?

you're right, an out of game render proovs that the real game looks identical, absolutly right. Just like everyone's comments on Forza's pictures that wern't IN GAME, but for some reason that train of thought doesn't jump to Halo 2, oh well whatever floats your boat

Soooo when you say glitches, the best you can come up with is some pop up. a hahahahah. ha. I played through the game a few times, and speant hours on multiplayer, and yes, I've seen some glitches, but all in all, it's a polished game, no where near the level you suggest.

I like how you read what I type
With the susbtantial amount of glitches throughout the game, be it in multiplayer or single player.
That's one statment. It ends right there. The Popup is just pointing out ANOTHER problem, not the glitching.

You've seen "some" glitches? Then you obviously havn't been playing the game that much.
Go ahead and name a level and i'll point out it's defuncts.

I loved the dialog (very professionally done, but hey, you wouldn't care), and wtf, you went about testing hit locations...I mean I'm sure your right, but tbh, it's not that big of an issue when it's out by such a small amount. From what it you saym it just sounds like both characters share the same hit boxe locations around them.
Exactly, they do how does that portray a well polished and well developed game?
Hell, even mortal combat could get that right, why not Halo 2?

The game is centered around gun based combat, ofc there's loads of weapons :P

The game is centered around close range gun based combat, and it shouldn't be which is one of the reasons why bungie wasn't very loyal to their fans. In Halo 1 were you a pro and went up against a novice you'd wipe the floor with him any time of the day.
Halo 2 is the ONLY FPS game i know of, or can think of off the top of my head where a guy can go in with pretty much no skill what so ever, and still do damn good because all the weapons asside from the BR/carbine/brute shot require absolutly no skill to kill someone with, and the BR doesn't require it half the time considering it's 3 round bursts and if it's 1v1 w/ br's the person who gets the shot off first is the winner 80% of the time. Not just that, all the weapons that were in Halo 1's affects have changed.
the Sniper rifle auto tracks, the rocket locks on, the sword has a longer range than the shotgun, the shotgun is a race to who can shoot first as apposed to who's more skilled, the plasma pistol's are way too abundant for it being a tracking weapon, and pretty much every gun works off of the spray and pray idea.

Please, dont try and get "1337". 0MG H4L0 15 4 n00bs. You suggesting that it's for little kids suggests that you yourself are a little child that has little knowledge on the gaming market. Games like Halo 2 etc are aimed at a more adult market, mid teens onwards.

Halo 2 is aimed at people new to FPS's simple as that, if it was aimed towards the adult market and mid teens then Halo 2's online population wouldn't consist of thousands of 12-15 year olds.

They have fixed problems in a patch, that's free, and coming out soon (might be allready out).
They have fixed nothing, nothing has changed from the game since it's retail version. Everything is as it was.

All maps will end up being 100% free by summer, check you facts. They have to make a living some how, they don't work for free, and the sum will be next to nothing anyway. It's your choice.

They have to making a living? So putting out the game that set the record for most sales of an electronic related item in history didn't give them enough money? Dude, if they got 2% of the sales for halo 2 they would be set for a LOOONG time.

It sold so many because it's a bad ass game, and most people seem to think that too. hilarious Oh man, this guy's great.
you're right, an out of game render proovs that the real game looks identical, absolutly right. Just like everyone's comments on Forza's pictures that wern't IN GAME, but for some reason that train of thought doesn't jump to Halo 2, oh well whatever floats your boat

It's a render using the game engine. When I play it, it obviously isn't that sharp, but the details are pretty much the same.

Meh I can't be arsed, lets just agree to disagree. Not exactly an important issue.

And please, I'm not some "n00b" gamer, I've been gaming for years, I don't just like Halo 2 because of the hype :P.
Same here, i've also been gaming for years, and I don't hate Halo just because it's there to be hated. 👎:yuck:

But yeah, anywho. You hear about the Tiff test for GT4? Apparently he sucked at it, and he's a pro driver. however in Forza the pro driver did amazing. From what I understand for both it was their first times out(game wise)
Yeah I saw that on TV a day or two ago. Well it's to be expected though, GT4 isn't quite as accurate as some people may want to believe. I guess another issue is that speed and feeling are lost in games, and if I remember what Tiff said, he said that GT4 felt to fast at higher speeds and drifting was much harder then in real life.
yeah. doesn't that kind of add some points to the Forza side of the argument since Gunnar Jaenette actually did well on the game his first time out?
yeah. doesn't that kind of add some points to the Forza side of the argument since Gunnar Jaenette actually did well on the game his first time out?

is there any proof that he didnt have any practice? Tiff hardly had any practice, and i'm guessing he doesnt care about games at all, he just wanted to see the cool collection of cars.

that Popular mechanics Forza special obviously is trying to focus on all the games strongpoints.
Well i'm pretty sure they would go put a Gamer/gamer Vs a Gamer/racer...That wouldn't be a comparison. That's just being synical against Forza and their development/marketing.

And what sort of "possible" weaknesses did they exclude from the article? If they were focusing on it's strong points what could they have said that was a weakness that they left out?
just the same obvious stuff pro drivers complain about, no gforces, no clutch, no feedback from pedals etc. I've never played it so I dont know how realistic it is first hand (is damage modeling softened up or is it an actual simulator?). Anyone here play Forza with that Official forza wheel?

how far does the wheel turn lock to lock? and does it lock at different degrees(mechanical or FF) for some of the cars?

There arent 200 posts every minute so maybe my questions might actually be answered.
The damage in Forza does get to the stage where you car is out of the race, depending on what level you choose, the visible damage modelling isn't as real though due to manufacturer restrictions and time I guess, as for the wheel, don't expect another DFP, it's lock to lock won't be 900 degrees and it isn't but I can't remeber what it is, and I doubt different cars will have a different degree lock to lock either. As long as it's a strong, sturdy wheel though, none of that matters to me much.
Aslong as their incorperate Variable steering in to the cars where it's apparent, i'd be completely happy. Not to mention, not all cars have a 900 degree wheel. Because I've yet to see any F1 cars turn their "wheel" 400 degrees to make a 90 degree turn.
some are less than that :) . I hope that logitech puts the software features the DFP has on the PC (steering lock changes) onto the next wave of racing games for the PS2, ps3.

540 is a reasonable amount of steering. Its just that if the wheel didnt turn alot, the drivers would be complaining about the wheel beingto sensative.
Of course, Forza (or Forza 2, or even whole Forza games) will never beat GT4 (5, 6, 7 etc.). Why? Because Gran Turismo is perfect game!

Fanboy allert. Fanboy alert!!!.

honestly... i'm not calling him stupid. But MODs.... is it really wrong to call someone saying something like that stupid? :guilty: