GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Of course, Forza (or Forza 2, or even whole Forza games) will never beat GT4 (5, 6, 7 etc.). Why? Because Gran Turismo is perfect game!

ahahaha no its not perfect.

-sound, better than gt3 but still crappy. some of the cars have a generic engine sound. only the more popular high profile cars have unique sounds.

-some car models look like garbage. look at the muscle cars. and go to the tvr dealership and look at the gold tvr speed 12

-ai, b-spec is the definition of stupid. take an f1 car and have it race against slower cars and it will not pass until you tell it to. on the front straight it'll constantly hit the other cars rear end and on the corners it comes to a near dead stop just so the other car can stay ahead. not to mention on rally the other car does a schumacher chop(cuts right in front of you-f1 fans know what im talking about)

-rally mode, PD please take it out or just make another game devoted solely to rally racing. rally cars dont race like that. even on super stages where they race on an overlapping track they never race side by side on the same lane/track

-cant paint the cars. its minor but its so annoying having to repeatedly do a series of races just to get the color you want. and theres also the tons of useless cars(honda step van for example) that could have been taken out and added a better car like the cadillac lmp car or the cts-v

gt4 is not perfect and neither is forza.
ahahaha no its not perfect.

-sound, better than gt3 but still crappy. some of the cars have a generic engine sound. only the more popular high profile cars have unique sounds.

-some car models look like garbage. look at the muscle cars. and go to the tvr dealership and look at the gold tvr speed 12
I ain't saying its perfect but...why are you comparing it to gt3?

And have you ever seen a speed 12 in real life? And im pretty sure it aint a muscle car either...
He's comparing GT4 to GT3, and saying that it still isn't good enough. I HAVE seen a Speed 12 in real life, and I agree that the model isnt very good. I also agree with him about pointless cars, I have about 100 cars I have never and will never use. I have both games and I actually prefer Forza. It may not have as many cars, but they're cars you WANT to drive, not a small crappy japanese minivan. Plus the attraction of Ferrari and Porsche.
I'd say both games are excellent, but for me at least, I prefer Forza, and that's coming from a PS2 fanboy
He's comparing GT4 to GT3, and saying that it still isn't good enough. I HAVE seen a Speed 12 in real life, and I agree that the model isnt very good. I also agree with him about pointless cars, I have about 100 cars I have never and will never use. I have both games and I actually prefer Forza. It may not have as many cars, but they're cars you WANT to drive, not a small crappy japanese minivan. Plus the attraction of Ferrari and Porsche.
I'd say both games are excellent, but for me at least, I prefer Forza, and that's coming from a PS2 fanboy

Even if you take out supposed crappy minivans, id say there is about 60 very slow cars in gt4 this still leaves a huge number of high performance vehicles

my garage doesnt have ANY slow cars, its not like your forced to use them is it?

I think part of the problem is certain countrys dont realise what is considered high peformance in other countrys

hell a 2.0 litre is considered a pretty big engine in the uk, in the us this is probably nothing? just because a car isnt fast doesnt mean its crap some slow cars will out handle much faster cars look at the lotus elise
I agree with you, I was just saying that time spent making boring slow cars could be made making better cars, or extra improvements. I find slow cars boring myself, but if others like them, fair enough put them in. It's just things such as the Honda Step Van that are pointless.
I agree with you, I was just saying that time spent making boring slow cars could be made making better cars, or extra improvements. I find slow cars boring myself, but if others like them, fair enough put them in. It's just things such as the Honda Step Van that are pointless.
Maybe there's a soccer mom/dad out there wanting to know the limits of their vehicle w/out driving it into the ground :-P

And have you ever seen a speed 12 in real life? And im pretty sure it aint a muscle car either...
yeah, umm, there's a thing called punctuation, notice the periods? Same subject, but definately not the same fragment... He wasn't saying it was a muscle car, but rather simply that the models of muscle cars & the speed 12 were done poorly in his opinion...
He's comparing GT4 to GT3, and saying that it still isn't good enough. I HAVE seen a Speed 12 in real life, and I agree that the model isnt very good. I also agree with him about pointless cars, I have about 100 cars I have never and will never use. I have both games and I actually prefer Forza. It may not have as many cars, but they're cars you WANT to drive, not a small crappy japanese minivan. Plus the attraction of Ferrari and Porsche.
I'd say both games are excellent, but for me at least, I prefer Forza, and that's coming from a PS2 fanboy

huh? you have forza? you lie.
That is very nice indeed!

Something I got to point out though, slidemarks are over abusive to my taste! It's as if I was playing MC:2!

I think that's why people think it's arcadey!
Div is back
That is very nice indeed!

Something I got to point out though, slidemarks are over abusive to my taste! It's as if I was playing MC:2!

I think that's why people think it's arcadey!

I think people have various reasons to be ignorant, namely that they're too lazy to check out what the game is about. skidmarks are not fundamental in determining whether or not a game is a sim or not.

Keep in ming that some of the finest simulators have terrible graphics... not that forza does, but you know what I'm trying to say...
anyone see this beaut of a video?

ferrari at maple valley

I'd say it looks "a bit nice", to use Code's words.

Whats up with the handling? this looks more acadey then the demo what the hell happend, even though sliding like this might be possible it looks very unconvincing the driver didnt have to countersteer or make any throttle adjustments during the slides its all looked way to simple and forgiving hopefully he had the driving aids on

Edit: the graphics and sound were really top notch though 👍
oh, about the f355 video, it reminds me "ridge racer" and "chain reaction"

sliding around, leaving unbelievable marks, and not losing control

from all the forza videos I have seen, the only thing that bothers me is the abesence of understeer. Sure, it's there, but not enough. It's probably because I've played too much GT4... 💡
Well NSX-R Forza has GT4 beat in one aspect of physics. In Forza you're not going to see this.

or this


and I hope!
that forza doesn't allow you to take a Sauer around the ring at 300mph and hit corners and bumps and burms doing 300+ and you know, still be glued to the track.
Well NSX-R Forza has GT4 beat in one aspect of physics. In Forza you're not going to see this.

or this


and I hope!
that forza doesn't allow you to take a Sauer around the ring at 300mph and hit corners and bumps and burms doing 300+ and you know, still be glued to the track.

Id like to know how the hell this was done? i have hit the barrier on the test track and didnt get anywhere near that high, the other pic with the car mid flight really is bizzare there isnt even areas on the track to do that kinda thing

"that forza doesn't allow you to take a Sauer around the ring at 300mph and hit corners and bumps and burms doing 300+ and you know, still be glued to the track"

? there aint no way you can drive around the ring at 300mph, hitting the bumps on this track even in slower cars can make your car switch ends....................thats just plain BS
You havn't seen the video of the Sauer going around the ring in what? 5 minutes? doing in excess of 340MPH at times? This is in GT4 not real life of course.
the expectation of gt4 was soo high after years of production and the fact its callled "gran turismo 4: the real driving simulator" made us want a real driving simulator and it just turned out nothing of the sort, i hope forza can give the driving experiance we wanted from GT
the expectation of gt4 was soo high after years of production and the fact its callled "gran turismo 4: the real driving simulator" made us want a real driving simulator and it just turned out nothing of the sort, i hope forza can give the driving experiance we wanted from GT

Not a chance. But it will be different.

I think GT4 for grip driving is simply incredible. You have to brake correctly and throttle control actually makes a difference now instead of just mashing the gas. It's certainly not perfect. But the "real driving simulator", on the PS2 very much so. I just wish they wouldn't have said anything about the game until about January 2004. That way, all the people that "waited years" for it wouldn't have a reason to whine. And the hype wouldn't have been as big.

The challenge with GT4 is that it forces you to have control of your car. In GT3 you could remain pretty much out of control and still stay on the track and have fun. In GT4, if you not clued into what your car is doing and how it's reacting, you can forget it. :dopey:
GT4 aint perfect but the stock road cars are where it comes into it's own and where I get most of my fun.
You havn't seen the video of the Sauer going around the ring in what? 5 minutes? doing in excess of 340MPH at times? This is in GT4 not real life of course.

You must be wrong there isnt anyway you could take ANY car to the nurb in gt4 and drive at 340 mph there simply isnt any parts long enough, i think you mean 340 kph?
Except for the whole 300mph around corners bit right? Because that's control I've never had the "privilege" of experiencing.

I honestly dont think you have even played gt4 you would know this kinda thing isnt possible, i have seen 280 odd mph on the test course straights but there aint no way you could do that on a normal track

Its a total joke that you even think this is possible :dunce:
Forgive meh, i've been typing mph so often that I typed it there on accident. it's 350+ kph

but that's still 215 mph around a corner. And yes i own GT4 and "have played it"
You OWNED GT4, you took it back to the shop if I remember correctly, so we cannot really argue with you, you are what people may refer to as a " hater ", the opposite of Fanboy if you like.

I am still amazed today to see that people had such high hope for GT4, Sony must have done a heck a job of publicising(sp?) this game!
Sony never needed to advertise GT4, it advertised itself, because of GT's 1-3 everyone knew what GT was and what it was like to play, all people needed to hear was GT4 and theres the adverts, no more info than that was really needed. GT4 was overhyped, but it was just people on sites like this getting over-exited and expecting too much. I can't remeber how many people I had to tell not to read too much into that video of PD's stafff day out where they drove Ferrari's and Porsches, most didn't listen and were adamant they were in, guess who was dissapointed.

Expect too much, expect to be dissapointed, expect too little and you'll be pleasantly suprised.