GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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if we look at history, GT3 was crap

Ive been away for a while, decided to check in to see how this thread is goin, browsing through i find this complete load of rubbish from code_kev, GT3 might not have been the greatest game ever, but to say its 'crap' is complete rubbish. I meen what are you on about, you are of course entitled to your opinion, but to brand GT3 crap, dont think so :lol:

code_kev is like :bowdown: FORZA

The pics look good by the way, i hope forza turns out great so that the fanboys will be happy and the rest of us have a decent game to enjoy
code_kev is like *bow* FORZA

I am? All I've done is posted a few pics, and made some positive and not so positive comments on Forza. I'm a racing fan, a fanboy to neither.

Gt3 is crap because it took 2 very important elements out of racing, fun and speed. I'd take PGR2 over it anyday. Gt4 on the other hand is damn good, a good sense of speed, ok tracks, and loads of cars, and most importantly it feels quite realistic, unlike GT3.
Kev's the X-Box fan as opposed to all the PS2 fans on this site. He may sound over critical of the GT series at times but thats only been since the countless arguing he's had with people saying stuff like "Flopza wil b th suxxx, GT RULEZ cos its gt". It tends to make people exagerrate the flaws in one over the other, GT3 was ood, very good but in all honesty it wasn't anything special exept for the graphics.
8:40 with some of the worst driving ever, very possible. IF this game can deliver half of what it promises its going to be great. I love how when you install a cage, you can actually see a cage, brilliant.
5 Watt
I think it’s great that the player’s car has dynamic shadows. But with the other cars without, it just looks out of place.

In the new build all cars has dynamic shadows.

8:40 with some of the worst driving ever, very possible. IF this game can deliver half of what it promises its going to be great. I love how when you install a cage, you can actually see a cage, brilliant.
with forza it's not about the looks... that's the bonus, but installing a cage not only "looks" but performs as it should... increases turning ability, reduces roll, etc... that's one thing i'll love more than anything about FM's replays... being about to damn near view the entire physics engine at work via car technical statistics at any given moment... i could give less than a rats ass about the angles, but to see all the statistics going into play for the car's physics... 👍 :confused: 👍 boggling... :)
Yes sir it appears to be shaping up quite nicely. I cant remember exactly but some of the mods listed for that vw on forzacentral are pretty hardcore (idividual throttle bodys, etc), if you can take this online plus the exterior custom paint jobs, the idea that you will want to hold on to and get to know your cars its truely starting to take flight. All we can do is hope and pray it all runs just as smooth as pgr2.
you can change and tune every single moving part in the engine.

i look forward to countless hours playing with it for perfect performance from the engine. :P
Gt3 is crap because it took 2 very important elements out of racing, fun and speed. I'd take PGR2 over it anyday. Gt4 on the other hand is damn good, a good sense of speed, ok tracks, and loads of cars, and most importantly it feels quite realistic, unlike GT3.

GT3 Was not crap, Like i say, maybe not the greatest game ever, but certainly very good. GT3 cannot be called crap, the sales it made and all the positive reviews it had? The Graphical leep it made over everything else at that time was astonishing. If GT3 is Labelled crap, i think thats just either blantant 'xbox fanboi syndrome' or just plain ignorance. I meen, im not Halo's biggest fan but i am not blinded by 'fanboi syndrome' so i do realise what an achivement halo was :irked:
GT3 Was not crap, Like i say, maybe not the greatest game ever, but certainly very good. :irked:
Pong was not crap, sonic 1 was not crap, just not very good. Gt3 cannot be called "crap" because its not, sure its not the best ever but no way is it crap and as for PGR and PGR2 hahahahahhahahahahah load of bollocks.
If GT3 is Labelled crap, i think thats just either blantant 'xbox fanboi syndrome' or just plain ignorance.

IMO it was. For me racing is about run, speed etc etc, GT3 had none of these, I never gave a flying monkeys about it's graphics, though they were good for the time. I realise that it was a good graphics achivement, but that's about it. GT3 = GT2 - Nearly all of the cars + tarty graphics, it's crap as it wasn't reallya step forwards, but a step sideways for the GT series. Now this wouldn't have been to bad if it was actually more realistic...but sadly it wasn't. GT4 is what GT3 should have been.

Oh and PGR2 is cool :D. Fun, fast, and great online.
And please, drop the xbox fanboy crap, I own both machines, and frankly care little for what console a game is on.
Something offtopic CODE_KEV... I don't know, but your strange F40 or what this should be, makes my eyes bleed.... how could you... do you like that kind of coloration in real life ? On the other hand, it is really unique of course :)
Something offtopic CODE_KEV... I don't know, but your strange F40 or what this should be, makes my eyes bleed.... how could you... do you like that kind of coloration in real life ? On the other hand, it is really unique of course :)
:dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:
fukin nazi retarded scum go **** kev
you are still a ****ing anal probing nazi scumbag so get :dunce: ****edyou are still a ****ing anal probing nazi scumbag so get :dunce: ****edyou are still a ****ing anal probing nazi scumbag so get :dunce: ****edyou are still a ****ing anal probing nazi scumbag so get :dunce: ****edyou are still a ****ing anal probing nazi scumbag so get :dunce: ****edyou are still a ****ing anal probing nazi scumbag so get :dunce: ****edyou are still a ****ing anal probing nazi scumbag so get :dunce: ****edyou are still a ****ing anal probing nazi
WTF ???? Hey Lancerevo911 everything ok with you ? I am not really sure why you did this...
Because of my post concerning code_kev's avatar ?
:lol: Calm down dude... it wasn't even that serious, I just think it looks a little strange and wanted to know about his motivation for that, just a kind of small talk...
Your PM's are one thing, but I would try to find less agressive words in future posts, some people might get offended....and you probably banned....
why do u think i am doing this. u you are still a ****ing anal probing nazi scumbag so get :dunce: ****ed
Oh I want to be banned? Ok, no problem then, go on... call me dirty words bro .... :sly: 👍 :lol:
ok, u r a stupid **** licking wank sucking nazi wank

Hey but seriously, why do you want to be banned? I mean if you don't likethe GTP forums, stay away.... I don't get it....honestly...Could you explain... you know with words, real sentences and grammer and so on :)
ok, u r a stupid **** licking wank sucking nazi wank

Mmmmmmm *drools*

(sorry to anyone on-topic currently. My presence in this thread can be explained away nicely. However, for the time being, every picture of Forza I have seen on this page has made me laugh out loud - especially the Bentley and the Supras. Are the cars supposed to be ON the track or hovering an inch above it?)
He's a reported moron, anyway, Famine your right about the shadows they are off, but they seem okay in all the ingame and replay vids I've seen, odd really because in some of the pics they look waaaay off. Other than that the game looks good.
Mmmmmmm *drools*

(sorry to anyone on-topic currently. My presence in this thread can be explained away nicely. However, for the time being, every picture of Forza I have seen on this page has made me laugh out loud - especially the Bentley and the Supras. Are the cars supposed to be ON the track or hovering an inch above it?)

patience. wait to play it. see what it looks like, then slag all you want. 👍

The only assumption I can draw from your wording is that you've played it and it's shocking in real life too. Is that what you REALLY meant to say?
I really don't think he meant it like that. Anyway I'm not overly concerned with the shadows, it's the handling and online play I'm after most.