amar212Just for the record - I have much hype about the Forza, and I guess I'll spend lots of time playing it. Very good job has been done there, and I guess the final product will be good as good can be, in terms of the first game in the series. Now, the Master of Puppets.
That's the point exactly! Everybody puts a different emphasis on certain aspects of the games, so some say Forza is better, where others say GT4 is better.code_kevCars look fine to me. I'd gladly sacrifice looks for damage, decent AI etc.
Well, at least someone at IGN has posted a review of the Speedster 3 Forceshock, and its implementation with 4za.code_kevBTW IGN has not reviewed Forza.
code_kevCars look fine to me. I'd gladly sacrifice looks for damage, decent AI etc.
"The other aspect is graphics. Forza is indeed a very pretty game that's finally been optimized, polished, and honed to a shiny gleam. While still not as remarkable as Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo 4, the cars, backgrounds, and courses are all realistic, refined, and beautiful. "
That's quoted from the article YOU linked. They said it looked great, but not quite as great as GT4. We all knew this about a year ago. From the latest vids I've seen, I'd say Forza looks great, but the cars don't look as realistic as GT4s, so nothing new, though the tracks look a bazzillion times nicer.
BTW IGN has not reviewed Forza.
Max_DCIf I look at the first review of a german game magazine, the Ai is not so good, the (unrealistic) damage system do not justify 25 fps, the tracks are too colorful ( although I agree, colofful lokks nice indeed);
Seems to be a great game, but not as good as GT4 ( this magazines review was 82/100 ; GT4 94/100)
I'll buy the game, maybe not immediately, but I will
code_kevMax Dc, most places have given Forza pretty positive reviews tbh, heck the source you quotes doesn't even get the FPS right.
LaBountiI swear with my own eyes the forza comercail was running 60fps. I know Tv is 30 but you CAN tell the difference from 60 and 30.
Max_DCI'm a subscriber to many some game magazines, and I have a review of Forza in it. The magazine exists for over 12 years or so, it is the oldest german multiconsole magazine;
SCORE : overall : 82 / 100
grafics : 77 / 100
sound : 67 / 100
+ good and quite realistic gameplay
+ Xbox Live
+ Tuning and damage
- gameplay not as realistic as GT4/ Enthusiam, cars drift too easily and when they drift, you can get them too easy back again
- grafics ( too colorful, some pop ups, only 25 fps,...)
- not enough tracks
- drivatar ( you can't influence it in the race and he makes too many faults)
conclusion : Realsitic racing game with great ideas, but these ideas don't work perfect yet....
Btw. enthusia got 83/100 and Gran Turismo 4 : 94 / 100
live4speedYou can pick and mix reviews to your hearts ontent choosing the ones that agree with your own opinions, but the bottom line is, it must be close, so it must be good.