GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I really hope they fixed the incorrect proportion on the Nurburgring track on the final build. It is one of my favorite tracks.

Some of those updated screenshots of the Bentley Speed 8 look a lot better proportioned, but still some of the rumble strips are still very exagerated.



The below screenshot looks ok (proportion-wise):

Just for the record - I have much hype about the Forza, and I guess I'll spend lots of time playing it. Very good job has been done there, and I guess the final product will be good as good can be, in terms of the first game in the series. Now, the Master of Puppets :).


whoa that looks freaking huge. HAHA. maybe they have a RC car cheat enabled? :dopey:

No, but seriously, stop quacking about older builds.
I'm not sure if GT4s Nürburgring is as precise as 15mm like they claim, but it seems their exact measurements and loads of photos taken from different angles have helped them make it look as real as possible. 👍
Well really it isn't hard to make an accurate 3D model. I've made a 3d model of my uni campus just by using a GPS receiver and a Geo Info Systems program. It really isn't that hard. I'm sure people that are better with computers than i am would be able to make an even more accurate model on which to build a track for a game.
The problem with Forza's Nurburgring isn't track accuracy. The problem is the cars seem too small relative to the track. The proportion seems way off. I REALLY hope they fixed this in the final version :nervous:
doesnt bother me much. i havent seen the track in real life. plus it would be a ***** to race on it on xbl with other people if the roads are that narrow. oh well
It'd be great to race on XBL if it was accurate, the passes would have to be well thought. Anyway, I thought we'd already been shown more up to date pics of the ring where it looks a lot better compared to the old ones.
Cars look fine to me. I'd gladly sacrifice looks for damage, decent AI etc.

"The other aspect is graphics. Forza is indeed a very pretty game that's finally been optimized, polished, and honed to a shiny gleam. While still not as remarkable as Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo 4, the cars, backgrounds, and courses are all realistic, refined, and beautiful. "

That's quoted from the article YOU linked. They said it looked great, but not quite as great as GT4. We all knew this about a year ago. From the latest vids I've seen, I'd say Forza looks great, but the cars don't look as realistic as GT4s, so nothing new, though the tracks look a bazzillion times nicer.

BTW IGN has not reviewed Forza.
Cars look fine to me. I'd gladly sacrifice looks for damage, decent AI etc.
That's the point exactly! Everybody puts a different emphasis on certain aspects of the games, so some say Forza is better, where others say GT4 is better.

I've had this discussion at the GTRP with a member saying that Forza will be the much better game. When I asked why, he said that it will have a good online mode, and that GT4 doesn't even have one at all (except of Xlink), which counts the game out for him. I don't play online at all, and I rather care about realistic looks, so GT4 is the better game for me at the moment (I intentionally said "at the moment", cause I can't finally judge Forza until I've played it by myself).

the Interceptor
Cars look fine to me. I'd gladly sacrifice looks for damage, decent AI etc.

"The other aspect is graphics. Forza is indeed a very pretty game that's finally been optimized, polished, and honed to a shiny gleam. While still not as remarkable as Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo 4, the cars, backgrounds, and courses are all realistic, refined, and beautiful. "

That's quoted from the article YOU linked. They said it looked great, but not quite as great as GT4. We all knew this about a year ago. From the latest vids I've seen, I'd say Forza looks great, but the cars don't look as realistic as GT4s, so nothing new, though the tracks look a bazzillion times nicer.

BTW IGN has not reviewed Forza.

If I look at the first review of a german game magazine, the Ai is not so good, the (unrealistic) damage system do not justify 25 fps, the tracks are too colorful ( although I agree, colofful lokks nice indeed);
Seems to be a great game, but not as good as GT4 ( this magazines review was 82/100 ; GT4 94/100)

I'll buy the game, maybe not immediately, but I will
If I look at the first review of a german game magazine, the Ai is not so good, the (unrealistic) damage system do not justify 25 fps, the tracks are too colorful ( although I agree, colofful lokks nice indeed);
Seems to be a great game, but not as good as GT4 ( this magazines review was 82/100 ; GT4 94/100)

I'll buy the game, maybe not immediately, but I will

I expect the best possible graphics for my money near the end of a systems life span. Game budgets are too high to settle for mediocore. But the Forza comercial shows the game running at 60fps so where does this 25 come from ???
I'd like to read this German game magazine...Since every translated magazine i've read gave it amazing scores... As for the FPS..Some people say it's locked ar 30...some people say it fluxuates from 30-40.....I've seen gameplay that supported the later idea...but that's still just VIDEO..
Max Dc, most places have given Forza pretty positive reviews tbh, heck the source you quotes doesn't even get the FPS right.

I swear with my own eyes the forza comercail was running 60fps. I know Tv is 30 but you CAN tell the difference from 60 and 30.
Famitsu gave it 8,7,7,9 not bad but not brilliant; the german game magzine writes 25 fps , maybe that is a PAL thing; but 25 or 30 , I mean that is no 50 or 60, you know waht I mean; I copy a more detailed decription of the review, I've posted somewhere else on GTP :

I'm a subscriber to many some game magazines, and I have a review of Forza in it. The magazine exists for over 12 years or so, it is the oldest german multiconsole magazine;

SCORE : overall : 82 / 100
grafics : 77 / 100
sound : 67 / 100

+ good and quite realistic gameplay
+ Xbox Live
+ Tuning and damage

- gameplay not as realistic as GT4/ Enthusiam, cars drift too easily and when they drift, you can get them too easy back again
- grafics ( too colorful, some pop ups, only 25 fps,...)
- not enough tracks
- drivatar ( you can't influence it in the race and he makes too many faults)

conclusion : Realsitic racing game with great ideas, but these ideas don't work perfect yet....

Btw. enthusia got 83/100 and Gran Turismo 4 : 94 / 100
You can pick and mix reviews to your hearts ontent choosing the ones that agree with your own opinions, but the bottom line is, it must be close, so it must be good.
You can pick and mix reviews to your hearts ontent choosing the ones that agree with your own opinions, but the bottom line is, it must be close, so it must be good.

Very ture, people usually dig up reviews they want to hear. I'll wait untill some GTP guys have the game befor I buy it.

Edit: After reading both of those reviews neirther one mentions the physics using a wheel :confused: . That should be the #1 thing if they are saying forza is so much better, the actual driving. I cant go back to the DS2 after using the wheel.
I personally don't respect any driving game review that was not done using a wheel and especially when the game in focus is aimed at a simulation crowd.

Not saying Forza isn't great, just waiting to hear from a real driving enthusiast before I make any decision about Forza.