GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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No GT4 reviews focused on the wheel either, a lot had a section that metioned the wheel but none said the review was done with or without the wheel.

newbielives, I think it's wrong to say a review is bad if it says it's done with a pad (hey that rhymes), the vast majority of peoploe play with a pad and not a wheel, so more people benefit from knowing what it's like with the pad. Basides that theres already some articles on how well the wheel works with Forza, if thats what your main concern is, read thoes. However you did state that was only your personal opinion, so I can't argue with that your not saying other people should feel the same way, so I respect that even though my opinion differes. You see I'm not going to buy the wheel for Forza, I spent enough on the DFP already.
Well I played Forza (leaked PAL copy)

And so far.....its ok. Driving the cars doesnt feel as natural as GT. Graphics are higher poly count and sport larger texture maps.....but are bland and washed out.

While its true I dont have a wheel, I didnt have a wheel for GT4 either when I first got it.....and I was still able to tell that the cars mass felt accurate. Only thing the wheel helped me do was drive better and picka line. So I dont think a wheel is goin to help with Forza. It will make it more fun, but wont help at all with the arcade style physics.

From what I played so far it feels like PGR with crazy wheel spin. You can "feel" the programming, not the car.

These are only my first impressions thus far....but I was hoping for a bit more.

If anyone has any questions about the game, ask away. I will fire it up and try and find out anything you may want to know......But as it stands now RENT BEFORE YOU BUY.
No GT4 reviews focused on the wheel either, a lot had a section that metioned the wheel but none said the review was done with or without the wheel.

newbielives, I think it's wrong to say a review is bad if it says it's done with a pad (hey that rhymes), the vast majority of peoploe play with a pad and not a wheel, so more people benefit from knowing what it's like with the pad. Basides that theres already some articles on how well the wheel works with Forza, if thats what your main concern is, read thoes. However you did state that was only your personal opinion, so I can't argue with that your not saying other people should feel the same way, so I respect that even though my opinion differes. You see I'm not going to buy the wheel for Forza, I spent enough on the DFP already.

True enough.I was just saying it wasnt mentioned for the most part I also stated how I'll wait untill some fans hear have played the full game. My influence is from gamers so i agree with you about reviews.
Well I played Forza (leaked PAL copy)

If anyone has any questions about the game, ask away. I will fire it up and try and find out anything you may want to know......But as it stands now RENT BEFORE YOU BUY.

Whats the frame rate like? 25ish or 30iish if you can tell, i sure can.
I have also played the "leaked" version, and must say I'm delighted so far with what I've played. (just under 10% of career mode).
First of all it looks good, but not as good as GT4, and the cars do not feel so "real" as GT4.
However, the games a.i and the anticipation of online play will give it the edge over GT4. The a.i isn't perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than GT4, e.g if you crash and get stranded on the track for a few seconds, cars being will actually go around you, how cool is that, unlike GT4 where they plough straight into you, also, the cars mess up and take each other out occasionally, and how many times have you ramed a car on GT4 at %100+ MPH only for the car to carry on like nothings happened, not on Forza, you hit a car, you take it out, and probably along with yourself! Hit a tyre wall and you will BOUNCE in a random direction, hit walls and leave the colour of your car on it, nice touch.
Engine swaps, how nice is that, real life engine swaps, I just put a Skyline engine into my Nissan Silvia!! The game is a real potential GT4 beater, with the inclusion of a great supported Xbox live mode which you can play the entire career through, this game is about to explode!

Oh and for the records I shall be purchasing the game when it come out on 13th May over here in the Uk
yeah, the level of customization of the cars sounds awsome. I cant imagine paying extra to play a racing game online because i'm not too wealthy. I dont even have cable tv. I just have a cable modem.

I hope gt5 is just as customizable with at least engine swaps. :P And I'd imagine that when the game does come out there will be best motoring type events. :)

I probably wont be getting it though....

IS there any way to get the DFP to work with forza
If the reviewer is not using a wheel then he is probably not a driving game enthusiast so his opinion is basically useless. If the guy was Micheal Shumacher but was using a pad then i would still respct the review because atleast he knows what he is talking about. These NFU, Midnight Club fake ass Rally Sport fan boy reviewers just dont get my respect when they review simulation games. I can almost gaurantee these reviewers played the game with all driving aids on.

No GT4 reviews focused on the wheel either, a lot had a section that metioned the wheel but none said the review was done with or without the wheel.

newbielives, I think it's wrong to say a review is bad if it says it's done with a pad (hey that rhymes), the vast majority of peoploe play with a pad and not a wheel, so more people benefit from knowing what it's like with the pad. Basides that theres already some articles on how well the wheel works with Forza, if thats what your main concern is, read thoes. However you did state that was only your personal opinion, so I can't argue with that your not saying other people should feel the same way, so I respect that even though my opinion differes. You see I'm not going to buy the wheel for Forza, I spent enough on the DFP already.
You missed my point, not many people use wheels so reviews are generally done with a pad and on some occasions may have a little extra secion to let you know what it's like with the wheel. Usually the reviewer uses a pad so that his discription of how the game feels matches with what most people will experience. The bottom line is, you have no idea who the guy reviewing the game is personally so you don't know if he's a sim fan or an arcade fan or a fan of both. Whether the reviewer used a wheel or not does not decide how big a fan he is of that type of racing game.
Sorry but you can tell alot about what kind of reviewer someone is by how they write there reviews. Have you ever read a game review in the computer paper? its bascially done by some none game entusiast and its quite obvious. Just as obvous as some racing game reviewer who says the game "has really good control" Now what the hell does that mean? its too arcady, it feels like a real car? These types of reviews are in my view very pointless.

You missed my point, not many people use wheels so reviews are generally done with a pad and on some occasions may have a little extra secion to let you know what it's like with the wheel. Usually the reviewer uses a pad so that his discription of how the game feels matches with what most people will experience. The bottom line is, you have no idea who the guy reviewing the game is personally so you don't know if he's a sim fan or an arcade fan or a fan of both. Whether the reviewer used a wheel or not does not decide how big a fan he is of that type of racing game.
The physics are nowhere near as realistic as the developers have you believe, I can drift a stock Civic with no tuning and tweaks, a front wheel drifting like its does in Forza, something is really messed up in these physics.
I can drift stock front wheel drive cars in GT4, some more than others, but I can do it.

"Sorry but you can tell alot about what kind of reviewer someone is by how they write there reviews." You can tell to an extent about the person, his final opinion won't tell you much because I've seen proper sim enthusiasts turn their noses up a GT4 but yes the way the review is written can give you an idea. However that has nothing to do with the reviewer using a wheel or pad.
Engine swaps, how nice is that, real life engine swaps, I just put a Skyline engine into my Nissan Silvia!!

This is one thing I'm concerned about. How realistic is the engine swaps, really? Does anyone know if a Skyline engine would really fit in a Silvia? As well, I would imagine that it would mess up the weight balance and possibly would be too powerful for the transmission. Somehow, I don't think the developers went to this much detail. I would be interested in hearing if there were any such limitations however. You shouldn't be able to put a Ferrari engine into a Civic.

after spending more time with Forza and getting past the fact that its not a "GT killer" I found the game to be lots of fun. The game has tons of aspects that are really polished (tuning the car, etc) All are done quite nicely. One thing that may turn off a lot of people is that the car phyics dont change all that much from car to car. For example when driving a Z it felt a lot like when I was driving the EVO. To its credit there are differences...but not as much as you would think considering the 2 cars handle completey different IRL (feels like canned physics). But once I got past that and really looked for the suttle differences it was enjoyable. I think in general people will enjoy this game more if you look at it as a PGR2 killer, not a GT4 killer. I can say without a doubt that if you enjoyed PGR (which I really liked) then you will love this game.

As it stands now I will probably be buying this game when it comes out (not all about using the leaked copy) But GTR will be the only game that takes me away from GT4 for any length of time..
The physics are nowhere near as realistic as the developers have you believe, I can drift a stock Civic with no tuning and tweaks, a front wheel drifting like its does in Forza, something is really messed up in these physics.
I can drift a stock Civic Type-R in GT4. :)

I've been playing the Forza demo for about an hour now and I'm liking it more and more. I'll denfinetly get it when it comes out. I agree it's not a GT4 killer but its better in some areas. Hopefully the game will be better than the demo. 👍
This is one thing I'm concerned about. How realistic is the engine swaps, really? Does anyone know if a Skyline engine would really fit in a Silvia? As well, I would imagine that it would mess up the weight balance and possibly would be too powerful for the transmission. Somehow, I don't think the developers went to this much detail. I would be interested in hearing if there were any such limitations however. You shouldn't be able to put a Ferrari engine into a Civic.

A RB25 can be fitted in a Silvia, I've seen it numerous times, I don't know about a RB26 DET though...
This is one thing I'm concerned about. How realistic is the engine swaps, really? Does anyone know if a Skyline engine would really fit in a Silvia? As well, I would imagine that it would mess up the weight balance and possibly would be too powerful for the transmission. Somehow, I don't think the developers went to this much detail. I would be interested in hearing if there were any such limitations however. You shouldn't be able to put a Ferrari engine into a Civic.
All the engine swaps done in the game are possible irl, yes Skyline engines can be fitted into Silvia's, no it doesn' screw them up.
I've been reading through these posts and thought I'll throw my 2 cents into the mix. I own a PS2, have played GT4, and will be getting rid of my PS2 in favour of an XBOX and Forza when it comes out this Tuesday. There are WAY too many shortcomings to Gran Turismo 4. First off, people saying who cares about flipping cars, damage, smoking the tires and leaving some nice black marks, Are you serious? For a game like GT4 to claim to be the "The real driving simulator" it sure leaves alot out. I can hit walls, other cars and everything else in GT4 with no consequences, I want to feel like that car is mine, if I'm racing in the Mustang on the streets, im not gonna bump into the other guy to get around him... Some of your posts on here are unreal, half you guys who said who cares about this or that probably put those very same things in the "GT4 wish list". I've made my choice, I want gorgeous, FULLY visual and rendered interiors and cars, damage, skid marks, personalizing your car and no cheesy photo mode. To me thats "real driving".
This is one thing I'm concerned about. How realistic is the engine swaps, really? Does anyone know if a Skyline engine would really fit in a Silvia? As well, I would imagine that it would mess up the weight balance and possibly would be too powerful for the transmission. Somehow, I don't think the developers went to this much detail. I would be interested in hearing if there were any such limitations however. You shouldn't be able to put a Ferrari engine into a Civic.
This has been done numerous times, RB20DET, RB25DET, RB26DETT, and even the Q45 engine, sorry, i dont remember the code name for it. Are there engines from cars, that are not in this game?
Just found this pic showing Forza´s customization system. Sorry if it has been posted already:


I should be getting Forza as soon as it's out, and thenhooking up to x-box live. I need to get an X-Box first though.
I've been reading through these posts and thought I'll throw my 2 cents into the mix. I own a PS2, have played GT4, and will be getting rid of my PS2 in favour of an XBOX and Forza when it comes out this Tuesday. There are WAY too many shortcomings to Gran Turismo 4. First off, people saying who cares about flipping cars, damage, smoking the tires and leaving some nice black marks, Are you serious? For a game like GT4 to claim to be the "The real driving simulator" it sure leaves alot out. I can hit walls, other cars and everything else in GT4 with no consequences, I want to feel like that car is mine, if I'm racing in the Mustang on the streets, im not gonna bump into the other guy to get around him... Some of your posts on here are unreal, half you guys who said who cares about this or that probably put those very same things in the "GT4 wish list". I've made my choice, I want gorgeous, FULLY visual and rendered interiors and cars, damage, skid marks, personalizing your car and no cheesy photo mode. To me thats "real driving".

You're gonna love Forza... check out my review...

My Forza

With regards to the engine swaps, you can't do Ferrari to Honda etc, it can only be the same make, i.e Nissan to Nissan, Subaru to Subaru, and then not all cars can have engine swaps, basically how it works after going into engine tune there is an option on the right to allow engine swaps, in most cases there is a big red cross on which means you can't do anything with that paticular car, however if an Engine swap is available it will give you a choice of a few engines which will go into that car, and as far as I can tell they are engine swaps that can be done in real life, so it looks as if they have infact done some research. 👍
I liked photo mode, though Gt4s was abit limited.

photomode is defintely one of the best things to come out of gt4. I mean, b spec is okay but it doesn't make the game any more fun or engaging, it's just like a consolation prize for the game being so damned boring.
Everybody thought that photomode would be useless.

Hell! There is more people involved in the Photography section than the Weekly race series!

That prooves wrong to a lot of people.