Well you never really presented any real flaws with the game...But then again it was an opinionated review. Use the Fanatec wheel and you'll see that the wheel turning isn't digital. The same is said for GT4 with the DS...you go from 0-100 in a fraction of an inch...How do you expect it to be displayed at 30-60fps? It's faster than anything can keep up with..So it looks digital...
As for Dolby's car sounds all mixing together, what do you think happens in your car? You think a cockpit is a sensory depravation chamber? When there are 4 cars next to you all at 5000-6000 rpm's..You're going to hear every single one of them, not just your own engine.
As far as originality goes....It's a simulator...It's not supposed to be "original" It's supposed to follow the Genre of Simulators...Just be BETTER.
You can modify your cars exterior aswell as performance, not really apparent in many other "simulators" especially consol sims.....
Crashing sound, call me crazy but everytime I make contact with a wall/tires/other cars I hear contact....Maybe that's my mind just projecting the thought of Sound.....crazy man here I guess..
As far as GT4's "great texture work"...I think the picture threads will shoot down that whole idea, with the 2d emblems/pictures.....horrible car A-frames...and LOADS of jaggies...but...That's also YOUR opinion.
As for physics...I don't know what game you're playing, but if you ebrake you're car will fishtail...
If you slam on the brakes with/without ABS..your car will fishtail....
If you have a manual NSX and turn off all assists... You will have wheelspin.
As for not talking wider about the grip?...what do you mean? There's nothing wrong with the grip of the car, If you go into a 40 MPH corner doing 70...You're going to lose grip.......If your tail end gets ahead of your front end.....You're not going to all of a sudden get traction and control your car, you've got to wait for your car to STOP, you can't just correct.....But you must have not known that.
as for this?
Graphics in Forza are 30fps, with blurry backgrounds, plastic looking cars, cartoonish tracks (both real and fictional. but especialy fictional) and totaly misjudged and missinterpreted proportions of cars, tracks and surroundings (as together, as in total). Widescreen is out of proportions, 60 HZ is a joke. Pure facts.
Blurry backgrounds...It's called sensation of speed.
Plastic looking cars? As compared to Chrome cars?
Cartoonish tracks...Like Plant life, and buildings with texture...Damn cartoons.
Misjudged and missinterpreted propotions of cars?
someone PLEASE give me an example of that..PLEASE..Because maybe I got a crappy copy where my Civic isn't as long as a Viper...Damn EB ripped me off...
Surroundings are out of proportion? You mean....A car isn't as high as the tire walls? Since when?