GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I personally think Forza's is alot better. GT4 gives me the impression that you're just a stationary image reacting to a track rotating around you. Not just that, it seems like alot of the cars don't really match up to their real life counterparts. Maybe it's GT4's tire limit, but it still just doesn't feel as real as it should be, but then again it's a game.

On Forza on Leguna, I can take certain turns at a speed that just seems more aplicable to a Lotus elise than I can in GT4. GT4's Lotus just wants to get squirly on economy tires. Now unless GT4 thinks Economy tires are just like....half bald 12 dollar plastic tires it doesn't make sense. I mean even if you put 50 dollar tires on a lotus its not going to handle THAT bad...I know because theres some 50 dollar tires out there that arn't THAT bad...
i think forza is like pgr2 without grip. still a great game, bit on the forgiving side, still cool. it seems to be made more user friendly. understeer is also lacking, with too much oversteer.
Gah I just took it online and I about killed myself, there are so many idiots who just run into you it's not even funny. I can't wait till the non 10 year olds get the game, then at least it will be better.
Gah I just took it online and I about killed myself, there are so many idiots who just run into you it's not even funny. I can't wait till the non 10 year olds get the game, then at least it will be better.

And drive like me? :)
Gah I just took it online and I about killed myself, there are so many idiots who just run into you it's not even funny. I can't wait till the non 10 year olds get the game, then at least it will be better.

The downfall of Xbox live, I had the same problems when i was playing PGR2 online. But once you get in front of them they cant touch you. MY second biggest complain was all the southern whiteys using racist words(mostly in rainbowSix3 but it carried over to PGR2.

drifster you dont seem to like GT4 at all. your only defence to amars post is negative GT4 come backs, how about just focusing on Forza like amar is. He doesnt even mention GT4, its a focused review not a comparo like you are e doing.
The downfall of Xbox live, I had the same problems when i was playing PGR2 online. But once you get in front of them they cant touch you. MY second biggest complain was all the southern whiteys using racist words(mostly in rainbowSix3 but it carried over to PGR2.

drifster you dont seem to like GT4 at all. your only defence to amars post is negative GT4 come backs, how about just focusing on Forza like amar is. He doesnt even mention GT4, its a focused review not a comparo like you are e doing.

Actually no...I was using GT4 as an example of the other end of the spectrum in terms of visuals....It's a toss off...You either get all burred or no blurred..You see what I'm saying now? Because in real life if you're going real fast and your eyes focus at one point...That one point becomes clear, but the surroundings become blurry. The X box can't tell where your eyes are focused... So it blurs everything outside of dead infront of you...however the Ps2 doesn't blur, so it doesn't have to worry about....Amar saying "the backgrounds blurry"
Actually no...I was using GT4 as an example of the other end of the spectrum in terms of visuals....It's a toss off...You either get all burred or no blurred..You see what I'm saying now? Because in real life if you're going real fast and your eyes focus at one point...That one point becomes clear, but the surroundings become blurry. The X box can't tell where your eyes are focused... So it blurs everything outside of dead infront of you...however the Ps2 doesn't blur, so it doesn't have to worry about....Amar saying "the backgrounds blurry"

I see. NFSU2 has this same effect. EVERTHING gets blurred except for the car in front of you, it was very trippy.
Actually no...I was using GT4 as an example of the other end of the spectrum in terms of visuals....It's a toss off...You either get all burred or no blurred..You see what I'm saying now? Because in real life if you're going real fast and your eyes focus at one point...That one point becomes clear, but the surroundings become blurry. The X box can't tell where your eyes are focused... So it blurs everything outside of dead infront of you...however the Ps2 doesn't blur, so it doesn't have to worry about....Amar saying "the backgrounds blurry"

all you have to do to see crystal clear backgrounds is slow down and use your eyes.

the game is freaking gorgeous. maybe amar doesn't have a good tv or something.

I just bought it, and I'm thoroughly engaged. very fun, very pretty, the sound STOMPS on GT4's audio, etc. etc.

the races are extremely easy to win even on hard. but I'm at the start of the game so I'll give it time.

okay here's MY comparo from about 3 hours of playtime:

the physics seem toned down from the demo, but the tire physics are still miles ahead of GT4, and that's what really counts for me. GT4 has smoother and more realistic weight shifting, but GT4's driving experienced is too smooth and cleaned up to be engaging in all but the monster RWD cars. Forza is way more robust, and accounts for many more things that happen on track, like the colision physics and tire marks and such. GT4's sissy understeer-brake-rotate is too even and predictable to afford much fun. and since these are console sims that are supposed to straddle the line between realism and playability (that's what everyone defends GT4 with whenever someone fairly states that it's not very realistic compared to PC sims), forza is balanced nicely.

Forza, by a hair.

driving experience...I honestly have more fun in forza, because wheelspin is a factor, feedback is way better with the controller (though the DFP kicks a gamepad's ass anyday).

Forza with a controller S wins hands-down compared to GT4 with a DS2

GT4 offers a better driving experience with a DFP, so it wins this contest.

racing... haha. 1) aggressive a.i. 2) online play 3) bigger grids 4) damage 5) SOUND!

Forza is a better racing game. next question.

Graphics... forza looks great, but not real. Gt4 has more class, more direction, better lighting above all. But play them both on a nice big display (forza in 480p, GT4 in 1080i) and you can't lie to yourself about which is easier on the eyes. especially with the backgrounds. some cars look just wrong though.

for those that can live with jaggies, shimmering, bad textures, simplified geometry, and the dearth of various cool special effects like smoky burnouts, laying down rubber, working headlights, 3d wheels, full drivers for all cars, damage, etc., go with GT4.

for those that can live with a halved framerate (though entirely stable), fake-looking but pretty cars, decent but not great replays, and wierd reflections and lighting, go with Forza.

I personally prefer GT4, because it fools the eye, which is harder to achieve.

Sound...hahahahahahahahahahahaha. 5.1 digital with fantastic engine sounds. some are over the top and could have been toned down, but I'd take over-the-top above bland, synthetic and repetitive anyday. tire sounds are more useful to gameplay but have a wierd clipping effect sometimes.

though both games have awful soundtracks, forza's is 10 times awfuller. but I have a bunch of kick ass tunes set up with the amazing soundtrack editor (you gotta see how flexible this thing is! you can set them in the menus, races, loading name it!), so again, it has whatever music you choose, and adjustable volume for different sounds in the game instead of a generic "SFX" bar.

Forza. no contest.

lasting appeal...gt4 got old a month after I bought it. collectathon b-spec fest. tuning is a long process but very useful. lots of useless cars and boring tracks. time attack is where it's at. lots of replay value because of the infinite tuning and car possibilites and lots of tracks to master. is boring as hell, therefore the game loses it's luster very quickly.

I just started forza. so I can't really compare the two accurately. Like I mentioned above, the races are on the easy side so I'm a little worried about that, as well as the low number of tracks. xbox live is the trump card here, along with the customizable A.I.

not fair to decide yet.

I prefer Forza for some things, GT4 for others. They're both very good at different things, so I'm glad I have both.

excellent first effort from the forza team. 👍
Good review Kinigitt. I just got Forza today and it;s alot of fun. I think these features are what makes it fun.

1. Online play
2. Custimizing your car. Paint/ Tuning/ Decals/ Aero Kits etc...
3. Combining points 1 and 2 online and being able to race and sell your cars online.
4. Damage. Rewards you more credits for racing a clean race. Its this extra feature that will have you thinking twice about driving overly aggressive and playing bumper cars.
5. Computer AI cars in this game is pretty good. It doesn't follow a set line. If you break early it will slow down to avoid hitting you or try to move around you.

I own both GT4 and Forza now. This doesn't mean I will stop playing GT4, but I can't denie that Forza is fun and its game play interface is alot smoother and user friendly. If you try to enter a race and don't meet the requirements, it will tell you that you have the option right now to select the car you want to use from your garage. This is something I really wish GT4 would have implemented. Its so annoying in GT4 to have to go to your garage and jump into the right car, and then come back to the race and enter it.
Even though I'm a Gran Turismo fan, I know that I've bashed on Forza pretty bad. I've done some reading and seen a video or two. So while I have yet to play and study the full game myself, I'll try to share my mind on Forza.

One night, I was chatting online with my buddy McLaren'sAngel. I was talking to her about 2005 being the year of the racing game. Sure enough, Gran Turismo 4 is rocking the worlds of many avid gamers, even to this date. Enthusia Professional Racing offers up Konami's return to racing game titles after a longish hiatus. Forza Motorsport is perhaps Gran Turismo 4's biggest rival. Personally, I've said that Gran Turismo 4 was the best racing game on the PS2, while Forza Motorsport will likely be the best racing game on the XBOX. While I consider Gran Turismo 4 my favorite, Forza Motorsport has so much and then some. It has everything from bodykits to bigtime tuner stuff, and... oh yeah. The Euro exotics "missing" from GT4. There's a nice deal of tracks and all types of races. In the past, I've said that if I had an XBOX and was torn between Forza Motorsport and Project Gotham Racing 2, I'd probably get Project Gotham. But now that I think about it, I don't think Forza is all that bad.

To me personally, GT4 and Forza are equally matched. GT4 has some missing elements, and Forza capitalizes. Forza has its missing elements, and GT4 makes Forza pay. So my updated "who's better?" answer? I think I said this before: GT4 and Forza will likely come down to a draw.

People, 2005 is the year of the racing game and for good reason. Gran Turismo 4- in stores. EPR- in stores. Forza- in stores and on XBOX Live. I think the two games are equally matched. I think the better game will come down to your tastes in what a racing game should be about, the cars you're into, how deep can you modify a car to your personal liking... if you have a PS2 and an XBOX, I hate to say this, but... get both.
Its a better racing game but im still testing different car settings and other stuff to determine if its a better sim game. Right now the game is super fun but as far as the physics go, I dont think they handle like a real car. Im testing different suspension setting to determine if it gets realistic. Right now, any car in stock form is way to easy to control a drift. Its fun todo but not realistic. All the cars oversteer, even FF cars which are know for their heavy understeer. Im trying to detemine if its the stock tires that they give you or what, it just donst feel right at the moment.. But as a RACING game, its a hell of alot funner than GT4. The races are intense, I accidently nudged a car going into a turn and when that car regained its composure, it got right on my ass and nudged me, not even thinking of trying to take the best racing line, it was out for revenge. Thats cool.
This game is ****ing great. EVERY GT fan needs to play it. We all are on the same side... racing games!
Add me you to friends list guys, I would love to play with some of you. :)
OK, this is my final post about this matter - have once more read all that I've write and I still stand for it 100%.

When driving on Blue Mountain, just look at the rock walls next to the track. Look at all the objects in second or third "row" on every hecking track, even not in far distance. Look the Tokyo. Rio. Maple. Road America. All have blurry backgorunds. Only thing that is sharp in backgrounds are trees and tree leafs. But making trees in full 3D, with thousands of leafs had to take off lots of RAM capacity. That is just bull idea - in both programming and game design, together with 3D rims in-game. It adds nothing to an gameplay, but it certanly sacrfice lots of RAM.

And to finish this particular subjects - more and more I play it, I'm more convinced that the idea about Forza was to bring to life every aspect that other racing games does not have - such as full 3D trees, objects, rims, such as engine swaps, tyre pressure adjustment, real-time skid marks, paint changes, decals, 8 cars on track, even damage - all of those aspects are very welcomed, I admire almost all of them, but when taken out of the drawing-board and implemented inside the game, some of them result with sacrifising much more important issues in feel of racing, such as framerate, resolution and overall looks and feels of the game.

And what's the big deal about tyre marks? They make racing feel better? Hell no, 60 fps makes racing feel better, no freaking tyre marks or collisions. They've sacrifice probably the most important feature in racing feeling in order to achive that the tyres will leave the trails on the grass and dirt. One just can't be serious with that one.

I can also add some thougts about track design on fictional tracks. Whoever was working on track design has lot of things to learn. It takes more then pretty colours and intresting objects on side to make a racing track. Layouts are just unconvincig. Blue Mountain is probably the track I was laughing on most - it is clearly made to resemble Bathurst, but it is done completely wrong. No such track could ever exist in real world or being justified as racing track or approved as one. The turns are unrealistic, it offers no compexity and no finesse nad no rytham while driving. Zig-zagging with no sense.

As for "blurry" - do not say it is "sense of speed" because it is clear that I'm speaking about static imagery. Do not try to imply me being iditoic. Since I use 32" widescreen Advanced 100Hz flat screen connected with Xbox trough Xbox RGB SCART cable to an RGB SCART input you can't really talk about something being wrong with my set.

And when you're mentioning sense of speed - drive 300+ on main Nurb straight and think about the feel. Do you have a feeling that you're going 300? And I really do not understand words about surroundings blurring while driving, since there are not any.

And I still say that sound-production of the game sucks big time, since I use 5.1 surround, with 5x100W big-box amplifier, professional 200W speakers front, pro 100 W center and pro 75W side, professional cables, all being very preciselly set inside the room that I use only for playing - with no sound distortion, no objects on the way. And it is just not good. Period. It is messy and cacofonic, no matter of game audio-setup.

And please - for a full picture of issues take a look at my earlier posts, since I do not want to copy / paste what has been said previously.

And to try to explain again my MAIN point once again - Forza is nice game, it is a very decent racer but it still fails in its BIGGEST goal - to be the best racer on Xbox. I just can't understand how come MS could allow that somebody spend so much time and money and then offer such an unfinished product?

It fails on its foundations - game design. It has great single features, but when applied together, result is very average.

I can't know how much did the production of Forza cost and I can't know about amounts of money crammed into it's development. But I can be very sure that it has cost more then any RalliSport or even TOCA game. And it is hardly being better then them. And it just shamefull fact.

From it's very beggining MS was very keen to state that FM will be the most realistic sim ever, the best graphic, the best sounds, astonishing gameplay - and all of that is just not in the final game. I'm just dissapointed as an end user, because I was expecting better job done.

And I totaly agree with JohnMB - everybody who loves racing should get an Forza and play it snce it is one of the peaks in racing genre that exists on consoles right now. I'm also playing it and I'm pretty much inside the game right now. But, I can't help myself to see so much details badly done all over the game.

Forza is being overscored, overhyped and overtensioned all over the web in the same time. It is the first game in the series but I still insist that it is a shame for Microsoft Games - as a renowed developer - to let such an pruduct on the market, and then claim it is best of the bests. Of course, it is marketing, but still it allows people to be critic. And I'm certainly being exactly that.

I did not expect much for Forza because it is the first game - but what I got - and obviousely it is only my oppinion - is not even close to those expectaitons. Other "first games" from many developers - and inside the genre first RalliSport is far the best example - were much better and more finished. But that is something I have to live with.

And taking my crticiysm as a personal insult is way to childish from my point of view.
OK guys, this is my very last post about this matter - have once more read all that I've write and I stand for it 100%.

When driving on Blue Mountain, just look at the rock walls next to the track. Look at all the objects in second or third "row" on every hecking track, even not in far distance. Look the Tokyo. Rio. Maple. Road America. All have blurry backgorunds. Only thing that is sharp in backgrounds are trees and tree leafs. But making trees in full 3D, with thousands of leafs had to take off lots of RAM capacity. That is just bull idea - in both programming and game design, together with 3D rims in-game. It adds nothing to an gameplay, but it certanly sacrfice lots of RAM.

And to finish this particular subjects - more and more I play it, I'm more convinced that the idea about Forza was to bring to life every aspect that other racing games does not have - such as full 3D trees, objects, rims, such as engine swaps, tyre pressure adjustment, real-time skid marks, paint changes, decals, 8 cars on track, even damage - all of those aspects are very welcomed, I admire almost all of them, but when taken out of the drawing-board and implemented inside the game, some of them result with sacrifising much more important issues in feel of racing, such as framerate, resolution and overall looks and feels of the game.

And what's the big deal about tyre marks? They make racing feel better? Hell no, 60 fps makes racing feel better, no freaking tyre marks or collisions. They've sacrifice probably the most important feature in racing feeling in order to achive that the tyres will leave the trails on the grass and dirt. One just can't be serious with that one.

I can also add some thougts about track design on fictional tracks. Whoever was working on track design has lot of things to learn. It takes more then pretty colours and intresting objects on side to make a racing track. Layouts are just unconvincig. Blue Mountain is probably the track I was laughing on most - it is clearly made to resemble Bathurst, but it is done completely wrong. No such track could ever exist in real world or being justified as racing track or approved as one. The turns are unrealistic, it offers no compexity and no finesse nad no rytham while driving. Zig-zagging with no sense.

As for "blurry" - do not say it is "sense of speed" because it is clear that I'm speaking about static imagery. Do not try to imply me being iditoic. Since I use 32" widescreen Advanced 100Hz flat screen connected with Xbox trough Xbox RGB SCART cable to an RGB SCART input you can't really talk about something being wrong with my set.

And when you're mentioning sense of speed - drive 300+ on main Nurb straight and think about the feel. Do you have a feeling that you're going 300? And I really do not understand words about surroundings blurring while driving, since there are not any.

And I still say that sound-production of the game sucks big time, since I use 5.1 surround, with 5x100W big-box amplifier, professional 200W speakers front, pro 100 W center and pro 75W side, professional cables, all being very preciselly set inside the room that I use only for playing - with no sound distortion, no objects on the way. And it is just not good. Period. It is messy and cacofonic, no matter of game audio-setup.

And to try to explain again my MAIN point once again - Forza is nice game, it is a very decent racer but it still fails in its BIGGEST goal - to be the best racer on Xbox. I just can't understand how come MS could allow that somebody spend so much time and money and then offer such an unfinished product?

It fails on its foundations - game design. It has great single features, but when applied together, result is very average.

I can't know how much did the production of Forza cost and I can't know about amounts of money crammed into it's development. But I can be very sure that it has cost more then any RalliSport or even TOCA game. And it is hardly being better then them. And it just shamefull fact.

From it's very beggining MS was very keen to state that FM will be the most realistic sim ever, the best graphic, the best sounds, astonishing gameplay - and all of that is just not in the final game. I'm just dissapointed as an end user, because I was expecting better job done.

And I totaly agree with JohnMB - everybody who loves racing should get an Forza and play it snce it is one of the peaks in racing genre that exists on consoles right now. I'm also playing it and I'm pretty much inside the game right now. But, I can't help myself to see so much details badly done all over the game.

Forza is being overscored, overhyped and overtensioned all over the web in the same time. It is the first game in the series but I still insist that it is a shame for Microsoft Games - as a renowed developer - to let such an pruduct on the market, and then claim it is best of the bests. Of course, it is marketing, but still it allows people to be critic. And I'm certainly being exactly that.

I did not expect much for Forza because it is the first game - but what I got - and obviousely it is only my oppinion - is not even close to those expectaitons. Other "first games" from many developers - and inside the genre first RalliSport is far the best example - were much better and more finished. But that is something I have to live with.

And taking my crticiysm as a personal insult is way to childish from my point of view.

They are so many things wrong that you have said that I don't know where to start. You are worst the CobraGt, that is not small feat.

If you ask me, GT4 is way overhyped and overrated compare to Forza. I could go on and hour talking about all the GT4 graphics glitches which appear in the middle of the screen and yet you pick some little bitty details in the background like it was the end of the world.

I have an Onkyo 6.1 1000w Sound System with active sub of 220w. There is nothing wrong with Forza sounds. It's the best engine sound I ever heard in any game. GT4's sounds like a lawnmoyer compare to forza . When you put upgrade in your car, it actually change the car overall sounds. I won an Acura NSX last night and seriously the best NSX I ever heard. Sounds like the real thing.

Let's talk about gameplay. In GT4, it always the same thing : won a few race, upgrade your car to get more HP, put B-spec mode and win every single race. At least in Forza, when you upgrade your car, It changes the class of your car. You have to be carefull on your upgrade because your opponents changes depending on your car class.

in GT4, abs is a joke. you really have to hit the break extremly hard for a certain period of time before locking the brake. You call that realistic ? After playing around 3 hours, I had to purposely miss on purpose to hit the grass The game is so easy even with assist off. This where I think Forza differs from GT4. I have to admit that the car drit a bit easily in Forza. At least you feel like you are driving a powerfull machine. You have to be carefull with your throttle and brake. In GT4, it's almost full throttle at all time without penalities.

Amar, with all do respect, I mean I can understand that you prefer GT4. It's fine with me but all the nitpicking about Forza are more fanboyism talk then real objective observation : Oh no...The Tree doesn't have the same amount of leaves on it. The game is crap. Like the tree as anything to do with gameplay.

The day that you come up with a real objective observeration regarding Forza and that you do not blow it out of propertion, then i'll agree with you.
sym, you are coming off as a fanboy while amar isn't. Dont try to use my name to make your point, ok? Amar didn't even mention gt4 in his appeal, why are you mentioning it? Instead, why can't you try to prove amar wrong? Why talk about gt4 when he isnt?
sym, you are coming off as a fanboy while amar isn't. Dont try to use my name to make your point, ok? Amar didn't even mention gt4 in his appeal, why are you mentioning it? Instead, why can't you try to prove amar wrong? Why talk about gt4 when he isnt?

I am the fanboy ? really ? Amar most be right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's very simple, It nitpicks every little simple details and blow it out of proportion. The blurry screen comment is utterly ridiculous. He's comments on forza sounds is funny. None of his complaint are legitimate. At least if he picked a real complaint like the # of cars or track, The lack of a quality wheel like the DFP, Then I would agree with him.
ok heres my $.02, Forza is not a GT4 killer, and GT4 is not a Forza killer.

There are so many little differences between the two, (not to mention they are on completely different systems) that I dont even want to compare them. Forza does alot of things better than GT4, however GT4 does alot of things better than Forza. I guess Im pretty much torn between the two, I love them both :D
Maybe car YOU'RE driving sounds nice, but "sound" as a category does not refer to your car only, it refers to sound-picture in total.

If you'd read my posts more carefully, then you'd notice I was talking about the sounds in general. While in race, noise of cars around you is none less then bad done. If you take those noise for "real", fine with me, but take a hear at TOCA RD 2 to get a better idea of prefectly sound-programmed Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround in racing genre. Forza is light years behind it.

As for trees, please, be serious and real more carefully - I'm really amazed with quality and looks of trees - they look perfect. Hats down. Full 3D, thousands of leafs, variety of shape and colours. But under which compromise? 30-pfs? Crappy plastic-looking models of cars? What are we talking about here? Or am I the only one who is actually taking some time and concentration to read what is being written?

As for cars and number of tracks, I do not want to go that way. It has nothing to do with technical issues I'm trying to concetrate on. Same goes to an wheel support, since it is not "basic" set-up that you're buying for your 50$ when paying for the game.

And calling me a GT fanboy can't hurt me, since only "fanboyism" I can except is being F355 Challenge admirorer, since the work of master Yu Suzuki knocked me down in 1999., and I take it as the best piece of "game that simulates racing" ever. I'm also very dissapointed by fact that noone from "western hemisphere" has yet drawn a line between GTR game and F355 game, because GTR has borowed almost all of its physics-model phylosophy from F355 game. But that belongs to another discussion.

One more time - plese stop inputing me Forza-GT comparations because I do not do it. I'm only criticising Forza's techical and game-design issues. If I'm comparing, I'm doing it only with Xbox games. You probably didn't even see that in my previous posts I've clearly stated that I like GT series, but I also have lots of complaints about it. But, since this is Forza thread, I was trying to be objective and critical about Forza and fact it scored almost perfect scores all over the web and it really does not deserve it.

And since this is racing forum, and very serios one, this is the place to discuss it. Or am I wrong?
Maybe car YOU'RE driving sounds nice, but "sound" as a category does not refer to your car only, it refers to sound-picture in total.

If you'd read my posts more carefully, then you'd notice I was talking about the sounds in general. While in race, noise of cars around you is none less then bad done. If you take those noise for "real", fine with me, but take a hear at TOCA RD 2 to get a better idea of prefectly sound-programmed Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround in racing genre. Forza is light years behind it.

As for trees, please, be serious and real more carefully - I'm really amazed with quality and looks of trees - they look perfect. Hats down. Full 3D, thousands of leafs, variety of shape and colours. But under which compromise? 30-pfs? Crappy plastic-looking models of cars? What are we talking about here? Or am I the only one who is actually taking some time and concentration to read what is being written?

As for cars and number of tracks, I do not want to go that way. It has nothing to do with technical issues I'm trying to concetrate on. Same goes to an wheel support, since it is not "basic" set-up that you're buying for your 50$ when paying for the game.

And calling me a GT fanboy can't hurt me, since only "fanboyism" I can except is being F355 Challenge admirorer, since the work of master Yu Suzuki knocked me down in 1999., and I take it as the best piece of "game that simulates racing" ever. I'm also very dissapointed by fact that noone from "western hemisphere" has yet drawn a line between GTR game and F355 game, because GTR has borowed almost all of its physics-model phylosophy from F355 game. But that belongs to another discussion.

One more time - plese stop inputing me Forza-GT comparations because I do not do it. I'm only criticising Forza's techical and game-design issues. If I'm comparing, I'm doing it only with Xbox games. You probably didn't even see that in my previous posts I've clearly stated that I like GT series, but I also have lots of complaints about it. But, since this is Forza thread, I was trying to be objective and critical about Forza and fact it scored almost perfect scores all over the web and it really does not deserve it.

And since this is racing forum, and very serios one, this is the place to discuss it. Or am I wrong?

I must be blind, I swear the name of this thread was GT4 vs Forza... 💡

Anyway, I thought you observation were out of proportion. The sounds in Forza is very good. Buy a Acura NSX and take it for a spin. My neighbors has an Acura NSX and it sounds just like it.
I must be blind, I swear the name of this thread was GT4 vs Forza... 💡.

100% undeliberately move by myself while making initial comment day before yesterday. Please, read all my posts without taking the name of the thread in account, and notice I didn't used any comparation of two games.