- 3,802
And I still think they all should get fired, yes.
So they should get fired because they arn't the best at graphics? Right...
And I still think they all should get fired, yes.
SymtexWow. have you ever think that you might be over critical. Please don't ever make a video game because you'll get shred to pieces
Gabkicksyes... rallysport challenge is the king of rally games and makes all the others look like poo poo IMO.
DevedanderRSC2 is some slick racing. Agreed it's pretty far off from a sim, but damn if that's not one of the most fun racers I have every picked up and one of the most incredible looking games anywhere.
And as for that Forza attempting to exploit the areas that GT4 failed at... you could look at it that way...
But isn't GT4 just a LOT of really pretty cars on a semi decent framework of a game? So basically what GT4 is missing is an awful lot... if you got a game that has everything GT4 doesnt and still looks decent... well that sounds pretty darn near perfect.
Div is backDo you realise the UN importance of your post? It's like adding a grain of salt of the Atlantic Ocean, useless.
Were your parents harsh with you when you were a kid? Or you are still a kid?
Why don't we officialy make this a FORZA thread not a GT4 vs Forza thread, the SAME arguments pop up every single day, please make it stop!
BeelzebubNo decent wheel for Forza. Sorry, but GT4 still the king.
BeelzebubNo decent wheel for Forza. Sorry, but GT4 still the king.
luv the feedback of the DFP, especially with different cars. i dont care about online, i hate destruction derbys.
elitewolverinenow what i await for is gt5 for ps3, then again i wonder what forza 2 for x360 will be like....hmmmm looks like we have another battle coming in a year or two
Actually, yes GT4 CAN.RexKwonDo
McLaren F1GTRActually, yes GT4 CAN.
So Forza and GT4 are still EQUAL.
GT4 can be hooked up using a special deal to make your adapter think its on LAN settings, but really searching around the world.
So go do some research. That goes for you too, Beelzebub.
forza is very far from being the most realistic in physics. Cars in forza are a bit too forgiving, gain control is so easy. Gt4 is miles ahead of gt3 in phyiscs, you can actually feel the weight of the cars shift, I dont feel weight like that in forza honestly. And forza's tuning isn't realistic, you can tune a FF car to beat a ferrarielitewolverinewell my 2 cents after spending a month with GT4 and three days with forza...
I came back from basic training all ready for GT4, after what you guys on this thread promissed months back to be a revelation in the series...i was dishearted to find out it was GT3.1 (not even 3.5)
GT4 after all the hype, of well the game has 700 cars beat that, well if you consider having the 1886 daimler motor carriage in your garrage to show your friends, then hey all the power to you, and just for your info Poly, mercedes-benz wasnt a company until after WWII, so the 18xx car called mercedes-benz is innacurate.
Physics of GT4, well stock they are pretty decent good amounts of body roll on some of the cars, then i took out a Saleen S7 found out that GT4 has no aerodynamic calculator and that it runs a slower 1/4 than a Ford GT, i quickly came to realize that the physics engine is from GT3. It came down to the same bumper car battle wall kissing, slamming your ride to the ground every car feels the same after upgrades GT3.
AI-plz from race one to when i stopped playing the only one who had a hard time with the ai was my b-spec driver who by the way sucks once you graduate into leman racers!
Graphics-well from all the screens i was hoping and praying thats what it looked like, got into the game and saw the crappy textures again, the grass looks stail the walls look crappy, come close to the cars and the textures get extremely grainy, the detail is good but still looks like a 2d skin that it is....you are right though it is photorealistic, in that its 2d tricker, that one who does 3d rendering can quickly tell the shortcuts.
opened the box and first race (after playing the demo and expected what was coming i was prepared) took a few turns and found that for my first few races i wasnt garunteed 1st, and even after playing forza for 3days straight and being a level 26 i am still not garunteed 1st, in fact if i dont drive perfect every every time (meaning getting at least top 100 in lap times) i will not take first (ai is set to hard).
Physics, well finally a game that takes into account the tuning of your car.
-Amar, the reason why your cars are easy to get loose is cuz you got to learn how to tune your car. I have a tubro MR2 that i won, after putting substantial power into the car but leaving it at a B1 class, the tail was so happy it made mustangs look solid. Went into tuning, tune the suspension like i really do in real life, and googled suspension setups from MR2 tuners, dialed in the numbers, and walla my car no longer slides, in fact it feels like its on rails.....LEARN HOW TO TUNE YOUR CAR, this is not GT4 leave suspension settings because it doesnt matter game.
in fact during replay is the most valuable tool, your telemetry read outs, here you can see if you have to much camber not enough, how much g's your taking, your tire heat pressure, suspension load and friction asking....its so powerfull i use it everytime i think my car feels funny, i come to find my camber is to high, my tire pressure is to low or high, my suspension is to stiff in the rear or front, the dampers are off etc....this is where its at.
selection of cars, finally a game where i dont have 20 different miatas and one mustang...THANK YOU MSGS!!
in the end GT4 just needs a new system, and it needs the competition from forza, it has remained stail since GT2, lets hope POLY gets it right on PS3
as for Forza? if anyone wants the most physically realistic (the same program ferrari uses to tune f1 cars as well with other lemans cars, yes ferrari designed the physics engine) graphically sound (not artistically sound), the most sound exciting with 5.1 at your tips, and getting rid of the GT series tire squeek for realistic tire sounds, then forza will do you know wrong.
the only thing i didnt like about forza, is the menu, i like the GT style window menu compared to file-style menu settings....other than that. Forza is the new king...Poly you got some catching up to do!!!!
no one should even take you serious after that.elitewolverinethe physics is just so increadibly well done that GT series when going back to it (like i did last night) felt as bad as Sega 2002GT, thats the difference block.
GTRacer4I raced on the nurb last night in GT4 and those retarded "A" so called "I" drivers kept rear ending me
that was the first time that had ever happened to me
Black95Z28i love the menu music, do you guys like?