GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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New info on Forza

Cheater's who cut the track or drive in reverse or spend too much time off the track will be turned into a "Ghost" Car you can see this happening in the video from gamespot linked above, there is also a penalty system for cutter's who will be penialised in seconds for being cutting :)

This sounds like good news i've played TRD2 and it's plauged with people who can't drive or don't make any effort to drive, i'm glad MS has incorporated a defence against these people :)

Forza is really shaping up to the one of the game's of 2005.

sounds like the anti-crasher system in PGR2. you turn into a ghost if you mess around too long.
sounds like the anti-crasher system in PGR2. you turn into a ghost if you mess around too long.

It's a system that's needed there's too many people out there who take enjoyment from messing up a good race i've experianced it first hand in Toca Race Driver 2 people driving reverse etc.....

I for one am exteremly pleased that MS will be incorporating this kind of system into Forza it should make racing online fun with REAL racing as everyone won't be so quick to cut corners and gererally cheat there way to victory.
The ultimate defence would be an immediate black flag for those going backwards over a very short time, ghosting and penalties is fine and dandy but an immediate black flag and disqualification would mean there would be no point in even trying to cause trouble. Plus when a black flag is given a warning rating is applied to that player showing others what they're like.
It's a system that's needed there's too many people out there who take enjoyment from messing up a good race i've experianced it first hand in Toca Race Driver 2 people driving reverse etc.....

I for one am exteremly pleased that MS will be incorporating this kind of system into Forza it should make racing online fun with REAL racing as everyone won't be so quick to cut corners and gererally cheat there way to victory.

it's definitely a good thing for multiplayer. I hope you can switch it off for single player. I don't like seeing my car turn transparent. It doesn't look right.
The ultimate defence would be an immediate black flag for those going backwards over a very short time, ghosting and penalties is fine and dandy but an immediate black flag and disqualification would mean there would be no point in even trying to cause trouble. Plus when a black flag is given a warning rating is applied to that player showing others what they're like.

I totally agree there should be a flag system since after all it is apparently racing but the people who buy the product will they know what the, blue flag with the yellow diagonal stripe or the half red and half yellow flag mean's it should be a hardcore setting for sure but for people who want to just jump in and play the penalty system would allow for that and should allow enough flexability where any race would be fun. :)
I totally agree there should be a flag system since after all it is apparently racing but the people who buy the product will they know what the, blue flag with the yellow diagonal stripe or the half red and half yellow flag mean's it should be a hardcore setting for sure but for people who want to just jump in and play the penalty system would allow for that and should allow enough flexability where any race would be fun. :)
Well the main flags used are blue, yellow, red and black.
Blue - Aimed at back marker, let the leader/s pass you.
Yellow - Obstruction or a potential danger on track
Red - Race will be restarted.
Black - Disqualified

The other flags aren't really used to be honest.
Blue - Aimed at back marker, let the leader's pass you.
I thought the lapping flag had a yellow stripe


The blue flag with the diagonal stripe is used to signal a driver that his vehicle is about to be passed (lapped) by another car. The car at which this flag is waved is supposed to move out of the way and let the faster car go by. For this reason, it has come to be known as the "move over" flag, and it is normally not a flag which a driver likes to be shown.

Red - Race will be restarted.

The half red and half yellow flag means that the race must be completely restarted, with all cars returning to their original starting position unless they have been penalized. This flag is typically used if the race has been stopped with a yellow flag before the first lap has been completed. Vehicles that were involved in the incident usually must go to the rear of the lineup, and the other cars move up to fill in the spots vacated by those vehicles.


The red flag means danger - all cars must come to a complete stop. It is usually used when a more serious accident occurs, or when the track becomes completely blocked. When the red flag is waved, all vehicles must come to a complete stop and turn off their engines. While the red flag is displayed, the lap count is halted until the race is restarted.

Like I said how are people who are new to this kinda thing supposed to know what these flag's mean which is why the penalty system is a good idea but flags should be an option
Well the flag colours are used in F1 and BTCC and I'm pretty sure GT too. I think they (FIA) dumbed down the flags so they could be more easily understood.

i went to a Live for SPeed forum and asked which will be better, LFS S2, GT4 or forza and they said LFS S2. I went to a Forza forum and asked which will be better out of the 3 and they siad Forza... BIG SUPRIze!!!... .WHo the heck would expect guys at a Gran turismo forum to be slightly biased towards granturismo..... 💡
i went to a Live for SPeed forum and asked which will be better, LFS S2, GT4 or forza and they said LFS S2. I went to a Forza forum and asked which will be better out of the 3 and they siad Forza... BIG SUPRIze!!!... .WHo the heck would expect guys at a Gran turismo forum to be slightly biased towards granturismo..... 💡

Ask here what will be better, forza or S2, ask on LFS forum what will be best of GT4 and Forza and go to forza forum and ask what will be best of S2 and GT4 ;)
why do u guys keep posting photoshopped developer shots of Forza when there are real ones from TGS?

just look:

LMFAO other cars have no shadows :lol:

and compare it to this:

simple eh? but where is the shadow or wheels of this car? a Back to the Furure car? :lol:

and this:

look at the background - and ppl complain that GT has low-res backgrounds, Forza has super low-res backgrounds!
i mean a REALLY LOW res - this is even worse than N64-low, this is mega low-res blurfest!
isn't XBox like 4 times as powerful as the old PS2? even the car itself isn't in the same league as the ones GT4.

but the developer has something to say:

"Just look foo! j00 can add da flamez!"
and compare it to this:

simple eh? but where is the shadow or wheels of this car? a Back to the Furure car? :lol:

PD! Don't worry about Forza , it's going to be teh suckination of the nation :lol:
PD! Don't worry about Forza , it's going to be teh suckination of the nation :lol:

At least in Forza you will get to play the nation online and not the 2nd rate AI that PD so wisely uses.

Forza's 16 car's ONLINE vs GT4's 6 *smuffled laugh* OFFLINE

but you do get Photomode in GT4 *cough* Graphic Whore !!
At least in Forza you will get to play the nation online and not the 2nd rate AI that PD so wisely uses.

Forza's 16 car's ONLINE vs GT4's 6 *smuffled laugh* OFFLINE

but you do get Photomode in GT4 *cough* Graphic Whore !!

Atleast you can see the wheels :lol:
Ok guys, you are being graphics whores, anyone can find crap screenshots of any game. We have all seen the vids of forza, and those bad quality screenies sure as hell don't represent it for it really is. Seeing as forza is still quite a way from being finished, I suggest you save you crap attempts at putting the game down, until you play it. For all we know, it might be amazing to play, and that's what matters.

Is this a bad time to mention online play? :P :P Oh yeah, Gt doesn't have it, heh, I thought PD were perfectionists :P, more like cash in whores, can't wait for the next Gt expansion, let's see how much that costs...

why do u guys keep posting photoshopped developer shots of Forza when there are real ones from TGS?

Isn't that just like 99.9% of the Gt4 shots posted then?
why do u guys keep posting photoshopped developer shots of Forza when there are real ones from TGS?

just look:

LMFAO other cars have no shadows :lol:

and compare it to this:

simple eh? but where is the shadow or wheels of this car? a Back to the Furure car? :lol:

and this:

look at the background - and ppl complain that GT has low-res backgrounds, Forza has super low-res backgrounds!
i mean a REALLY LOW res - this is even worse than N64-low, this is mega low-res blurfest!
isn't XBox like 4 times as powerful as the old PS2? even the car itself isn't in the same league as the ones GT4.

but the developer has something to say:

"Just look foo! j00 can add da flamez!"

photoshopped. dear me.

stop embarassing yourself and other GT fans with childish nonsense like this.

Oh yeah, and despite the intent behind your post, you actually made the game look good. The screens look pretty sweet, and would you see the tires from that angle on a JGTC NSX? Maybe if it was raised on stilts you banana.
I just saw the new gt4 vids from gameinformer, forza doesnt look special at all.
You must be king of the one line post's please backup your posts with hard fact's dear god !
so please explain why Forza doe's not look special and also one of your earlier posts mentioned that GT4 was more accurate than Forza please back this up.

Thank you !
****.. Forza looks better and better everytime I look at it's Screens or Vids. Those Reality to Game comparison pics were awesome. BTW which pics were real and which from the game! :P ?
Anyway, the above pics dont represent anything. Forza has got a high level of respect in my mind now. That only means bad news for me. I have to work twice as hard and buy an Xbox, and that too Finish GT4 100% first b4 doing that. OMG! am gonna go thru too much stress from now on..
Yeah I just saw those vids of game informer, looked just like Gtp, but with motion capture (very good motion capture I'd like to say).

Cobra, lets not be a dirty great big graphics whore for a change.

Gt4 makes sacrifices for it's graphics, while forza has features like damage, oil spills, decent AI, higher detailed cars, better customisation, more cars on track at once, true 5.1, etc, so I mean, go ahead, judge it on it's graphics (even though technically they are better) like the typical 12 year old ps2 owner, who probs has never owned a machine before the ps1 :P

Call me a forza fanboy, meh, I just say what I see, and atm forza seems to be doing the stuff Gt should have done back in 2001 :P.
One thing I want to see is if Forza has good driver animations.

The ones in GT4 blow my mind. I must have rewatched the trailers dozens of times.

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