GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

  • Thread starter Front
And another stupid comment from Cobra, look I know your only doing this to get at Code, so stop it, you making youself and any valid arument you make seem stupid.
Umm how does that like arse? Please explain. I don't understand. I'm quite good at judging what looks bad and what looks good, and to me, that looks pretty good,

I think live for speed s1 looks better then that.
Umm how does that like arse? Please explain. I don't understand. I'm quite good at judging what looks bad and what looks good, and to me, that looks pretty good.

Shadows in pgr2 were very good. I loved how all the dents etc shadowed correctly etc
That whole pic looks sad and pitful. Come on, just look at it, it looks so pale and lifeless, like it walked up from ground zero or so. To be honest, it looks somewhat like pgr2.
Pale and lifeless? Good, it's a car, I'd expect it to look lifeless. Dull? Huh, looked ok to me, it's a picture of a car on tarmac, a car with a dull colour, what do you expect? A rainbow road?. Obviously I lack biased-o-vision, so what looks good to me, looks crap to you. And I own pgr2, that doesn't look like pgr2.
Well no cobra, you have your biased-o-vision set to "ps2 fanboy mode". So gt4 looks real to you, but it looks like a game to everyone else.
Don't be a fool Cobra, ofcourse GT4 looks good, that doesn't mean Forza doesn't. Both games look good, both games have good car and track models, Forza has more objects, details and poly's, GT4 has better lighting.
Well no cobra, you have your biased-o-vision set to "ps2 fanboy mode". So gt4 looks real to you, but it looks like a game to everyone else.
It looks like a game to me but it looks more real then Forza.
It looks like a game to me but it looks more real then Forza.

they should put a little warning on the thread topic saying GT4 is the more realistic-looking of the two to avoid the battles over graphics.

It's like a bunch of monkeys throwing feces at each other in here. It stinks.
Hey Front, Did you update your First post in this topic? With the Positives and Negetives?
Yeah, Yeah.. I can check it out myself.. Even though I am on dial-up connection that sucks!!! But If you havent, I'd really like if you did.. Thats the Center of Gravity of this Thread.

"This looks better and real than THAT" isnt all that fun reading you know..

Anyway, that guy in the picture looks like Naoki Hattori from Best Motoring! :

He seems to be laughing at some joke that chick made on the mic! :P
I was thinking lately (which does not happen on regular basis :dunce: ), and i came to a conclusion (which is even more 'unme').

Well, I've been playing GT series since the begging. Since than any other racing game (apart from PC hardcore sims which are still ahead of me) has been just more or less cappy. When owning a PS2 I found myself hardly ever playing other game than the one of GT. And now there is no chance that anything would prevent me from getting GT4.


If I was new to console gaming, could afford just ONE next-gen console, had online racing in mind, was not in love with KY, I would be geting an x-box and Forza.

Now, let's get back to reality, and The ring, and the DFP, and The Game i love...
I was thinking lately (which does not happen on regular basis :dunce: ), and i came to a conclusion (which is even more 'unme').

Well, I've been playing GT series since the begging. Since than any other racing game (apart from PC hardcore sims which are still ahead of me) has been just more or less cappy. When owning a PS2 I found myself hardly ever playing other game than the one of GT. And now there is no chance that anything would prevent me from getting GT4.


If I was new to console gaming, could afford just ONE next-gen console, had online racing in mind, was not in love with KY, I would be geting an x-box and Forza.

Now, let's get back to reality, and The ring, and the DFP, and The Game i love...

I think under those very same circumstances, I would go for Gran Turismo 4 anyway. Pretty pictures draw the noobs in.
There you go,

I love GT and played all of them, I respect Kaz a lot and I will be getting GT4 for sure, but nevermind all of this,I WILL GET A XBOX WITH FORZA. .

Sorry, but even if I'm not a Xbox fan, this game just looks too promising to be ignored.

See ya :sly:
Hey Front, Did you update your First post in this topic? With the Positives and Negetives?
Yeah, Yeah.. I can check it out myself.. Even though I am on dial-up connection that sucks!!! But If you havent, I'd really like if you did.. Thats the Center of Gravity of this Thread.

"This looks better and real than THAT" isnt all that fun reading you know..

Anyway, that guy in the picture looks like Naoki Hattori from Best Motoring! :

He seems to be laughing at some joke that chick made on the mic! :P

Yep, that's who I thought it was.
Are there new Forza videos (TGS) ?

IGN has one low quality video. But it is seems as Microsoft used the same
demo build as in E3, possibly with some cars added.
The first pic is from TGS, the second pic was released before E3 and both has the same very low res texture in the background.
That texture would probably have been replaced with a higher res texture
if it was a new demo build.


IGN has one low quality video. But it is seems as Microsoft used the same
demo build as in E3, possibly with some cars added.
The first pic is from TGS, the second pic was released before E3 and both has the same very low res texture in the background.



yeah it seems like a glaring oversight considering how much detail abounds on other parts of the tracks.