GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Well...In TGS, lots of people said GT4 is great. The second is Enthusia.
The third is Forza.

Many people says that Forza is ROUGH.
They are talking about Flame late(30/sec), Car modeling(Espacially GT-ONE),
Driving physics.
Yes, frame late. GT4 is 60frame/sec.
Froza is 30frame/sec.

Forza moves so rough. If I asked which game looks real,
I will answer 100% GT4. I think Entusia is much better than Forza. was disappointing about Forza. I'll buy GT4 and Entusia.
GUYS GUYS GUYS, come on it's all about the gameplay and car physics. I really don't care about the backgrounds and beautiful scenery, photo modes ect. I want a good tight race with a lot of competition, a challenge from another opponent. All I can say we the buyers are the ones who will benefit if these two games go head to head. Let them pull out all of the stops and go head to head because in the end we all will benefit from it. 👍
A guy in the IGN forum says he was at a games event called PAX in august and he asked one of the Forza producers about the force feedback wheel.

The producer said it was still up in the air. They are working with a couple of companies to get SDKs ported to the Xbox in time to support them, but it was still uncertain whether or not it would make it in time for their release deadlines.
A guy in the IGN forum says he was at a games event called PAX in august and he asked one of the Forza producers about the force feedback wheel.

The producer said it was still up in the air. They are working with a couple of companies to get SDKs ported to the Xbox in time to support them, but it was still uncertain whether or not it would make it in time for their release deadlines.

PAX=Penny Arcade expo.

And that's not a good sign then. They should put some hustle in to get a FF wheel if that's what makes GT4P so good.
well it's 30 frames per second because it's handling alot more then Gt4, ever consider that :P

A lot of hardware intensive stuff going down in this game, so yeah it's more than likely that they can't lock up the framerate a 60fps because it would fluctuate too much. If they cut it down to 30, they keep it rock solid.

This has already been discussed many times before, but I thought PGR2 (30fps) ran quite smoothly. I had no headaches, the scenery looked fantastic, and it didn't impair driving in any way, shape, or form. So what's the big deal about it?
A lot of hardware intensive stuff going down in this game, so yeah it's more than likely that they can't lock up the framerate a 60fps because it would fluctuate too much. If they cut it down to 30, they keep it rock solid.

This has already been discussed many times before, but I thought PGR2 (30fps) ran quite smoothly. I had no headaches, the scenery looked fantastic, and it didn't impair driving in any way, shape, or form. So what's the big deal about it?

The only problem with 30 Frame's per second is the fanatical fanboyism towards the Gran Turismo series.

If KY turns round and said
"the frame rate has to be locked at 30fps*

GT Fan's
"well it's understandable because the game already looks uber real [PD can do NO wrong]"

"there's no need to kiss my ass yet !!!!!, I aint finished that's for later, Anyway in exchange for the 60fps we decided to give you, ONLINE, simulation damage, better car models, 16 vehicles on screen, simulation and dynamic track's"

GT Fan's
*rushing the stage to see who can kiss KY's ass first*

If PD were todo what MS are doing the fanboy's would be over joyed, i've noticed the GT fan's poke at this small fact about Forza like anyone care's frankly I can't tell the difference beetween 30-60-120.
Some of you guys are truly pathetic and need to get out more. Funny thing though, I can see non-fanboys turning into even bigger fanboys than some here. Ironic huh?
The only problem with 30 Frame's per second is the fanatical fanboyism towards the Gran Turismo series.

X-box has its "Fan boys" too, I just quoted one :) I'm sure the developers are quite pleased they have fans...

like anyone care's frankly I can't tell the difference beetween 30-60-120.

Really!! You can't tell the difference?
X-box has its "Fan boys" too, I just quoted one :) I'm sure the developers are quite pleased they have fans...

Really!! You can't tell the difference?

I've always been a PC gamer and when I play Counter Strike or ANY game for that matter i've never been able to tell and i've had some BAD graphics card's I notice at around 20 frame's but even that is "playable" anything above that mark I'd concider respectable and frankly i'm too busy PLAYING the GAME to even notice I don't suddenly stop racing or killing people to say hmmm mabye this is 30FPS or 60FPS....

I play for sheer enjoyment nothing more nothing less...
You think that's bad code_kev I saw someone actually type that they were gonna have a "Forzasm" over some new screenshots. :lol:
In a FPS type game frame rate is not so important, but the sensation of speed in a racing game relies on a good solid frame rate.

btw is there any need for rubbish like this:
GT Fan's
*rushing the stage to see who can kiss KY's ass first*
Thats on the same level as the line in code_kevs sig...its nonsense.
Anyway here's IGN's view's on the Framerate the playable version a TGS

The framerate maintains at a constant clip, which is huge for any racing game. Everything flows by smooth as silk, with nary a hitch, even when several vehicles are on the screen. At times a sense of speed seems to be slightly lacking, but this could be partially due to the class of car we raced with.

smooth as silk doe's not sound rough whoever posted that need's shot 30FPS is enough for any game sure 60 would be better frankly who care's Forza has more to display than GT4.

Photomode and B-Spec don't sppeal to me i'll buy the game but this "human" element sounds like absolute nonsese but my opinion.

I love the way GT4 looks and I know it will be a great game and i'll buy it i'm not going to dismiss any other game until then, I have 6 racing sim titles installed into my PC variety is a good thing, and I will not limit what I play because of some weird belief that no one can do it better than [insert dev here].

I'm not so narrow minded
Tacet blue, you are beautiful within the rays of light, you are beautiful without the jewels of life...and you call my sig nonsense!

Btw the "human element" is what cobragt calls motion capture, and anything that looks human, just ignore it.
Tacet blue, you are beautiful within the rays of light, you are beautiful without the jewels of life

Thanks code..I am a looker :lol:

Its from a song :dunce:

I meant the name calling stuff is nonsense...I know you have that line in your sig in an ironic way.
Human element is used everywhere is gaming now btw, search google for it and you'll find it's not just GT that has used the term.
smooth as silk doe's not sound rough whoever posted that need's shot 30FPS is enough for any game sure 60 would be better frankly who care's Forza has more to display than GT4.
Whoever said 30FPS is rough does not need to be shot. :)
30FPS IS rough and if you can't tell the difference in 30 or 60FPS there's prolly something wrong with you're eyes.
Although I am a image quality freak I'd rather take online, dynamic tracks, better physics etc. over 60FPS
Forza looked way too arcadish to me, specially the colors. The sound was very nice tho i felt. Sounded better than gt4.
I would see enthusia racing as a contender for a realistic driving simulator, not forza.
Forza looked way too arcadish to me, specially the colors. The sound was very nice tho i felt. Sounded better than gt4.
I would see enthusia racing as a contender for a realistic driving simulator, not forza.

You played Forza? how do colors affect the performance of a simulator physics wise?