GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Yeah, you just said what we´ve been saying for the last 90+ pages.
And welcome to GTP.

lol glad I can contribute to the 90+ pages :)

And that GTO looks sweet. The MINE Skyline doesn't look as good as the GTO pic. And that "Top Spin" feel is still present :( Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I don't want to sound like a lunatic with vision problems.
Yeah, that was a damn good post. I may not agree on everything, but it's so well put.

Welcome btw.

Thanks for the welcome :) I actually been on for awhile, just haven't posted much lol. So when is Forza due to be released? And GT4? Last time I checked GT4 is due out late November. Around same time as Half Life 2...ugh.... :guilty:
January 5 for Forza.

Those recent shots look better than the old shots for Forza. The background really does it, the detail on the trackside is amazing. I still am doubtful about the gameplay...

It DEFINITELY needs a wheel. There are no FF wheels for Xbox.
Thank you, Dr. Watson.

The old shots for Forza = the shots I saw last week. I was just surprised at the quality of these shots, they seem so much better but they AREN'T that much newer than the others I saw lol...
Ummmm I prefer my games to be razor sharp tbh. I don't want crap blurry textures and rough edges.

Just let your intelligence shine through a *tad* bit more and we may mistake you to be waldo from family matters...

You have no clue what kind of "blur" I was talking about. I could give a damn about textures, I'm speaking about DEPTH OF FOCUS. for the ENTIRE SCREEN to be drawn in razor sharp creates and unimagineably fake image. The human eye can only focus so far, so to put everything in focus is just retarded, which is why Forza does not captivate the same "perspective" as GT4...hopefully you can understand this the second go round....


For those who missed it, and are to lazy to go back, how forza currently looks.

what's with the rims and bubble tires on the skyline?
the reflections don't look half as good as GT4. the Xbox might have better power... but forza don't look as polished... not saying it's not impressive.... it still looks like a promising game, but Gran Turismo's reputation of being top notch will give GT4 more sales
tha_con, you ACTUALLY think that Gt4 will have DOF in game while your racing? HA, silly boy, effects like DOF only come in during replays. ho ho ho, and you called me stupid...

I can't believe that some people think those shots look crap, they look really good to me.
Bottom Line: GT4 will sell better then Forza.
Now That: Time only knows!..

I wouldnt say which is better or which will sell more at this point. Both these games (the recent builds) I've only seen either thru ScreenShots or Videos. That could be totally misleading. I've loved a few games when I saw screenshots and videos, and when I actually laid my hands on em' they sucked. So I wouldnt say much. But I have to admit there are a few things I dont like about Forza MS at this point. The Reflections are too crappy, which I am sure will change by the time of the release. And the game play (thru videos) look too Arcadish. It doesnt have a Sim Feel to it, but as I said, I could be wrong. But the Sound of the Cars in Forza is just.. Awesome.. I saw a video with a Ferrari 360 Modena and the Sound of that Car was Identical to its real life counter part.. Theres a Guy living near my place who has a 360, he Houls past my house everyday. And when I heard the sound in a Forza's E3 Video (there was no car shown yet) and I recognised it was the F-360, and the Video Started. Very very impressive Engine Sounds, I must admit (in Forza). I've never been a fan of GT3 or GT4p's Engine Sounds, I just pray they change that for final game..
tha_con, you ACTUALLY think that Gt4 will have DOF in game while your racing? HA, silly boy, effects like DOF only come in during replays. ho ho ho, and you called me stupid...

I can't believe that some people think those shots look crap, they look really good to me.

In prologue the effect when playing ingame was that the distance objects were quite hazy and covered the fact that not all the textures were applied to the objects in the distance, Giving the effect of a depth of vision.
A limitation of the PS2, which just happens to work well in the presentation of the game.
what's with the rims and bubble tires on the skyline?
the reflections don't look half as good as GT4. the Xbox might have better power... but forza don't look as polished... not saying it's not impressive.... it still looks like a promising game, but Gran Turismo's reputation of being top notch will give GT4 more sales
You're right about one thing--forza is a promising game. The reflections look better than GT4, they're done in real time. It looks great, just look at that GTO and the TVR code posted a few weeks ago. Forza looks very polished, from those newer screenies. It may not be "photorealistic" but lets face it, with 16 cars on the track at one time and full on x box live support, this game could blow us all out of the water. It has a lot of things going for it, and the GT-Fanboyism is really starting to eat at me. Don't just push forza away, I think it's a true competitor.
You mean fogging and clipping...

In game I have noticed very little fogging and clipping in prologue. There are focal points in the game. The greater the distance the softer the image, when closer it's sharper, giving the effect of DOF. The only effects that come into play during replays are motion blur, heat waves etc...but DOF is in the game, real time.

As for Forza having realtime reflections...uh...old school? GT3 had real time reflections if I'm not does GT4, the only difference is they look crisper on the still shots of Forza...but like anyone is going to notice.
Forza doesn't look good but it doesn'r look bad either.
I completely agree with you on that one. I fired up GT3 yesterday and drove the Mines Skyline and I must say it looks more detailed than the Foza pic IMO. I'm not saying Forza's Mines Skyline doesn't look bad either.
GT4's graphics far surpass Forza's, and GT4 has been known for quite awhile as Forza has just come out as a first.
but... we must not forget 💡 forza has damage which requires a level of modeling not needed in gt4... so thats one thing that gt4 developers dont have to worry about. among a few other things

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