GT4 WRS Week 10: "Bird-Bird-Bird, Bird is the Word!"

  • Thread starter CFM
Well GL hollo1, we'll enjoy being moved up on the leaderboard without See u in Sept. dude!

very true kenny. Well I finally decided to submit my time as I know ahead of time that time will be short the next few days, but I am satisfied. Until next week everyone!


PS Our (mine and 'bOi's) replays for Week 10 should be posted Tuesday evening sometime.
very true kenny. Well I finally decided to submit my time as I know ahead of time that time will be short the next few days, but I am satisfied. Until next week everyone!


PS Our (mine and 'bOi's) replays for Week 10 should be posted Tuesday evening sometime.

Do you live next to hot604boi?
I hate the turning on that car :( It just slides, rather than turns :P Still think I did fairly decent (hopefully not last!)
Lol, it's just the tires... Lots of weight and very hard tires are not a good grip combination :) .

So yeah, had another little go at it today, chopped off a little bit, but got bored with it about a half an hour into it, so that makes for like an hour and a half for this week. Like Kolyana, I went on to actually working on the game, I'm at 10.5% now! Hahahah. Just started over a couple weeks ago because I got my own memory card... So I used Tuff240s card to actually play this week.

I can't WAIT to see what's in store for the next couple of weeks! I think there's going to be some GRAND stuff.

And hopefully my final time for this week is decent, even though I didn't work on it, I'd still like it to be decent you know! :)
Good luck.

I am NOT submitting until the very last waking moment of the wee hours of Tuesday morning, I cannot break a certain second barrier that I am like one carlength away from!!!! aaah everytime I'm ahead I screw up somewhere or go just a tad too slow :(
Damn, I completely forgot about this week, I might just spend like an hour trying to better my time before submitting my final lap time. I'm kinda busy at the moment with exams so I dont really get anough time to focus on all of this. I'm currently second from the bottom on luxy's board at the moment so I think im gonna have at least a half hour session to try and better that time. I need to pull something out of the hat since I skpped the rally event last week.
This week is going to be interesting when the results come up.

I know holl01 and hotboi provide replays for their races so it will nice to see those, but it's also going to be nice to see the rest of the replays.

So many of you all are flying around this track that every time I look at the leaderboard I am amazed.

It will indeed be interesting to see the final results.
I'm especially interested in seeing the D2 standings.
D2 is putting up some great laps, and with kenny saying he's trying to break a specific "second barrier" I am getting more and more impatient to see the end of this race and the display of the results.

Good luck racers.
See you in the results.

Btw, I submitted already, hopefully it will be a half decent time. :indiff:
I doubt it though. :lol:
Have I missed a post that changed the tyre type to soft or something?

The best i have seen at T2 is 47.7!

Everyone else is flying! And 46.6's seems impossible.

Are you sure?????

This week is going to be interesting when the results come up.

I know holl01 and hotboi provide replays for their races so it will nice to see those, but it's also going to be nice to see the rest of the replays.

So many of you all are flying around this track that every time I look at the leaderboard I am amazed.

It will indeed be interesting to see the final results.
I'm especially interested in seeing the D2 standings.
D2 is putting up some great laps, and with kenny saying he's trying to break a specific "second barrier" I am getting more and more impatient to see the end of this race and the display of the results.

Good luck racers.
See you in the results.

Btw, I submitted already, hopefully it will be a half decent time. :indiff:
I doubt it though. :lol:

Yeah. I'm definitely going to submit a replay for mine, even if I lose the D2 win which I believe I narrowly have right now. I too am interested in how Daniel and hot604boi are going around faster than me :)
Yeah. I'm definitely going to submit a replay for mine, even if I lose the D2 win which I believe I narrowly have right now.
That depends what minor shunt is doing, but I'm not threatening you.
Well I can tell you this much...

Any time you qualify in division 2 or lower, you should expect to be behind the leaders of D1 by atleast a small margin.

Otherwise you would have put down a D1 qualifier without trouble.
Cause frankly, if I can qualify in D1 then any putting in finishes right behind hotboi ought to match my qualifier without any trouble.

However, I'm glad to see that some of the D2 runners (i.e. Kenny) are putting in replays regardless of their position in the results.

Trust me, that means more than I can say, especially to an old grump like me (and even more so when I get beat). :lol:

Yeah, just for general knowledge, any time I fall into the back of D1 and end up being beat by D2, I expect a replay from them just as I do with D1. :sly:

Just how it works. 👍
But hey, atleast I got rid of my sig questions about "Do you race clean? Can you prove it?" :lol:

So anyway, like I said, I'm done with this one but I will patiently wait for the results.
Until then I will sit and wonder about how many D2 racers beat me and how badly they managed to do it. :(

But shoot, I might still be able to hang with some of the D1 racers and I can't wait to find out about that as well.

A few of the old WRS people are now at the bottom of D1 and it will be some fun racing to go up against them. :mischievous: :lol:
Any time you qualify in division 2 or lower, you should expect to be behind the leaders of D1 by atleast a small margin.

Otherwise you would have put down a D1 qualifier without trouble.
Some people are better at some car/track combos than others. If the qualifier had been this combo, or at Tokyo II for example, then I'd have been in Div 1. If the qualifier had been a rally, I'd have been in Div 12! As it is, I'm in Div 2. Most of the time, I won't get anywhere near the Div 1 guys, but I may worry some of them occasionally.
Finally found some better form, did some faster laps with softer tyres, then swapped back to hards and tried to beat them!

Somewhat un-orthadox maybe, but it worked.

T1 23.090 pityful 👎

T2 47.575 Not bad at all 👍 0.6 ish faster

And over 2.4 secs quicker at the line

Mite give it another hour either tonite or tomorrow, not sure.

Ran some more laps. Didn't beat my overall time though. I got a taste of a sub 23 T1. That was my goal. But I failed to keep it by going off on the 2nd right after it.
Also got a mid 47 at T2 but failed again on the sweeping left/right. If I submit now, I'll have to rely on my final time to keep me up. Not giving up yet.
Don't know about anyone else, but I only ever post splits off completed & clean laps.

Have seen a mid 22 T1 and a very low 47(edit- typo) T2, but dont see the point of posting times like that, if i couldn't keep the car on the road after them.

I'm not trying to start any arguments (We've all had enough of them for a while.), so please, no-one get upset.

Just is the way i do it, any thoughts?

Some people are better at some car/track combos than others. If the qualifier had been this combo, or at Tokyo II for example, then I'd have been in Div 1. If the qualifier had been a rally, I'd have been in Div 12! As it is, I'm in Div 2. Most of the time, I won't get anywhere near the Div 1 guys, but I may worry some of them occasionally.

First off, you're good enough to give me a good run for my money. 👍

Regarding the division 1 qual and all that...

If your good enough to honestly try competing for the win against holl01 or hotboi... :rolleyes:
You should be able to run just about anything pretty well.
That means anything without some kind of odd circumstances to hinder your performance (ie. rally).

I mean, that's just my take on it.
Maybe I'm not seeing the way it should be looked out.

However, I feel like anyone able to honestly compete with the top of D1 should be good enough to put in a decent job with nearly any race.

I understand what you mean about car/track combos creating differences between your avg performance and the odd one-time problem performance.

But I just don't see it being possible to run right at the top of D1 while only pulling D2 status.

That is, without getting better.

If you get better at the game then of course you can qualify in one division and end up competitive in another.

Thing is, racers as fast as hotboi and holl01 don't flux that much from one combo to another.
Sure, they might not get the win one week if it's a bad week for them, but you surely wouln't see racers at that level putting in a D2 or D3 time.

Generally speaking, racers as fast as what we are talking about are relatively consistant.

Anyway, that's just my take on it. :sly:
I find that the amout of time, and how my sessions are organized have a lot more effect on my times that the particular combo. Whether or not I like the combo really only effects whether or not I'm motivated to put the time necessary in ...

If it's a week where I can spend an hour or two a day, everyday, I'll end up with a pretty decent time. But if I don't have much time, or I only have a chance to do one or two 'marathon' sessions (2hrs plus at a time), then I'll likely get beaten by the better D2 drivers.
I'm losing a full second AFTER T2 and on the back straight ... a full god damned second! I can't figure this combo out at all ... it's the first week where I have truly felt way out of my depth and have found no joy nor inspiration in it. It's also the first where I've probably spent less than a couple of hours on it ... I should race more, but man it's sucking my soul dry. :(
im having so much trouble beating my time...
hehe gotta keep on trying tho, gonna have a good long session tonite~

.140 improvement

t1 - 0'22.680
t2 - 0'46.875
im having so much trouble beating my time...
hehe gotta keep on trying tho, gonna have a good long session tonite~

I say the same about the long session tonite, but not to the beating my own time, as i just played 40 min til now and don´t have yet a good lap LOL. ****en birth week, got too much fun and busy days. But tonight i will make big improvements. :D

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