Right, a few things in the last few hours of the race. Most are glaringly obvious.
The correct car comes in two colours only.
The green one is faster.
Its handling is superb, try drifting the bugger and getting it back. Childsplay.
As circa has pointed out, he knows this track, and so do i, and those that do, or who have put enough time and effort into it, that they NOW do, will be getting faster times here.
The keys to the circuit are the two hairpins (like i said last week) and the twisties in the middle (didnt i say that too?).
There are a large amount of you concentrating on T1, but losing a good 2 seconds before T2 is passed.
Concentrate on that area.
I can hit 0'44.8xx for T1, but i cant hit 1'17's too regularly, so i know where my problems are.
Try to analyse your performance that way.
This car likes to slide, off throttle.
When a wall approaches, FLOOR IT.
This will often save your bacon, and your GREEN mazda. (remember, it IS the quickest)
Use 2nd gear for the very first corner before the line, the hairpins, and the very twisty turns in the middle.
Like someone said, it may have been circa, i forget now, stop driving to braking points, and reading your T's as they flash up. JUST DRIVE.
This way you will improve quicker.
Last advice is, LAP the course.
If you get a crap T1, dont restart, just finish the lap, and get it right the next time.
When it all goes pear-shaped, have a break for 5, then start again.
Good luck.
Now some useless information:
Start in 2nd, we all do,
hit 3rd gear, approaching the yellow merc van parked off the course, on your right.
Get parallel with said van as you come to the first turn, you should be as close to the van and the wall as possible, without sacrificing speed for position (something you must never do in this car).
Hit 2nd gear, in conjunction with a feather tap on the brakes, and floor it through the turn, staying as fast as possible.
Cross the line.
stick to the kerb near the houses on the right.
do it.
then drive in a straight line, staying in third, up the hill.
As you approach the right, dab your brakes, and stick the nose in early (doing everything before you need to do it with the mazda is best) so that your nose just misses the wall, you know, close enough to need foto mode, that close, then having re-applied your throttle, you should stay on the right hand side.
Brake, down to second, and drive straight through the chicane.
If you cant get this line, do it very slowly at first, then work on your entry speed.
tip: it is very easy to get such a high entry speed thru the right, that you cant take the chicane, think about that.
Stay on the kerb on the right, then put two wheels (preferably your lefts) on the kerb and miss the wall on the left.
This will stop you drifting too much.
Move towards the wall on your right, in an effort to hit it.
your car will drift, you should hopefully catch the kerb on the right, and get a good line into the sweeper.
apply your brakes, let the car go hands and feet free for a split second, then re-apply the throttle, and drift out to the left with the understeer.
As you drift, brake down to 2nd, EARLY.
Try to put the red and white kerbing on the right, out of your picture (im not using wide-screen btw) as you brake, and then turn in on no throttle, and no brakes, so that you place your 2 right wheels over the red and whites, as you round the hairpin bend.
When that moment arrives in your brain, that you know it is safe to apply the throttle and drive out of the turn, you're already too late, so learn to do it beforehand, then miss the dark brown left wall by inches, and keep as straight a line as possible over the kerb, and towards the kerbing on the right.
Use the kerb, as far as possible.
The upset to the balance of the car, by running the kerb, is in your favour, so use it to get round the turn and cross T1.
You should be flat in 3rd till 87 MPH, then hit 4th and drive towards the orange surface.
As you enter the twisty passageway (quiet Todd, Famine) hit 3rd on the brakes, and drift slightly to the right, then re-apply the throttle, just missing the left wall as it finishes with the nose of your car.
Steer towards the right hand wall again, before you think you need to, to drift the car, and thus, not hit it.
Keep up the speed as long as you can, then hard braking down to 2nd, and turn in EARLY ( there's that word again) for the very twisty left.
Dab your brakes once more, as you just miss the right hand double wall, (you know, there's a wall, you just miss it, then another one comes along, and youre even closer to that, but you just miss that too!)
from the right, you can apply your throttle fully in 2nd gear.
Stick your nose into the wall almost for the 2nd very twisty left, then steer EARLY again into the right wall, selecting third early here (short-shifting) helps sometimes, but ultimately can be slower, try it.
Either way, you should be in 3rd well before the car almost leaves the ground, and you hit the back straight.
Stick close to those walls.
Down the straight, pass T2, dont look!
stay left.
Brake hard, if youre on a wheel and pedals, left foot brake, and dab the throttle to stop quicker, then when the red and white kerb appears, you should be in 3rd gear, and put your two right wheels across it, accelerating, all the way.
Swing left, missing the white barrier, and then right, to unsettle the car into the last hairpin.
As you start to lose speed due to applying steering, hit 2nd, and judge when you can re-apply full throttle to drive out of the turn.
Remember, it is usually EARLIER than you think.
Flat out into 3rd, and then get the final turn the same as the first one and you should be over the line with a fairly good time.
For D3.

Good luck everyone.