GT4 WRS Week 18: "Back-Alley Bandits"

  • Thread starter CFM
is just me, or almost all div 2 drivers disappear this week? :confused:
Well, I'm not quite one of the D2 driver's that you're talking about probably, but I've been busy with life, met a girl, and have been working, and busy in between working... I might have time to run some more tonight, but I'm not going to be competitive after taking basically the whole week off... We'll see... Not going to be a good opening week for me in D2... :indiff:
Well, I'm not quite one of the D2 driver's that you're talking about probably, but I've been busy with life, met a girl, :indiff:

where was that girl when I needed her to distract you from scoring all those podiums in Div 3????? :)

Haha... man wish you best of luck with her! 👍 👍
Right, a few things in the last few hours of the race. Most are glaringly obvious.

The correct car comes in two colours only.
The green one is faster.
Its handling is superb, try drifting the bugger and getting it back. Childsplay.
As circa has pointed out, he knows this track, and so do i, and those that do, or who have put enough time and effort into it, that they NOW do, will be getting faster times here.
The keys to the circuit are the two hairpins (like i said last week) and the twisties in the middle (didnt i say that too?).
There are a large amount of you concentrating on T1, but losing a good 2 seconds before T2 is passed.
Concentrate on that area.
I can hit 0'44.8xx for T1, but i cant hit 1'17's too regularly, so i know where my problems are.
Try to analyse your performance that way.
This car likes to slide, off throttle.
When a wall approaches, FLOOR IT.
This will often save your bacon, and your GREEN mazda. (remember, it IS the quickest)
Use 2nd gear for the very first corner before the line, the hairpins, and the very twisty turns in the middle.
Like someone said, it may have been circa, i forget now, stop driving to braking points, and reading your T's as they flash up. JUST DRIVE.
This way you will improve quicker.
Last advice is, LAP the course.
If you get a crap T1, dont restart, just finish the lap, and get it right the next time.
When it all goes pear-shaped, have a break for 5, then start again.
Good luck.

Now some useless information:

Start in 2nd, we all do,
hit 3rd gear, approaching the yellow merc van parked off the course, on your right.
Get parallel with said van as you come to the first turn, you should be as close to the van and the wall as possible, without sacrificing speed for position (something you must never do in this car).
Hit 2nd gear, in conjunction with a feather tap on the brakes, and floor it through the turn, staying as fast as possible.
Cross the line.
stick to the kerb near the houses on the right.
do it.
then drive in a straight line, staying in third, up the hill.
As you approach the right, dab your brakes, and stick the nose in early (doing everything before you need to do it with the mazda is best) so that your nose just misses the wall, you know, close enough to need foto mode, that close, then having re-applied your throttle, you should stay on the right hand side.
Brake, down to second, and drive straight through the chicane.
If you cant get this line, do it very slowly at first, then work on your entry speed.

tip: it is very easy to get such a high entry speed thru the right, that you cant take the chicane, think about that.

Stay on the kerb on the right, then put two wheels (preferably your lefts) on the kerb and miss the wall on the left.
This will stop you drifting too much.
Move towards the wall on your right, in an effort to hit it.
your car will drift, you should hopefully catch the kerb on the right, and get a good line into the sweeper.
apply your brakes, let the car go hands and feet free for a split second, then re-apply the throttle, and drift out to the left with the understeer.
As you drift, brake down to 2nd, EARLY.
Try to put the red and white kerbing on the right, out of your picture (im not using wide-screen btw) as you brake, and then turn in on no throttle, and no brakes, so that you place your 2 right wheels over the red and whites, as you round the hairpin bend.
When that moment arrives in your brain, that you know it is safe to apply the throttle and drive out of the turn, you're already too late, so learn to do it beforehand, then miss the dark brown left wall by inches, and keep as straight a line as possible over the kerb, and towards the kerbing on the right.
Use the kerb, as far as possible.
The upset to the balance of the car, by running the kerb, is in your favour, so use it to get round the turn and cross T1.
You should be flat in 3rd till 87 MPH, then hit 4th and drive towards the orange surface.
As you enter the twisty passageway (quiet Todd, Famine) hit 3rd on the brakes, and drift slightly to the right, then re-apply the throttle, just missing the left wall as it finishes with the nose of your car.
Steer towards the right hand wall again, before you think you need to, to drift the car, and thus, not hit it.
Keep up the speed as long as you can, then hard braking down to 2nd, and turn in EARLY ( there's that word again) for the very twisty left.
Dab your brakes once more, as you just miss the right hand double wall, (you know, there's a wall, you just miss it, then another one comes along, and youre even closer to that, but you just miss that too!)
from the right, you can apply your throttle fully in 2nd gear.
Stick your nose into the wall almost for the 2nd very twisty left, then steer EARLY again into the right wall, selecting third early here (short-shifting) helps sometimes, but ultimately can be slower, try it.
Either way, you should be in 3rd well before the car almost leaves the ground, and you hit the back straight.
Stick close to those walls.
Down the straight, pass T2, dont look!
stay left.
Brake hard, if youre on a wheel and pedals, left foot brake, and dab the throttle to stop quicker, then when the red and white kerb appears, you should be in 3rd gear, and put your two right wheels across it, accelerating, all the way.
Swing left, missing the white barrier, and then right, to unsettle the car into the last hairpin.
As you start to lose speed due to applying steering, hit 2nd, and judge when you can re-apply full throttle to drive out of the turn.
Remember, it is usually EARLIER than you think.
Flat out into 3rd, and then get the final turn the same as the first one and you should be over the line with a fairly good time.

For D3.


Good luck everyone.
Wll suck this week... did not have time to play enough! But I have good news for me and fasj... I got two Action Replay Max :D I'll be sending his out maybe tomorrow, by the end of the week he might have it with him... Now it is all up to you, fasj, to show what you are made of and get to D1! 👍
Yes please get to div 1!!! It would make div 2 much easier to compete in, lol.
Great description 👍 im losing a hell of a lot of time in that second sector.
Hey Kyle, which one is it, Sarah or Erin? Or someone else?

Well, I just had time for a quick serious session today and I finally managed to hit some halfway decent splits.

The lap is clean as far as I can tell (there's always some light between the car and the walls :D) so I am going to submit it, even if it's not the best one I could have done...

T1: 0'45.374
T2: 1'19.014

As I said, it's not the best, for two reasons:

1) I have seen T1's into the 45.1xx
2) I hit the last left turn before the straight that leads to the Start-Finish line @ 56 MPH :indiff: ... Usually (when I start the lap) I can easily hit 60 MPH, highest I have seen being 63 MPH...

So, I know I left at least 0.4 of a second out there, but I don't have time to go find it. Tomorrow (actually, early tonight - 4 AM early...) I am leaving my Italian vacation to go back to the States. University starts the 18th.

So, that's it for this week. I'll be back in the States just in time to see the Results and Week 19 👍

Later and good luck to all.

From Italy, out.

The Wizard.
Well, I have been able to put good time in this week. And I know i can do better, but If I spend any more time this wee racing, my wife will disown me,

My splits are

T1 46:140
T2 1:21:118

Like i said i know i can do this faster, as i have done each section faster, buy at least .5XX but dont' have the time.
I feel good about the time I am submitting.
No real updates for me. I did get a time 0.1" faster than my current leaderboard time, but I think that it may have been dirty. Didn't save it since my goal is much more ambitious than that, and my current time is probably not even close to D2 podiumworthy, let alone D3 podiumworthy based on early late splits.

I have seen a 45.0XX once, and generally can carry 68 mph on a regular basis through the SFL. Just can't seem to put it all together this week. Still having a blast though.

Just for comparison for you folks, I've probably played all of 3 hours behind the wheel so far this week. Hope to get another hour tonight. We'll see...

Yo Wizard, how was the trip? Did u make a post about it? I'd like to know how it is over there.

Well, I didn't devote much time to this week. Actually, I devoted about an hour total. Didn't have much patience for whatever reason.

Anyway here are my final awful splits:

T1: 46.665
T2: 1:20.684

I'm looking forward to this next week...I hope I have some time for it.
Since no-one else has said it:

Thank you VEXD for an excellent write-up :bowdown:

To put in my two cents, I usually short-shift to 3rd in the last right-hander before the back straight; since it's downhill it pulls 3rd without too much problem.

I'm not sure about changing to 2nd for the last corner, I fear that the time lost changing back up to 3rd would negate the benefit.
Here! Here!!!

Nice writeup VEXD! Informative, yet still entertaining.

Thanks for helping us D3ers find our way through this slender ribbon of twisting tarmac!
Since no-one else has said it:

Thank you VEXD for an excellent write-up :bowdown:

To put in my two cents, I usually short-shift to 3rd in the last right-hander before the back straight; since it's downhill it pulls 3rd without too much problem.

I'm not sure about changing to 2nd for the last corner, I fear that the time lost changing back up to 3rd would negate the benefit.

Yes thank you VEXD, as far as short-shifting, sometimes i did, sometimes i didn't, it didn't seem to make much difference eitherway.

As for 2nd'ing the last corner, well, it all depends on what speed you can hit through there, If you can hit it at 55 or better, staying in 3rd is the way to go, if you get below that, I downshift, because I can at least accelerate up the hill in 2nd, where as i get bogged in 3rd.
had a go with the dfp and didnt do much at all, couldnt even get a 1' at t2, i guess i'm too used to the ds2, so i tried some more and realised that with the ds2, i'm always faster on any combo, but sadly i did not beat my previous time even with a few 1'17.0xx's at t2, nutz! i also had a perfect t1 once of 44.368, i didnt think that was possible. anyways, time submitted and good luck all in the results, bye
First week in WRS, finally got some splits I am not embarrassed to post. Having fun with this combo though, very important to be smooth and maintain momentum.

T1 47.356
T2 1'21.603

more to be had if I have time.
This will have to work for my first week, have to see how I stack up in Div 3. This has been a fun week, you guys in division 1 are really smokin'. I guess i will have to look into the DFP so I can crank it up a few notches. Still would have to find more time to play, tough with a toddler and work :) But i look forward to competing anyway, first time in the WRS and having, thanks to everyone who puts this together.
Time submitted

I only wish I could have had another go at improving my T1, I'm at least .5 sec off the pace there. T2 was excellent, I can't do better. Sector 3 was ragged but decent.

Good luck everyone and thanks CFM for a fun combo 👍
Hey Kyle, which one is it, Sarah or Erin? Or someone else?

Sarah, Erin has a boyfriend. And funny stuff, I actually know Erin's older sister.
where was that girl when I needed her to distract you from scoring all those podiums in Div 3????? :)

Haha... man wish you best of luck with her! 👍 👍
Yeah... Sorry man! Hahah, thanks for the luck! She leaves in two weeks, so, uhm, yeah, we'll see what we do...

And yup, her or at least another of my friends will be taking up my time tonight!!! No more running for this week! I don't think I'll submit my time it's so slow... Or should I? I dunno. You tell me.
time submitted, and for the fourth consecutive week, i´ve improve my time on monday... it looks like i´m slow to get the combo right... maybe if we have a month i would be winning :dopey:

new splits:
T1: 45´208
T2: 1´18´276

but, at the end of that lap, i didn´t pull any patrick ewing/greg norman or pedro martinez turn, i just finish ok...

in a lap that everything was so so i managed to control my nerves in that last turn... btw, i think at least i had the top speed registered on the finish line... once a pass at 117, and one time at 116, but everytime i did that, i fluked the lap...

had a MAJOR close call with wall touch in the second hairpin, but for what i looked, i hit the sidewalk, thus loosing speed, not the wall :) but that we will only see in 10 days maybe, when i FINALLY SEND MY REPLAYS FROM MY NEW AR MAX TO CFM!!!

so @randymcchikenf, don´t be down already if you didn´t win div2, if that lap doesn´t count, my second best is .6 slower...

now lets just wait for the next racy combo... 👍
U know Kyle I debated the same thing, but then I figured, the only REAL way I'll lose is if I DON'T submit a time, u know? I spent SOME time on it and did learn a little here and there, so I did. GL with Sarah dude!


EDIT: Props to whoever can figure out what movie my second quote is from! Any takers?!?!
I'm not even going to bother to update my splits - close enough for goverment work. I hate this track, in fact, I *really* hate this track. I finally got a clean lap, and that's the time I'm posting - ugh.

Humm, did one good lap right now, im starting to really run it now. See more to improve of course, altough i´ve got one pretty close call to the wall in the last chicane i think it was clean. I will improve it anyway.

T1 - 0'44.456
T2 - 1'17.309
No improvements from me last night. :yuck: I guess I will be submitting yesterdays time. :ill:

Good luck all! 👍
haha I was doing a few laps last night, getting T2's of 1:17,1 , but then I realised I was on Sport Soft tyres haha. And there I thought I was going for a win haha. But no ... so I switched to the correct tyres (RD, Soft Road) and here's my split I'm submitting :

T2 : 1:19,3

Good luck to all of you !
(doing my best Napolean Dynamite...)


As usual, first ten to twenty minutes into a fresh session I BLASTED my best time once then twice! Dropped all of 1.5 seconds...

T1 45.244
T2 1'18.236


I really do not know if I'm going to submit this week, and it will be the first week I have missed since joining. I don't think my time is really competitive, with my all of 10 laps I've run this week.

If I'm going to have a shot at this, I think I have to teach myself to drive manual fast in about 2 hours....I think this week requires it....