jump_ace👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 Dont get me wrong here, I think true racers are the ones who can put many laps together consistently. Not my forte, but its great practice for hotlapping, imo. And I know many of u would think the opposite; hotlapping is great practice for races. But remember I AM lefthanded...lol.
jump_aceNone taken Great write up Scott! Hope the part about failing marriage is just a joke tho... . So....is it Tuesday yet?
SHigSpeed"Lots and lots of words were here and I won't quote it all cause that would take up lots of room..."
I'll leave you all with this bit of advice: Never go in with a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line!
SHigSpeed[lots of good stuff...]
icemanshooter23I'll be on tonight for one CFM 👍
CFMHow late do you stay up? I just woke up so I'll be around all night until the results go up tomorrow morning.
Small_FryzOnly problem with live races is trust.
I dont like racing them with members i do not know very well, or dont trust. So easy to cheat.
CFMHow late do you stay up? I just woke up so I'll be around all night until the results go up tomorrow morning.
SHigSpeedBut do you have six fingers on your right hand?
As for this weeks format, I like it. Nyah nyah! Sure, it's taken more time to get the laps that I did, but oh well. At least is wasn't another trip around the 'Ring or la Sarthe with tire wear where it'd be that much harder to keep it together for a clean submission. The problem I see with Curtis' idea of consecutive hotlaps is that you're going to be doing a lot of math in your head while driving or watching replays to determine if you've just bested your current two lap record or not. I can just see the submitted replays: It's lap 34 and 35 out of 70. Do the math, the laps are there, I swear! :^) I think that multiple hotlaps do nothing but make the fastest even faster. Even the not so fast sometimes have a fast fluke lap, but it's very rare that you have two consecutive fluke laps. OTOH, the robots/aliens/gods are more likely to string 5 laps within 0.02" of each other that are 1.5" faster than my BEST!
These two lapper races test your skills with varying levels of grip, AI, launching, all out speed, AND consistency.
Unfortunately while the mutant league gets their time on 1-3 hours of driving, mere mortals like myself have lost sleep, failing marriages, and dysfunctional kids due to the 10+ hours they've spent on the challenge... ;^)
Also, great practice for hotlapping? What's that mean? No offense, but hotlapping IS practice!
Know what I'd LOVE to see? Max time limits. I know that it's impossible to police, but I can dream. Say 5 hours max. That way, the time travelling cybernetic organisms still stay on top of the charts, but the occasionally fast drivers that get hot laps on the "million monkeys driving a million cars for a million years" school of WRS are weeded out, and guys like me that have fair to middlin' skills but need someone to step in and say "enough!" aren't allowed to drag down the country's GDP by skipping work and not getting further into credit card debt because of their driving and competitive addiction.
Gotta admit though that to some extent I'm driving the million monkeys strategy this week. My saving grace is that I'm still lowering my time instead of doing my home gym exercises via Logitech and hoping for my consecutive fluke laps.
How's this for a supplemental WRS? Maybe call it SWRS, for Sprint Weekly Race Series. I may have pitched this before, but here goes: I know that there won't be as much helpful discussions of T times and setups, but it'd be fun anyway. Announce the car used at the beginning of the week so you have a chance to buy/win it as necessary. Then, have an automated email server bounce the track, limitations, etc. when a registered racer requests it. From that point, you have 24 hours to submit a time. I guess the real hardcore guys can still drive 23.5 hours to get a time, but more realistically most would only have at most 3-4 hours time. I'd probably even do this above and beyond normal WRS if anyone wanted to take this on as a challenge to set up! I know that it'd reduce the amount of time agonized over the race since you know that once your day is done, it's out of your hands. Sure, a dishonest driver could work the system with two accounts, but it's all for fun, right? As of now, I drive some laps, see T times come down, drive more, discuss setup and strategy, waste time at work thinking about WRS, drive some more, eat, drive some more, take a nap, drive some more, pick the kids up from school, nap, bank on Magic Monday, and run to the computer on Tuesday like it was Christmas morning only to find coal in my stocking when I see that I'm at the bottom of my class AGAIN! :^)
I'll leave you all with this bit of advice: Never go in with a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line!
I'm still not sure if it's toe in or toe out, but it works well enough with what I've got. And if it is indeed a recipe for massive understeer, maybe that's why I can get around the track enough to complete a race.Dr_Watsontoe out on both ends... sounds like a recipe for massive understeer.
As other's have said, lovely post, and here's another variation of this idea. Max mileage travelled... That way it can be "proven" by the replay, but then again, it only can be "proven" rather than proven, because someone could always have more than one car, and practice on it first, or when a used car comes into play, or when you're in arcade mode, so my version doesn't work so well...SHigSpeedKnow what I'd LOVE to see? Max time limits. I know that it's impossible to police, but I can dream.
I should be up until 12ish PST, so, I'd be up for some racing... What time are we thinking of? I'll check the chat thread, I haven't been in there yet. I still have to knock some time off of my current best race time though...CFMHow late do you stay up? I just woke up so I'll be around all night until the results go up tomorrow morning.
SHigSpeedHow's this for a supplemental WRS? Maybe call it SWRS, for Sprint Weekly Race Series. I may have pitched this before, but here goes: I know that there won't be as much helpful discussions of T times and setups, but it'd be fun anyway. Announce the car used at the beginning of the week so you have a chance to buy/win it as necessary. Then, have an automated email server bounce the track, limitations, etc. when a registered racer requests it. From that point, you have 24 hours to submit a time. I guess the real hardcore guys can still drive 23.5 hours to get a time, but more realistically most would only have at most 3-4 hours time. I'd probably even do this above and beyond normal WRS if anyone wanted to take this on as a challenge to set up! I know that it'd reduce the amount of time agonized over the race since you know that once your day is done, it's out of your hands. Sure, a dishonest driver could work the system with two accounts, but it's all for fun, right? As of now, I drive some laps, see T times come down, drive more, discuss setup and strategy, waste time at work thinking about WRS, drive some more, eat, drive some more, take a nap, drive some more, pick the kids up from school, nap, bank on Magic Monday, and run to the computer on Tuesday like it was Christmas morning only to find coal in my stocking when I see that I'm at the bottom of my class AGAIN! :^)
fasj6418one of the best posts i´ve read in the last weeks... i can relate to that... i´m also guilty of spending too much time racing this... i have a masters degree to work on, but i keep postponing because of this, well, and since GT4 is a drug (i read that in someone´s avatar) i´ll be on my PS2 trying to get magic monday to work once again...