Drift260Zhey shutup!!!! hehe, I did drop like 30lbs somehow in the past couple of months. and I think the F1 car doesn't come with ballast, I belive it was just some other settings from previous tunings I forgot about. heh. I'll respond to any other messages when I get to them.
Practice mode is faster... We discussed that a little bit in the earlier pages. I didn't get to run tonight, so it'll be monday night at the earliest... Crap. I'm definitely not going to be able to catch up on sleep this weekend. 👎 But, I guess I'll be having fun, so it'll be worth it. Right?T13RI'm really sorry, but my pace in practice mode is a T2 of 36.739 with a so-so T1, so I'm disappointed.
How much faster? I don't know, but I think someone mentioned something in the area of a full second... And you saw a T2 of 43.999 in race mode? Or practice? Either way, that's FAST!SHigSpeedPractice mode: How much faster?
Making more progress but can't seem to string it all together.
Saw a T2 of 43.999 which is promising but I couldn't hold it together. WAH!!
Back to work...
-S *is it REALL 2 A.M.?* Hig
KLR142How much faster? I don't know, but I think someone mentioned something in the area of a full second... And you saw a T2 of 43.999 in race mode? Or practice? Either way, that's FAST!
I wish I could've pulled a lap together last night... That race that was 1.65 seconds faster would've been GREAT. Oh well, and yeah, it's definitely 2:30 now. Crap, gotta drive to the beach earlyish tomorrow morning... Gnight!
SHigSpeedPractice mode: How much faster?
Making more progress but can't seem to string it all together.
Saw a T2 of 43.999 which is promising but I couldn't hold it together. WAH!!
Back to work...
-S *is it REALL 2 A.M.?* Hig
jump_aceWell I had a ball with Kolyana today, driving GT4 and Burnout Revenge, killer! And just before I left we had a little discussion I would just like to throw out there, as to maybe describe why I'm having trouble with these little 2 lap deals. Here's whats going on IMO: In order to get the ball rolling on a combo like these family cup races, I like to spend some time in the practice mode getting settings down and what not ( I learned a great deal about settings last week, as I tried everyone's settings eventually, but in the end I started from scratch and just did them on my own) for the combo and try to get into some sort of rhythm with it. One problem is that the difference between practice mode and the race is black and white, sure my settings still apply, but the car handles SO different with the tire wear and all, that I honestly cant drive the same way for both, the braking points are different and everything. So I would like to say that I wish there was an option to CHANGE how many laps I would like to do in the family cup to anywhere from 2 to 20, that way I could actually have an applicable practice session with my F1 car and learn how it WILL react come race time. U know, set the race to like 10 laps for practice then change it to 2 laps for time submission. Now this is in no way CFM's fault obviously, but I am most likely (but NOT ALWAYS)gonna opt out of these 2 lap deals as I feel I am just getting my rhythm come the second lap and then the race is over, then I start another race and it may take me a few times to get the start right, then I lose my rhythm and have to start all over again. I'm really sorry for the long post, but this combo this week I was truly looking forward to racing my fav car, but really has turned out a little sour, again IMO; my 2 cents. But I'll still give it my best 👍
Lucky you, ive got it on 7jump_aceI"ll HAVE to put tcs on 1 to even think about doing 2 laps in a row.
KLR142Boy am I glad I sat down for 15 minutes before my friend gets here for the beach... Did maybe 5 races, and on the fourth one I played with toe a bit, and knocked them down from 3/3 to 2/2, and the car became much more stable everywhere it seemed, and more neutral at the same time. Anywho, put down a very fast T2(for me) on the second lap, fastest T2 for the second lap that I've seen so far!
T1: 16.497
T2: 45.416
T1: 10.679
T2: 38.936
Cumi. T1s: 27.176
Cumi. T2s: 1'24.352! w000!
And I can easily see me getting more with more time. Monday night it's ON! I'll set my goal at a half second faster overall. I think it's very doable... So maybe we'll see how much I can surpass it by... Hopefully... 👍