Dr_Watsonafter the jump, *TAP* the brake (leave the throttle full on)
Pink_the_FloydAny confirmation on this would be great before I start to run the whole thing...
MisterWearyOh and by the way Brad, I wasn't joking about the wager...should I beat you this week this could be your new avatar:
So get the lead out my friend
LeadSlead#2I think I'm around 4:38-39, high or low, perspectivley.
Not clean yet, but close.... I just wish it had stock power, then it'd be perfect
The benefit would be to actually make it around the track. Going faster but not making it cleanly around the track does no good... It's not about limiting wheelspin, but rather going at a slower, more easily handled pace.ImanI don't think there would be any case where lowering the power would prove an advantage. Even if it helps wheel spin, the car will be overtaken easily on straight portions of the track and on corner exit. So in my opinion there would be really no need to change it from what Cyril specifies.
KLR142The benefit would be to actually make it around the track. Going faster but not making it cleanly around the track does no good... It's not about limiting wheelspin, but rather going at a slower, more easily handled pace.
KLR142I have made it cleanly around the track, I have not made it cleanly around the track to my theoretical capabilites, nor even 5 seconds close to it. Then again, I haven't played it since last week...
ICallShotgunPS, any word about Wk 65?
SuperTStill enjoyed it and I still plan to take my RL car over there next year
SuperTUnless I manage to "pull a blinder" tomorrow night, it looks as though I'll be submitting my board time.