GT4 WRS Week 69 : "The Congress of the Crows"

  • Thread starter Tedehur
Hopefully I get some time to have a crack at this race. Not looking good so far though...

Also, I hope I do better than last week. Should do.
Well I have new laps for both the Merc and the Buick but only by about 0.05 each...not even worth updating my splits :indiff:

I think I'm close to tapped out this week. I can only see about 0.1-0.2 on either lap if I nail everything perfectly.
Another session:

Buick Forward:


Mercedes Reverse:


Hope to find time to do another couple of sessions on Monday. :)
redid the Buick forward


Had one at

But then did the next lap .3 slower at T3 then beat the ending. So I found .4 more in the ending but I dont think I can duplicate those splits.
Was about to give up after about ten laps then came up with three or four laps that got progressively quicker....only by hundreths each time but at least it's getting quicker. 👍

Buick laps unchanged but my Merc reverse splits have now changed. :D

T1 0'26.236
T2 0'59.251
T3 1'15.521

T3 totals = 2'19.121

They might put me on the podium for now but I'm not happy with the finish as I got a bad drive out of the last corner so I'll probably get out-dragged to the line. :(

That's it from me till later in the week...still got to do some TT WRS laps.


You people are absolutely flying this week. I had a go at Buick fwd last night and struggled hard to get a 1'04.5 T3

Just about to fire it up again, but think I might be sucking rrrrrather badly this week :ill:

first proper splits and not as hopeless as I first thought -

Buick fwd:

Merc rvs:

makes 2'19.799 I think
forward merc (just to be different)


lost .050 in the ending, i had an unrepeatable T2 split and managed to loose very little after that;) will try the buick tomorrow
I ran the Buick foward for awhile tonight
T1: 14.889
T2: 32.276
T3: 1'04.869
I still want to cut a second off my total time then I'll be happy and move on to the second part of the race
Well, I'm down to shaving of 1000ths now.
Another run in the Buick, since I thought I'd gone as quick as I was ever likely to in the Merc. However, my Buick forwards lap is now quicker than my Merc reverse, and somehow that just doesn't sit well with me. :yuck:

Buick (forwards)
T1 14.483
T2 31.276
T3 1'03.500

and 83/1000ths quicker at the line! :D

Trust me to throw down the gauntlet. To myself. :dunce:
Well, I was planning to have a crack at it on Tuesday night, but our offer on a condo was accepted and I spent most of the evening with a realtor! I had a couple of hours (ok, maybe 4!) yesterday when I realised I'd get a chance to race due to it being an arcade mode race with cars that I actually own! 👍 I was out for dinner last night, so no racing until I got in from work around 5pm today. I've now had another 3 hours, 2 to get those 83/1000ths shaved off my Buick lap, and then having thrown down the gauntlet to myself, since I don't like the idea of the Buick holding the faster lap, I had to have another session in the Merc! But it'll be the last, since my parents get back tomorrow night, 👍 and I think I've hit my limits. 👎 :grumpy:

Mercedes (reverse)
T1 26.100
T2 58.882
T3 1'14.801

Slower at T1 & T2 than before, but 53/1000ths better at T3 and, crucially, a full 2/10ths quicker at the line! I'm happy! :D
Well, I was planning to have a crack at it on Tuesday night, but our offer on a condo was accepted and I spent most of the evening with a realtor! I had a couple of hours (ok, maybe 4!) yesterday when I realised I'd get a chance to race due to it being an arcade mode race with cars that I actually own! 👍 I was out for dinner last night, so no racing until I got in from work around 5pm today. I've now had another 3 hours, 2 to get those 83/1000ths shaved off my Buick lap, and then having thrown down the gauntlet to myself, since I don't like the idea of the Buick holding the faster lap, I had to have another session in the Merc! But it'll be the last, since my parents get back tomorrow night, 👍 and I think I've hit my limits. 👎 :grumpy:

Wow. Well deserved lead. :scared: 👍

I found a couple of extra hours (Racing time. Not improvements. ;) ) myself last night:

Buick forward:


Unfortunately with a lousy chicane passage. :grumpy:

Mercedes reverse:


Again with a bad chicane passage, so still a couple of tenth to be found at up to T1.

I won't get more racing time before Monday or Tuesday.
New splits:

Buick - Forward
T1: 0`14.598
T2: 0`31.207
T3: 1`03.385 (Lost 0.2 on the hairpin before T3)

Mercedes - Reverse
T1: 0`26.072
T2: 0`58.771
T3: 1`14.849

I'm very very close to my limit I think 👍

Board Updated
NOOOOOOO!!!! I saved my awesome buick lap, over my awesome merc lap:ouch: :ouch: :ouch: :ouch:
Now im going to have to do it again, im not a happy bunny

buick forward
Forward Lap - Buick GNX

T1: 0'15.055
T2: 0'32.965
T3: 1'06.500

Mercedes 190 - Reverse Lap

T1: 0'27.296
T2: 1'00.994
T3: 1'17.506

The GNX isn't as bad as an american muscle car can seem to be. On the A-Hill it drives smooth as a brick of meat sinking into a tub of warm butter. The 190 is a seriously more nimbler machine with an advantage of one more gear ratio and less weight to drag around. :)
new splits:

buick fwd:

merc rvs:

1'03.724 + 1'14.822 = 2'18.546
had a quick crack at gnx reverse and managed

26.143 (26.097)
58.381 (58.297)

lost about .1 throughout the lap i feel, had a nice finish.
T3 total= 1'14.545+1'02.042=2'16.587
had a toy around with the Mercedes going forwards (dunno if i will do it this way though)

14.364 (14.2xx)
30.609 (30.3xx)
1'02.792 (1'02.4xx)

i should be able to get another 0.3-0.4 out it yet
New splits in the Merc for me:

T1: 0`26.041
T2: 0`58.614
T3: 1`14.620

Only 0.2 maximum in both laps for me to find but I'm pretty happy as they are.

Board Updated (I didn't put your merc forward splits in though Andrew, too misleading otherwise)
I don't think road cars have adjustable top speeds - anyway yes mine s like that too to answer your question.

Many attempts later and no improvement. Gave the opposite combo a thorough going over as well. Although I was about 1.3 faster on the fwd lap (in the merc), the rvs was usually about 1.8 slower, most of the time being lost in the section from T3 to the finish...
I just ran some laps.I have been so busy with work i just havent had the time to run them sooner :grumpy:.Here are my splits.

FWD: Buick

REV: Mercedes
