The number that appears on the tuning screen when the graph is reverted to normal size may be higher than 500, but the number when you enlarge the graph must be 500 or less.
Why can't there be one value across the board? Rather stupid if you ask me. You get yet another value when you watch the replay I assume.
CFM, if you check my signature, there is a Guide I made not too long ago about these issues with power.
The amount of power shown on the smaller version of the graph is
always in PS, no matter what your choice of units for power is, in the Options menu. On the other hand, the bigger version of the graph reflects the units the user chooses.
Finally, the power shown on the Replay screen is the power the vehicle would have once permanent engine damage has occured (which happens at 8500 miles, according to my testings).
There you go, that summarizes it

If you want the full coverage, go check out my guide.
By the way, interesting combo 👍
I will give it a try pronto - after I figure out which of the 8million Skyline's I am going to buy
Oh, and as far as I've experienced, there is no break in period in GT4 like there was for GT3.
I can second this. In my testings performed in order to write the aforementioned Guide, I discovered that no power increase happens, once the vehicle is purchased and an oil change is performed. The power only goes downhill, from there. And no need to worry anymore, it doesn't happen within the first ~200 miles like it used to, in GT3. The car needs to run at least ~1000 miles, before the power starts to drop (due to permanent engine damage). Can't remember when the oil becomes dirty, but that's no biggie either, just change it regularly 👍
The Wizard.