GT4 WRS Week 76 : "Snake in the Valley"

  • Thread starter Tedehur
Indeed :sly: , if i can see a T1 split like yours then i will be well into the 1' bracket at T2... shall put some more time into it later in the week...
Yeah, I noticed that... Maybe I'll go back and play some more real quick before I get too into moving things around and while I still have access to a Maxdrive.(I think it's still around this place anyway) What with your T1-T2 split, your T2-T3 HAS to be better. :) Good thing I don't have to be at work until 1PM today instead of the usual 9AM... :sly:
Very nice combo, Cyril. 👍

First session gave:


Top speed 310 km/h
Had a SMOKING 32.0xx T1 followed by a clipping of the inside wall on the sweeping right before the bridge at T2... Damnit!


Done with my session, very likely won't have another one. I'll be uploading the replay for this one onto the computer before I possibly lose the Maxdrive to it's original owner... If I spent enough time at it, I can probably manage another .3 at the line, but that's the absolute limit the way I'm driving right now. If I spent BC levels of time on it, I may see another half a second at the line, but that's stretching it. And I should be concentrating on packing and cleaning!

T1: 32.177
T2: 1'02.753(almost .4 faster than PB)
T3: 1'xx.xx5(about .55 faster than PB... :sly:)

Cyril, AWESOME combo.

If anyone wants to hear how I drove it, just ask!
I came back to mention that I'd run a 1'03.1 clean.
Then I saw KLR, though dangit! :ouch:
So I went back.
To my suprise (and disappointment in some ways), I ran a 1'02.7.
However, it was ugly... I like to see 4 wheels on as much as possible and this lap was just ugly. 👎
Checking to see if it is clean now...
T times are: 32.126 -> 1'02.778 And Clean!
Too bad I lost about .3 from what the final time should have been! :( :lol:

Any way, just wanted to come back and let my news be heard. :dopey:
Until next time,
Holy mother of a cow. I didn't expect a Viper to handle so good. So yeah, it does oversteer a bit when you push the throttle while already turning. But hell, it simply sticks to the road like mad. It oversteers violently (and fun, in a non-NSX-LM way) under hard braking. I absolutely love this combo.

That being said, I only managed 1'07 until now, I'm still only getting to know the track...

If the Caterham was killed by bumps and curbs, then this car gets tortured, mutilated, raped, and then lynched by those.
I came back to mention that I'd run a 1'03.1 clean.
Then I saw KLR, though dangit! :ouch:
So I went back.
To my suprise (and disappointment in some ways), I ran a 1'02.7.
However, it was ugly... I like to see 4 wheels on as much as possible and this lap was just ugly. 👎
Checking to see if it is clean now...
T times are: 32.126 -> 1'02.778 And Clean!
Too bad I lost about .3 from what the final time should have been! :( :lol:

Any way, just wanted to come back and let my news be heard. :dopey:
Until next time,
:)(we need a bigger smiley face!) Awesome job man! I may have to get back into this then... We'll see if I can borrow the Maxdrive a bit longer...
Holy mother of a cow. I didn't expect a Viper to handle so good. So yeah, it does oversteer a bit when you push the throttle while already turning. But hell, it simply sticks to the road like mad. It oversteers violently (and fun, in a non-NSX-LM way) under hard braking. I absolutely love this combo.

That being said, I only managed 1'07 until now, I'm still only getting to know the track...

If the Caterham was killed by bumps and curbs, then this car gets tortured, mutilated, raped, and then lynched by those.
Yes yes yes. I love the way it handles as well, with the lift throttle tuck-in, braking induced oversteer that can perfectly place the car, and if you're in the proper gear with the proper gearing, you can get it to rotate nicely under power as well, with a bit of further tuck-in between each shift. VERY nice handling car with this power setting and tires.
Nice combo Cyril! 👍

0'32.423 Can't figure how I'm loosing 0.4 here :(

With 320 max speed, without using concrete b4 T2.
The taller gearing allows for better speed at the end of the long straight, and allows you to hold gears in some places where shifting is harder to do while maintaining speed. With the 340 gearing I'm using second where most of you guys are using third with the 310 gearing. I find that the car rotates much better in second gear, and the little lifting off while shifting to third also helps tuck the nose in.

Also with the 340 gearing, I'm able to hold fifth and go flat out through the high speed uphill chicane of sorts before the right hairpin before T1. I've seen a 32.0xx T1 with this setup.

Oh, and GP, that's not just a "nice" T2, that's a simply stunning T1-T2 sector!!! 👍
Still haven't managed another attempt at this yet, after my first 10 lap session. :indiff:
I'll get on this tonight, perhaps now if possible?! 💡
And there are some awesome times coming out guys, friggin' awesome 👍
New times from my second session

T1 - 32.714 (.265 quicker)
T2 - 1'03.985 (.524 quicker)
Total - (about 1.5 quicker)

I can probably get another .5 off my lap...just depends how much more time in going to spend on it.
great times you all! and even dan gets to be interested now and then i see.

i wonder where colby is these days, i'm really hoping for an early leaderboard so i know where i stand. got the feeling i might be silvered this week - finally.
Yeah, rub it in. I'm still not above 1'06ers, but I haven't worned on it enough. Only 4 clean laps so far, two intentional slows, to test the track.

However, I'm still doing Week 75, unlike you... And NRBR. I've got a time.

EDIT: Ouch. Sphinx is back with amazing splits...

dropped a couple of tenths in each sector. pulled 0.8 off of my PB...

probably another 0.5-0.6 left in t from times i have seen...
had a quick 1 hour stint, struggled with it and managed 32.106/1'02.104

not happy with the lap though, will need to tidy it up later with the use of the ds2 as drifting is required using 330 top speed to achieve the best lap, using 2nd gear as ur drifting weapon:D
improved my t2 and laptime after 10 rounds and re-lowering tops from 330 to 310 (thanks andrew) by a full 1.2 secs of which i am very proud.

33.563 - 1.05.152

looks like there's gonna be a huge difference between luxy - based on t2 - and cyril's results board because of all that's happening in the last sector. the final left/righthander is a real sucker - in reverse that part of the track is much easier to negociate.
No, it's not a sucker. Just go a little wide, and the exit will be ~20KM/h faster.

By the way, I reckon you'll get your silver this time, though.

Just spent maybe 20 min trying to sort things out, here's what I have so far. My first race since week 72!


EDIT: new times
I just did so many laps I ended up with a 'Finished Recording Replay' :shocked:

Finally got a good line, and a good enough time to be worth posting. I figured out a way to take the first sweepers (just before the downhill, and right, with dirt on the side.)at full throtle, and boy is it fun!
I can't see much more out of it, especially T1, but I bet my overall lap time could be improved.
had a quick 1 hour stint, struggled with it and managed 32.106/1'02.104

not happy with the lap though, will need to tidy it up later with the use of the ds2 as drifting is required using 330 top speed to achieve the best lap, using 2nd gear as ur drifting weapon:D

you dickface, back to your ds2?
I don't know about hysterically, but that definitely made me laugh out loud... :) Thanks Curtis!

And very nice lap there Sphinx... 👍

I might try the 330 gearing again, can't remember exactly why I went to 340. Maybe just so I didn't have to shift out of 2nd so soon on some turns. 330 is adequate for the main straight though, so... We'll see.