Re the Formula car fix, I read that part of the notice with much trepidation because I thought the F2007 and F10 were just about perfect following the patch that fixed the F10's front-end washout problem. I use a DFGT with fairly low FF settings (dialed down to a 3 or 4, if memory serves). Impressions with 2.04:
Red Bulls: They were undriveable before because of the high-speed wobble. There's less wobble now and what there is seems to be induced by proximity to another RB's wash. I tested with a 1-lap practice race around Special Stage X.
F2007: Pretty much my favorite car in the game, straight out of the box. The FF was previously very firm, giving the impression of tremendous downforce, but there'd been none of the RB-like wobble. Post 2.04, the FF isn't quite as strong but I didn't find the change objectionable. Tested with a 5-lap practice race around Monza, lap times came down very quickly.
F10: Undriveable until a previous patch fixed a problem with a FF rattle that seemed associated with the front end washing out. That patch made it a usable car but there were occasionally still hints of the rattle. Post 2.04, that's gone and I was able to lap Monza quicker than in the F2007 in the same sort of 5-lap practice race.
FGT: Until now this had been up there with the Audi R10 as perhaps the most undriveable non-bugged car in the game, as unlike the F2007 and F10 it'd seemed to have no downforce-type feel at all. Good news in 2.04 is that there's some there now. It's not quite as strong as the F10's but the car is a lot more communicative than before. I'd feel confident taking on the FGT series in A Spec with this new model. Tested with a 5-lapper at Monza.