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Outeke - I
did want to start a Midget Thread some time ago - but I've too many threads to manage right now - however there is a Midget thread (
Midgets are Back!) which has been inactive for over a year; I posted in it, but it died, OP obviously not interested.
There was another one - but it was more scatalogical due to the topic being that
that OP's GF stole his Midget the minute his back was turned to answer the phone, and the discussion was discretely closed, after some fun, before it turned into the routine PPfest.
Which reminds me I was thrashing my Midget last evening, and one of my sons (Halo/Minecraft fans who rarely look at Racing/Driving games) came over and after watching awhile asked me if he could take it out for a run. I gave him a two-lapper at the Ring, against the AI Midgets, and he didn't want to get out of the seat after the race ended. (He won.) He was waiting for me to set up the next race.
Had to evict him forcibly. Midgets have this terrible 'come hither and play with me' charm of their own, and drag people into GT5 without them knowing what's going on.
Actually we aren't even talking Midgets here - since the original Midget was a three-wheeler. (IMO, the 4-wheeler II Type D drives like one.

- still feels like riding a bike. With no bike to hug between your thighs.)
Midgets corner like ballerinas, they have immense WOT capabilities, stability that challenges one's caution, and there is no gap they can't sidle through. At bat-speed.
And they weigh practically nothing.
I took one - 113 HP - to the Sunday Cup, and thrashed everybody silly - though Tokyo was a bit of a hoot, and kept me on the edge of my seat as I overtook cars by the bunch on the outside, two wheels in the air at the corners, then was left standing on the straights, till I caught up at the next corner to overtake again.
Mine's called Hooters. But I have eleven others . . . let's see now, Peter, Paul, Simon, Dopey, Sneezy, Grumpy . . . hold on I'm all mixed up now; can't make out John from Happy. I'm kidding, I'm kidding.. . .
Okay - OCD confession: Mine is Jolly Jumper. Yup. I'm Lucky Luke.
I really haven'r baptised the others yet, but will christen them soon. A one make 30 lapper on Cape Ring might be my next Midget Moment. I have a black Midget 0/0/0 that I'm going to break-in next. I might call it Taras Bulba. Nothing to do with Cossacks, just an impressive sounding name, big enough to scare.
I'm Taras Bulba - I'm here to conquer and destroy! I'm a mighty Midget! Make way for the Midget!
Can Midgets be female? But of course.
Tess is a perfect name for a frisky filly like the Midget can be - but 1400 Horses may be too much for one filly to handle. However - steroids are illegal, so we should keep that stuff out of the pulic eye, or you'll end up on TV one day, admitting to the whole world that you are a cheat.
Okay - traditionally ships were referred to as she, more because the ancient languages that existed when ships first started sinking, referred to such ships, as 'she'.
As in: "Help, this unlucky bitch is sinking!"
But in modern times of course, though the division between genders is still marginally held together by the laws of reproduction, people name their machinery anything, though it's mostly 🤬
As in : I'm getting rid of this piece of 🤬 !
A thread solely about Midgets in GT5 would be awesome of course - these unique vehicles haven't truly been explored by us driver/collectors - and there is a lot to share about our Midgets. Go ahead and put a thread up - Midget Mania? The Magic of Midgets? Show me your Midget, I'll show you Mine? GT5 and the Daihatsu Midget II D Type.. . .
There could be action photos, race reports, unusual features, Midget comparison about PP and other specs, etc, etc. Go for it and count me in.
I got a dozen I need to break-in.
BTW - Do you by happenstance, have in your Midget Motel, a RED Midget? Sources tell me it's the fastest Midget. Is this true? Also - has anybody out there ever received or bought a Yellow Midget? Heard about that one, too. Right now the only stock colours I've found have been Black, White and the more common Green Midget. Of corse I must have the Red and Yellow. My Midgets are lonely without their buddies of other colour..
And also, while on the topic of collecting, how many Midgets do you have apart from Tess? Maybe we can talk more in your Midget Thread.
Here's another passion of mine: Ford GTs. I have them by the dozen, too. Various colours and tunes, of course. Have 2X all DTM cars, and I also find the Muscle Cars irresistible. I also have many multiples of the smaller HP Sports Cars, and care for them like they were real.
I know. Unreal. All it takes is for my PS3 to show me the YLOD and I'm dead; there goes my Savegame and my entire collection.
Had a look at what I
thought I was really obsessed with collecting - the Skyline GT-S, and I have only 6.
GT5 has changed my collecting habits.
Now I need to, tight-lipped and being firm about it, buy every GT-S I can lay my hands on to show that I actually
have some control over my OCD, that I'm
really in charge of what I'm doing.
And not in the throes of some obsessive compulsive addiction.