GT5 and the Obsessive Compulsive Virtual Car Collector

hmm..i read the a few replies.

if your obsessed with collecting 20 midgets etc, you must have a lot of time on your hands

Alot of spare time = No girlfriend

Get yourself a girlfriend, or a few in different colors and specs. Should solve your OCD.

Stop yanking my chain, storm.

Here's a funny fact: it was your thread - (and obviously one you must have spent many OCD hours on) that brought me into GTPlanet. I used to live at the 'other' ;) GT sites ( for 3, 4, and TT) but then wondering what to buy as my first car in GT5 I browsed the net like heck before I found this thread:

As you can imagine, this must have taken a huge amount of sexless time to compile, never mind relentlessly running those cars under the watchful eye of Grease (the Monkey at Trial Mountain. No relative of mine - maybe distant, but that's about it. :) )

I lived with your thread for a bit before I was influenced to go for an FTO as my first car.
I know that you have a penchant for FTOs, too - in fact the 'guy' I mentioned earlier on in this discussion who clamed to have all the colors the FTO Super Touring came in . . . was you.

And now that I have your attention finally (and my joining up with GTP has come full circle in talking to the guy who made me look here in the first place) tell me:

How many FTOs do you really have. And why, bro, why? :D

If you can unplug yourself for a moment (if attached to another human) and answer, I would be more than interested, if not actually grateful.

As for getting a fleet of troublesome females as girlfriends - no go - first off, the wifey might be a bit miffed, and secondly (as you said yourself in that thread that seems to have taken a lot of your life) one's soulmate can actually be a car and not just another piece of sexual relief.
I try to collect all Lancer Evos I can cuz I really like them, but I think you surpassed the limits with those 12 Midgets. :P
Strangely enough, when it came to the Evos, I kind of broke the rule about keeping Premiums at their respective dealers until I actually needed them; I went out and bought one of each and took them out immediately several times, on several tracks, then, satisfied that I had my Evo fix, threw them into my Garage never to take them out again. There are too many other cars still to be investigated fully.

I have to admit that the sudden and noticeable abundance of Midgets in my Garage is what made me scratch my head for a moment and wonder what the hell was a grown man thinking of that would compel him to stash away Midgets by the dozen while playing a video game.

TG - because of GTPlanet . . . I found I was not alone. The Mighty Midget seems to rule many a Garage.
hmm..i read the a few replies.

if your obsessed with collecting 20 midgets etc, you must have a lot of time on your hands

Alot of spare time = No girlfriend

Get yourself a girlfriend, or a few in different colors and specs. Should solve your OCD.

I see assuming is your best quality....
I have the same problem here...but mine deals with Toyota Soarers. I probably have almost 100 Soarer 2.5GT-Ts, SC300s, Soarer 430SCVs, and SC430s combined. I really love those cars irl and I guess it just kinda influenced my life in the game a bit...^^'
I've just bought my 5th veyron now.

Make that 6 veyrons all in different colours and most are 0/0/0.
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hmm..i read the a few replies.

if your obsessed with collecting 20 midgets etc, you must have a lot of time on your hands

Alot of spare time = No girlfriend

Get yourself a girlfriend, or a few in different colors and specs. Should solve your OCD.

I have every car in the every a girlfriend. :sly:
So you must have like 7000 cars plus if you have them in every colour, thats crazy. Im gonna need proof :sly::lol: joke haha!

So I guess you would want to see all 7 of my accounts. :lol:

I suppose you want proof of my girlfriend too. :lol:
Not me. :D

However . . . Having seven Midgets is one thing (let alone a dozen) . . . but seven Accounts is something else. You are beyond OCD, man, you are the President of the club.

Now tell me something . . . something I worry about a lot myself: What are we going to do with all our precious hard-won collections when GT 6 comes along?

Start all over again?! :crazy:
Not me. :D

However . . . Having seven Midgets is one thing (let alone a dozen) . . . but seven Accounts is something else. You are beyond OCD, man, you are the President of the club.

Now tell me something . . . something I worry about a lot myself: What are we going to do with all our precious hard-won collections when GT 6 comes along?

Start all over again?! :crazy:

Yep, start the whole process all over again. Hopefully GT6 has a good livery so we can get some cool individuality with our cars. I will probably keep everything from GT5 tho, but just start over with new collections with the new game.
I have 7 Jaguar XJ13s.
I've given one RSs and a stage 3 turbo (for drag racing), the others all have SSs bought. All of them are also in different colours, save for one.
That equates to 140,116,000cr worth of cars.
help me
When I see a car with high mileage, I buy it, wash it, change oil, restore the engine and restore the body rigidity. Then I take it to my retirement home garage where it can have a well deserved rest after its long life in service.

It's all completely made up virtual miles, but still. I don't have the heart to see them rust away.
The Pandas are sort of understandable - I mean, there is this whole cutesy thing to them that can turn from attraction to addiction - or maybe just the challenge of turning David into Goliath - which I'm assuming is part of the reason I buy smaller cars or end up swiping a dozen Midgets . . . but GTR Pace Cars?!
I have two which is more than enough. Devil of a car though - pure muscle and all adrenaline.

Yep, start the whole process all over again. Hopefully GT6 has a good livery so we can get some cool individuality with our cars. I will probably keep everything from GT5 tho, but just start over with new collections with the new game.

Good luck!

I have 7 Jaguar XJ13s.
help me

Sorry. Beyond help. I'll take a few though. . .

When I see a car with high mileage, I buy it, wash it, change oil, restore the engine and restore the body rigidity. Then I take it to my retirement home garage where it can have a well deserved rest after its long life in service.

It's all completely made up virtual miles, but still. I don't have the heart to see them rust away.

A very normal Obsessive Compulsive Collector, I would say. I guess you have plenty of that old Jag and beat-up Corvettes, too, in that Virtual Museum of yours.

And talking about starting all over again in GT6. Huh.

I'm afraid to even look inside my GT4 Collection. I'll never get out of it.
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OCD Virtual Car Collectors who have partaken in this discussion have probably experienced my whining about the fact that some of you have cars that I don't ever see. I mean - I have a huge amount of cars, almost all the models (sans the specials that came the way of DLC) but I never saw those oddities (to me) that others spoke about. Yellow FTOs. Spice Reflex Speed 12s. Red Midgets. (Not that I wanted any more Midgets; I could easily paint one of the dozen I have in any shade of red.) Still . . . why would others have a red Midget and I have only green ones?
Okay, I acquired a black and a white through 1000 tickets - but that doesn't count when we're examining the UCD, right? Why didn't my UCD have red Midgets?

In fact my UCD never matched those famous 'Master Lists' that were touted to have the selection engraved in stone as it recycled.
OH! No. My UCD had a mind of its own.
Over 6000 days of Game Play, I kept faithfully written records of the UCD, noting down the cars that went by, and their locations in relation to the cars before and behind them. I also began to note my activity in relation to the cars that popped up. Gradually I began to get a picture of how the UCD worked. At least in the Original Version.

This was what I experienced:
#A conveyor belt moved in front of me, its movement forward dictated by certain events me or my AI Drivers took part in.
#The belt held slots in which were cars.
#Some slots were always filled with the same cars in relation to one another; even if you bought these cars, the slots were replaced with the same cars, but some slots changed only if you bought the car in it. This was sort of a bucket list. The colours never changed - the models came in some standard colour. For example, the Stratos road car came only in York Green. No . . . other . . . colour.
Same with Midgets. Always green.
#Some cars in this bucket list would repeat shortly after first appearing - a few Game Days after the first appearance, usually with higher mileage and at a lesser price. The slots the repeaters used were anomalous slots; they were also used in other ways.

The anomalous slots worked as follows - and also works in tandem with the #1000 ticket, and the particular events you try.

Here's a picturesque example:

Your UCD is spinning as normal, but then you decide to try Like the Wind. You try several times to win the event, but cannot due to the fact that you may have an under-powered car. If you do this long enough, the UCD - as if noting your play, and via the old "If P then Q" formula - will pop up the appropriate cars for winning Like the Wind in the anomalous slots.
Conversely if you took the Vettel to Like the Wind over and over to grind for money, that doesn't happen. But other things might, depending on the amount of money you have and the cars you lack. For example, you may have 12 Mil in the bank, a few Mil in cars collected (that actually can be resold) and no way to make 3 Mil in 4 races - and the 2J will pop up at the top of your UCD as the latest bait.
Obviously more than hand/eye gaming skills are required at that point, in your decision making towards beating the game - this part of this great game being of course the 'collecting' part of the game - and can be said may have nothing to do with racing/driving. (Maybe photography - but that's just another choice of what you would do with your collection.)

At this point one must keep in mind that I was still Offline, and playing the Original Version, constantly getting my Bots to grind, or roaming the A-Spec Events, doing races to win money while watching the UCD like a hawk. This is ALL about collecting, remember. OCD collecting. By the 3000th Game Day I had began to see the pattern of expanding and contracting spirals as the UCD rotated, the fattest spiral being around the 1300 - 1500 Game Day period, finer circles spread out even as much as 1800 Game Days holding star cars, and 'less repetitive' cars.

A quick note on the 1000 Tickets: (From the Gran Turismo Wiki.)

A 1000 Ticket is a Gift Car Ticket in Gran Turismo 5. It is awarded for completing 100 races in A-Spec or B-Spec mode of GT Life. It is awarded regardless of the outcome of those races. A 1000 Ticket is also awarded for each subsequent 100th race (200th, 300th, 400th, etc.). Each ticket allows the player to collect a random car from the "Car Delivery" Screen. This prize car is completely random and can be any car, Standard or Premium, from any level.

As you can imagine I was floating in 1000 Tickets. I got the most amazing cars out of the 1000 Tickets, all 0/0/0, from a TAKATA DOME NSX, to a Lancia Blue Stratos. Whenever a Stratos came up I bought it - after the 3rd York Green beat-up Stratos was snatched up from the UCD, the next 1000 Ticket gave me this brand new Stratos - I could have screamed. In fact I must have yelled "Kaz! You bastard! I love you!" or something to that effect.
(Hopefully the honourable san is getting all this stuff filtered through some savvy marketing R&D chaps. :D )

Once, (though I did this several times) I had to sell a few cars frantically, to get a car that I knew wouldn't cycle back quickly - and that sale required me to get rid of my 8c Competizione, too, the car I was using at the time - since there are not too many cars with high resale value - and Premiums are easier to recover - just buy them again.
The next 1000 Ticket gave me a brand new 8c.

After awhile, I realised I wasn't playing a lone video-game on a discrete console - but playing against a team of minds, remotely - a great and inventive team, almost incorrigible in their mischievousness, as passionate about developing one's racing and driving skills, as rewarding the automotive lover with a plethora of morsels, one after the other, spinning in front of ones's eyes, to be grabbed and savoured, but only if the skills used were worthy of reward.
There was some of this mischievous play in GT4. But GT5 took it to another level. It was like GT4 was the domestic news, and GT5 went worldwide.

So while I managed to get almost all of the cars that were promised to be there in the Original Game, as advertised, and in fact multiples of what were taken to be 'rare' cars, I never got all those variations, all those strange colours, all those red and yellow Midgets and so on. Why was I being treated this way - as an outcast and not worthy of red Midgets? You'd think after watching the UCD for over 6000 days, I'd know if there was a red Midget in there, wouldn't you?

Now, I used to read over and over in the Forums, about the UCDs that everybody else had, and we've discussed the pros and cons of collecting in here enough to have whetted my appetite - so it was time to take my own domesticated cat off its leash and go Online.

First thing I see when I go to the Online Dealer (and, no, it's not the OCD, it's the OD ;)) is this:

WTF? A Midget? Right away? First bloody vehicle in the slots? Did the bastards even know I was coming online that week?
And tick-marks!
I had to use my mental skills to keep track of all the cars I bought, so I could grow my collection, as well as remember not to buy duplicates by accident.
Tick marks. How convenient. So easy. I may as well have the game played for me and just receive all the cars in a package. Here's the cash.
Well, where's the fun in that.
But, I didn't need another Midget, I told myself. One more Midget to spend sleepless nights over and I would actually be looking for more than a couple of girlfriends, as stormbringer recommended, let me tell you.
Of course, it was a black Midget.
Not the usual green one.
I had only one black Midget, and this one in the OD was a 0/0/0, too. You know.. .
That other part of me - that mens sana part that watches over the corpore's sano, told me to get the hell away from the Online Dealer. Which I did; I was a good boy and left the black Midget alone.

Then I played some more Online - various Seasonals, catching up with what I had missed (all these details and more in the discussion taking place in another thread about the comparison between the Original and 2.00+) but I began making money hand over fist, and more . . .my UCD started changing! My UCD was trapped in a vicious cycle because I'd kept it Offline - and it yet managed to give me all the different models as promised. If there was a Midget to be had then there was a Midget to be had - it came in green. How you got the black and white was up to you. But that was it - no reds, yellows and so on. Love the Stratos? Here you go - it comes in York Green, or alternatively York Green.
Oh! You love the Stratos, and keep buying it? Grinding, too, to keep buying it? Well, here's a brand new one in Lancia Blue, then.

Well, now that my UCD seems to have got a complete overhaul after 6000 days of being housebound, it keeps spitting out new cars like an un-burped baby projectile-puking the foolish person standing in front of their greenish face. My collection has soared in the last few weeks, and I have to keep spending, though I want to keep racing, and not running around shopping.

Red Midget? Nothing to it. I got my Tess, too:

Kaz tried to trick me, though. Huh. He put a tick-mark next to the red Midget when it finally came up in the UCD:

Like I was going to believe that tick-mark. What a trick. I never had a red Midget before.
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The only thing I know about the Midget is I have two of them, and neither have ever been driven. My biggest question is why get two of them as prizes? Two? One was more than enough. Sorry, I don't share the same passion/obsession for it.

As far as compulsive collecting is concerned, about as far as my compulsion goes is collecting all model years of a certain model I like and seeing how they differ. And that's about it. Normally I get annoyed when I get a prize ticket and I already have the car.
Photon, you crack me up! :lol:

👍 You're a good egg, man. :lol:

Oh! I have more stories of obsessive GT car collector behaviour coming up . . . but not tonight - got an early start tomorrow. I'm thrilled that I got a new BLU Stratos - yet another Stratos in my stable - and a rare find - a 300 HP used Cougar (that's the other kind of anomaly that attaches itself to used cars - varying HP.)
My collection has really taken off in the last three weeks - the Online game is like shooting fish in a barrel - I'm making money faster than I can spend it - and since I have all the tick marks in place - all I need to do is watch for variations - more relaxing, and yet there is the occasional thrill of the find. Had only the green Superbird - now suddenly the Twisted Lemon, and a Silver - looking really good.
Splurged on Premiums - so many great cars suddenly waiting to be driven in practise and TTs, tinkered with at the Tuners , played with at the paint shop, taken to places to photograph - or some race engineered for the sake of replay and a photo-shoot . . . . so many things to do.
Meanwhile the Online Seasonals are calling me, as well as the current TT - I'm so slow haven't even grabbed myself a tuned Miura for the last TT.
Talking about Miura's - for three years I only got to look at the Miura in the showroom - no way I could save that money in the Original Game - but as soon as I went Online and started gobbling the hand-outs, I purchased one after the other.
That makes two.

I need more Jags. XJ13s. Lots of them.

As for the increase in the Midget population - ccaranna, I'm not sure. In fact I thought I had only one black Midget, but when I checked the Garage I have two. They seem to multiply. Good thing they just seem like the right thing for the doing jumps in a place like this:

Definitely got to move the barricades, and corner stones . . . make some jumps. Scatter a few Cones around. Check out some top speeds. Maybe a bit of three-wheel drifting. Sometimes you got to put these colourful collectibles to work. :D
Now how do I herd all my Midgets over there . . . because that . . . is in GT6, not 5.
Diving back into GT5 for a bit, and then coming over to read this thread, I realized with full force what had been cast out - nay- amputated from the Gran Turismo 'schtick' . . . and by that I mean one of the core characteristics that made Gran Turismo iconic and not just another real-life simulation of racing.
Collecting cars.
And - for the first time - collecting together online.
Trading. Sharing. Gifting.
This took that wonderfully obsessive hobby of hunting and acquiring hard-to-get cars to a new level. Unlike GT4, for instance, where one had to actually wait for the right time to pounce amongst the stealth cars when they appeared, or cross one's fingers over getting some elusive '83 AE86 we now, for the first time in the series had a way of sharing our tuned cars, gifting them, trading, even sharing colour chips . . . even 'sponging' cars . . . :mischievous:

Meanwhile I was on another project and missed out on a lot of this, watching the shenanigans from afar, yet gritting my teeth and going at it to prove that Kaz's game couldn't survive without online:

I was wrong. Kaz's game did hold my attention, even completely offline (or maybe I'm just an obsessed petrolhead.)
I was, however, madly keen to join up with the rest of the community and take this collecting to the next level - going online and having a huge garage to play with - trade, share, gift . . . all to no avail.
Shortly after I came fully online with my game the servers went down
And, in effect, killed the game - because a good part of that game was 'collecting' and when going offline separated the collectors the game turned into a reclusive hobby.

But GT6 was supposed to take this 'car-collecting/trading/gifting/sharing' characteristic of the game (cars that one could actually drive) to an even higher level of captivating car-lovers and keeping them by taking that additional online component and amping it up.
What happened was GT6 turned out to completely amputate the car collecting/trading/sharing/gifting part of the game - a whole chunk missing, replaced by a more race-focused agenda that included a huge injection of GTAcademy, and then finally morphing into what seems to be a full-blown racing (only) game using that valuable online-capable component to now cultivate a special elite community.
There are players, I guess, who will say that car-collecting is a laugh - but, to each their own.
Collecting cars (in Gran Turismo) after GT5 is a laugh.
GT6 was a case of just acquiring the car when needed.
I still did 'try' a bit of car-collecting in GT6 - I preordered the game to get the anniversary cars. I even heard that 'cars' were being 'sold' on eBay. Some sort of hacking.
But otherwise Gran Turismo had given up on the car-collecting obsession . . . and all its attendant opportunities for the player-community base to fraternize using the game.

There was something else missing in GT6 that brought out noticeable whining about how 'lame' or 'clinical' or 'sterile' the game had become.
It was in reading this - some of my previous jotting here from the experience of playing GT5 that I realized that myself:

"As you can imagine I was floating in 1000 Tickets. I got the most amazing cars out of the 1000 Tickets, all 0/0/0, from a TAKATA DOME NSX, to a Lancia Blue Stratos. Whenever a Stratos came up I bought it - after the 3rd York Green beat-up Stratos was snatched up from the UCD, the next 1000 Ticket gave me this brand new Stratos - I could have screamed. In fact I must have yelled "Kaz! You bastard! I love you!" or something to that effect.
(Hopefully the honourable san is getting all this stuff filtered through some savvy marketing R&D chaps. :D )

Once, (though I did this several times) I had to sell a few cars frantically, to get a car that I knew wouldn't cycle back quickly - and that sale required me to get rid of my 8c Competizione, too, the car I was using at the time - since there are not too many cars with high resale value - and Premiums are easier to recover - just buy them again.
The next 1000 Ticket gave me a brand new 8c.

After awhile, I realised I wasn't playing a lone video-game on a discrete console - but playing against a team of minds, remotely - a great and inventive team, almost incorrigible in their mischievousness, as passionate about developing one's racing and driving skills, as rewarding the automotive lover with a plethora of morsels, one after the other, spinning in front of one's eyes, to be grabbed and savoured, but only if the skills used were worthy of reward.
There was some of this mischievous play in GT4. But GT5 took it to another level. It was like GT4 was the domestic news, and GT5 went worldwide.

So while I managed to get almost all of the cars that were promised to be there in the Original Game, as advertised, and in fact multiples of what were taken to be 'rare' cars, I never got all those variations, all those strange colours, all those red and yellow Midgets and so on. Why was I being treated this way - as an outcast and not worthy of red Midgets? You'd think after watching the UCD for over 6000 days, I'd know if there was a red Midget in there, wouldn't you?

Now, I used to read over and over in the Forums, about the UCDs that everybody else had, and we've discussed the pros and cons of collecting in here enough to have whetted my appetite - so it was time to take my own domesticated cat off its leash and go Online.

First thing I see when I go to the Online Dealer (and, no, it's not the OCD, it's the OD ;)) is this:

WTF? A Midget? Right away? First bloody vehicle in the slots? Did the bastards even know I was coming online that week?"
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I’ve only collected all the possible 300 premium cars and variants cause I love to race and watch my replays from cockpit view which ya just can’t do with the standard cars of which I sold them all off from clogging up my garage. I have 99.999 percent of them anyway in my GT4 saved game garage and when in need I head back there for some Paris, Hong Kong, El Cap fun, etc. All my premiums are the color of my choosing which I like best of all their various colors that were available and I just love watching those windshield wipers blasting away the water driving in the rain too and flashing those headlights to pass in the dark of night. It’s funny I was watching some of the professionally made side by side videos today that are posted in GTS and I must say I like GT5 just as much as any of the new sims out there and allthough my video replay is not as professional being simply filmed with my iPhone right off my TV I think GT4 coupled with GT5 is the best combo of racing games out there even in today times. After all it is just a game and I enjoy it as such.
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Diving back into GT5 for a bit, and then coming over to read this thread, I realized with full force what had been cast out - nay- amputated from the Gran Turismo 'schtick' . . . and by that I mean one of the core characteristics that made Gran Turismo iconic and not just another real-life simulation of racing.
Collecting cars.
And - for the first time - collecting together online.
Trading. Sharing. Gifting.
This took that wonderfully obsessive hobby of hunting and acquiring hard-to-get cars to a new level. Unlike GT4, for instance, where one had to actually wait for the right time to pounce amongst the stealth cars when they appeared, or cross one's fingers over getting some elusive '83 AE86 we now, for the first time in the series had a way of sharing our tuned cars, gifting them, trading, even sharing colour chips . . . even 'sponging' cars . . . :mischievous:

Meanwhile I was on another project and missed out on a lot of this, watching the shenanigans from afar, yet gritting my teeth and going at it to prove that Kaz's game couldn't survive without online:

I was wrong. Kaz's game did hold my attention, even completely offline (or maybe I'm just an obsessed petrolhead.)
I was, however, madly keen to join up with the rest of the community and take this collecting to the next level - going online and having a huge garage to play with - trade, share, gift . . . all to no avail.
Shortly after I came fully online with my game the servers went down
And, in effect, killed the game - because a good part of that game was 'collecting' and when going offline separated the collectors the game turned into a reclusive hobby.

But GT6 was supposed to take this 'car-collecting/trading/gifting/sharing' characteristic of the game (cars that one could actually drive) to an even higher level of captivating car-lovers and keeping them by taking that additional online component and amping it up.
What happened was GT6 turned out to completely amputate the car collecting/trading/sharing/gifting part of the game - a whole chunk missing, replaced by a more race-focused agenda that included a huge injection of GTAcademy, and then finally morphing into what seems to be a full-blown racing (only) game using that valuable online-capable component to now cultivate a special elite community.
There are players, I guess, who will say that car-collecting is a laugh - but, to each their own.
Collecting cars (in Gran Turismo) after GT5 is a laugh.
GT6 was a case of just acquiring the car when needed.
I still did 'try' a bit of car-collecting in GT6 - I preordered the game to get the anniversary cars. I even heard that 'cars' were being 'sold' on eBay. Some sort of hacking.
But otherwise Gran Turismo had given up on the car-collecting obsession . . . and all its attendant opportunities for the player-community base to fraternize using the game.

There was something else missing in GT6 that brought out noticeable whining about how 'lame' or 'clinical' or 'sterile' the game had become.
It was in reading this - some of my previous jotting here from the experience of playing GT5 that I realized that myself:

"As you can imagine I was floating in 1000 Tickets. I got the most amazing cars out of the 1000 Tickets, all 0/0/0, from a TAKATA DOME NSX, to a Lancia Blue Stratos. Whenever a Stratos came up I bought it - after the 3rd York Green beat-up Stratos was snatched up from the UCD, the next 1000 Ticket gave me this brand new Stratos - I could have screamed. In fact I must have yelled "Kaz! You bastard! I love you!" or something to that effect.
(Hopefully the honourable san is getting all this stuff filtered through some savvy marketing R&D chaps. :D )

Once, (though I did this several times) I had to sell a few cars frantically, to get a car that I knew wouldn't cycle back quickly - and that sale required me to get rid of my 8c Competizione, too, the car I was using at the time - since there are not too many cars with high resale value - and Premiums are easier to recover - just buy them again.
The next 1000 Ticket gave me a brand new 8c.

After awhile, I realised I wasn't playing a lone video-game on a discrete console - but playing against a team of minds, remotely - a great and inventive team, almost incorrigible in their mischievousness, as passionate about developing one's racing and driving skills, as rewarding the automotive lover with a plethora of morsels, one after the other, spinning in front of one's eyes, to be grabbed and savoured, but only if the skills used were worthy of reward.
There was some of this mischievous play in GT4. But GT5 took it to another level. It was like GT4 was the domestic news, and GT5 went worldwide.

So while I managed to get almost all of the cars that were promised to be there in the Original Game, as advertised, and in fact multiples of what were taken to be 'rare' cars, I never got all those variations, all those strange colours, all those red and yellow Midgets and so on. Why was I being treated this way - as an outcast and not worthy of red Midgets? You'd think after watching the UCD for over 6000 days, I'd know if there was a red Midget in there, wouldn't you?

Now, I used to read over and over in the Forums, about the UCDs that everybody else had, and we've discussed the pros and cons of collecting in here enough to have whetted my appetite - so it was time to take my own domesticated cat off its leash and go Online.

First thing I see when I go to the Online Dealer (and, no, it's not the OCD, it's the OD ;)) is this:

WTF? A Midget? Right away? First bloody vehicle in the slots? Did the bastards even know I was coming online that week?"

It's so true what you say.

I grew up hooked on GT2 and GT4, and so i was looking forward to what GT6 would offer while satisfying my need with GT5P and GT5. Unfortunately GT6 did not last long enough for me, and i feel it was replaced so quickly by GTS...

Hopefully GT7 will be a combination of GT4/5/6/S .... i guess i should keep on dreaming...