GT5 Bugs

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United States
Los Angeles, CA
I know GT5 is not out yet, and its still up in the air as to when it might get released. Or if they might say something @ TGS concerning it's release. But when GT5 is released, we can put all the bugs we find here... Unless someone else has created a thread on this, and has a sort of "list" thing going... which is better...but I have no skills that will allow such a creation to exist here.

Here's the GT4 Bugs Thread:

But if this is not a good Idea, this thread can be deleted...👍
I think it is not a good idea since the game has not been released. It do not even have a release date! But let's see what the mods say.
I know GT5 is not out yet, and its still up in the air as to when it might get released. Or if they might say something @ TGS concerning it's release. But when GT5 is released, we can put all the bugs we find here... Unless someone else has created a thread on this, and has a sort of "list" thing going... which is better...but I have no skills that will allow such a creation to exist here.

Here's the GT4 Bugs Thread:

But if this is not a good Idea, this thread can be deleted...👍

I understand Making a thread like this within 1 week of release, but couple of months? Hmm 👎
Haha, how desperate can you be to try and grasp the glory of having a potentially large (and pointless) thread under your name. So pathetic.
I should start a thread right now as well

" What did you drive in GT5 today?"


" Official GT5 online black list"


Official GT5 Photos
Wow, Sooby I apologize for the actions of everyone else who has posted in here (with the exception of Wind and Terero)... Way to act in a mature manner guys.
Let's start a GT6 bug list! I know it hasn't even been announced, but we all know that it is coming. We can start by imagining the mistakes PD will make in the future....

Just kidding. This thread is really too early.
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