GT5 coming this year? Advertising started

  • Thread starter sunjeev
Gran Turismo 5 publicity starts with Citroën and Polyphony Digital's supercar.$1306022.htm

They are already advertising Gran Turismo making a 2009 release seem more likely.

I really hope it comes out this year :)
Nobody is asking you to buy anything. Information is free.

*Facepalm* "I'm not buying it" is a term used that means I don't believe it. All they were trying to say is that they don't believe the information about a release date unless it comes directly from PD/Sony. Nothing to do with actual buying :)
Can't understand the attitude of some when it comes to threads like these. Lets face we are running out of things to discuss when it comes to GT5 and I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a thread asking "What is your favourite drink whilst playing GT" lol.

Personally I find threads like these far more enjoyable to participate in rather than some of the dull, boring, monotonous threads we sometimes see.

I swear some people will still disbelieve GT5 is coming even if they were smacked in the face with the Blu ray disc!
GT and PD have been advertising a lot for years, we are just noticing it more since the game appears to be very close to done.
Can people please stop reporting this thread? I've had 4 reports so far and I'm still not locking it.

The thread gives information about some apparent advertising - and I'd think that taking the PD/Citroen collaboration "Citroen GT by Citroen" supercar around the layout of the PD London Circuit would certainly qualify - rather than giving out yet another "release date".

Click on the link, folks. It's interesting.
Can't understand the attitude of some when it comes to threads like these. Lets face we are running out of things to discuss when it comes to GT5 and I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a thread asking "What is your favourite drink whilst playing GT" lol.

Personally I find threads like these far more enjoyable to participate in rather than some of the dull, boring, monotonous threads we sometimes see.

I swear some people will still disbelieve GT5 is coming even if they were smacked in the face with the Blu ray disc!

I think this thread would have been taken very differently had it been titled differently. Had it been titled something like "GTByCitroen driven around London" you would have different responses. However, the title making mention of a release date just attracts the wrong attention and misses the news in the link. Then again I would rather click on a thread and realise it has some interesting news than some other threads posted recently that are titled as if they are a statement and just end up being speculation yet again.

On the subject matter it is very cool/interesting they have done that. Love the comparison shots between Real vs in game.
[UPDATE] - has released this statement:

"Please be advised that the release date currently listed on the website, the 27th November 2009, is as given to us by the publisher/manufacturer or The Game. Should this release date change we will update the website accordingly, so it is worth checking periodically."

Looks like the date came from Sony. Interesting.
Interesting, very interesting.
Every forum is the same these days, somebody posts something & there is always one moaning it been posted in the wrong section or complaining the thread should be locked. Get a life if you don't like it just ignore it & move on.
Go on flame me, if you've got nothing better to do. A little tolerance people, come on!
Great find.

Is it possible that some of them shots are 'ingame shots' (as in computer generated)?

Some are, if you read the whole thing they are holding a contest for the ones who can tell the real from the fake.
I suppose they are done with the game engine. The contest Northstar3914 is talking about seems rather easy. I've only got one doubt with a picture, but that one aside, they are all distinguishable from game and reality.
Is this the time of the month? What's with all the grumpiness? Believe whatever you want about GT5 coming, if you don't like the thread, just... go do something else? Seriously.
I suppose they are done with the game engine. The contest Northstar3914 is talking about seems rather easy. I've only got one doubt with a picture, but that one aside, they are all distinguishable from game and reality.

They are fairly easy, the clouds are an easy way to tell. Also, what is up with the prizes?👎
They are fairly easy, the clouds are an easy way to tell.

You're right about the clouds. But pic two , one of the ones that looked like the GT clouds, has AMAZING sunlight effect on the building. You can also kind of tell the TDK and SANYO sign is fake... but not in a bad way. It almost looks better than real life! I'm so stoked and excited about this!👍:drool:
You're right about the clouds. But pic two , one of the ones that looked like the GT clouds, has AMAZING sunlight effect on the building. You can also kind of tell the TDK and SANYO sign is fake... but not in a bad way. It almost looks better than real life! I'm so stoked and excited about this!👍:drool:

The real give away for game shots is the barrier on the side walk lol