GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi

This is what they are going to use to get the copies of the game to stores ultra quickly! :sly:

To the Turismo-mobile KY and Translator-san!![IMG]

This is what they are going to use to get the copies of the game to stores ultra quickly! :sly:

[B]To the Turismo-mobile KY and Translator-san!! [/B][/QUOTE]

Lets hope they don't have to make any right turns on the way :dopey:
It was to be expected. I mean, Sony/PD were really quiet. No TV ads f.e. whereas Black Ops is already being shown here on Dutch telly.


I can wait, kinda. I think all of us are making too big of a deal cause its just a video game well the best one ever!!
I'm just trying to forget about it and live my life and then it will be released faster than i know it.
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Welcome to the board HKS-Drifter,

Take a moment to re-read the AUP and don't double post and use proper grammar and complete spelling when posting on the boards, thanks.

Well i am very sorry for your inconvinace. Second day on this site and everyone is going crazy about the AUP, I had no clue. But now I know. I understand but every other site does not give a crap so im not use to this.
He was reported earlier for obvious post-spamming, and it looks like a lot of the posts were deleted (thanks Mods!). But it's looking like a reprise...

Perhaps this thread can die after a few hours, though.
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Well I am very sorry for your inconvenience. Second day on this site and everyone is going crazy about the AUP, I had no clue. But now I know. I understand,but every other site does not give a crap so I'm not used to this.

Now I'm just giving you some ****. :)
who gives a crap if i misspell stuff. I am still young, very young.

Apparently the owner of the website and all the moderators as well as some of the users, just to name a few. Being young doesn't excuse poor grammar. It's lazy and inconsiderate on a website that has an international user base. Some people don't speak English as a first language, and when you don't take the time to spell things are miscommunicating, and it's rude.
arron dude. you are the lamest guy ever. You are a adult and you are telling some kid how to spell. You are so lame. You are probalbly fat too if you spend your life on the computer telling some kid how to spell and also, your the biggest noob ever if you dedicate many time to video games and wasting time on this site. Why dont you go pay rent. Buddy, you were born in 1970. Come on. You have no life. Im a 11 year old kid and your cyber bulling at the age of 40!!!!! Get a life!!!!!!!!
who gives a crap if i misspell stuff. I am still young, very young.

HKS, please take this as well-intended advice. You are never too young to be conscious of your communication skills. Right or wrong, people tend to judge others by how well they communicate. This is especially true in professional settings. You may not be there yet but bad habits are hard to break so try to keep in mind that the better you articulate yourself the more likely you are going to be taken seriously.
Apparently the owner of the website and all the moderators as well as some of the users, just to name a few. Being young doesn't excuse poor grammar. It's lazy and inconsiderate on a website that has an international user base. Some people don't speak English as a first language, and when you don't take the time to spell things are miscommunicating, and it's rude.

ok, lots of the stuff i dont even know how to spell. Ok that hurts.
But gees he's a 11 year old kid who maybe don't even has english as his main language. Besides, if your eyes bleeds for seeing some miss-spelling it's time to meet a chick...
HKS, please take this as well-intended advice. You are never too young to be conscious of your communication skills. Right or wrong, people tend to judge others by how well they communicate. This is especially true in professional settings. You may not be there yet but bad habits are hard to break so try to keep in mind that the better you articulate yourself the more likely you are going to be taken seriously.

what does articulate mean
But gees he's a 11 year old kid who maybe don't even has english as his main language. Besides, if your eyes bleeds for seeing some miss-spelling it's time to meet a chick...

Like my wife of 7 years?

arron dude. you are the lamest guy ever. You are a adult and you are telling some kid how to spell. You are so lame. You are probalbly fat too if you spend your life on the computer telling some kid how to spell and also, your the biggest noob ever if you dedicate many time to video games and wasting time on this site. Why dont you go pay rent. Buddy, you were born in 1970. Come on. You have no life. Im a 11 year old kid and your cyber bulling at the age of 40!!!!! Get a life!!!!!!!!

Not fat. 6ft 1in and 200lbs. It's called living a full life. I'm USAF, so I have a full time job, a house, a wife, and can spend my time how I see fit. I don't have to answer to my Mommy. I'm not cyber bullying by informing you of the rules of the website and asking you to respectfully follow them. ;)

My car:

My house:
arron dude. you are the lamest guy ever. You are a adult and you are telling some kid how to spell.
Teaching kids how to spell, amongst many other things, is what responsible adults should do for kids. He's doing his civic duty.
You are so lame. You are probalbly fat too if you spend your life on the computer telling some kid how to spell
Name calling will get you nowhere. Except booted off of GTP.
your the biggest noob ever if you dedicate many time to video games and wasting time on this site.
And that would be different from you how?
Why dont you go pay rent.
I'm fairly certain he does/is.

Edit: Correction. Not rent. Mortgage.
Buddy, you were born in 1970.
Actually it's 1974.
Come on. You have no life.
I don't know him personally but I'm fairly certain that he has a life and in said life he likely does very well.

Edit: Based on his wife, car and house, it appears that I was correct.
Im a 11 year old kid and your cyber bulling at the age of 40!!!!!
Again, 1974 so 36, not 40. Double check your sources. And he's not "cyber-bullying."
Get a life!!!!!!!!
See previous "get a life" retort.
arron dude. you are the lamest guy ever. You are a adult and you are telling some kid how to spell. You are so lame. You are probalbly fat too if you spend your life on the computer telling some kid how to spell and also, your the biggest noob ever if you dedicate many time to video games and wasting time on this site. Why dont you go pay rent. Buddy, you were born in 1970. Come on. You have no life. Im a 11 year old kid and your cyber bulling at the age of 40!!!!! Get a life!!!!!!!!

Posts like this are exactly why people might question a poster, though. He's young, yes... though that brings it's own question: I thought GTP had a minimum age when joining? I can't remember, it's been 7+ years since I did. I'd hardly call "follow the rules" cyber-bullying though.

It's the free-of-content, one-word posts that I imagine are more of a concern.

(NINJA-EDIT) Whoa, Aarron firmly took care of that!