GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
Havent you learned anything from all this, PD/sony are completely full of it and cant be trusted even if you asked them whats today date.

Its us fans that made them what they are today and how do we get rewarded, we dont, they keep us all in the dark, chop and change dates left right and centre and generally treat us like we're somethin they stepped in.

Im sick of the farce that is GT5, its been draggin on for years now and just when there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel BANG!!!! they go and delay it yet again with no concrete reasons just internet speculation from the many fans around the world all eagerly waitin on the release.

Now here we are again sittin here like obedient little puppies waitin for 'another' release date that may or may not come this week (who knows, its PD/sony after all), its pathetic.

PD and sony could both do with a helping of humble pie and appreciate they wouldnt be where they are today without us:grumpy:

Stop acting like an entitled baby, no one among us knows why the game was delayed and you act like it was something they did out of spite.
End of october, did they say what time zone? Here it's 3:30pm right now so two days, 8 hours and 30 minutes left. :D
I just woke up, its 8:12 am Friday. Dunno what the worry is about though... I don't think lying for something that was a lie in the first place is worth it. :\

5 bucks says when I get back it will be there, in bug, bold letters! :)
thats just because they operate international on this site....
its an official sony site and a date ....

. But isn't that site a US only site? Top Right says USA. Someone search for UK, Germany, Japan.
2 days left till the end of the month, I don't think we are going to see an official date yet... which means the wait continues. But I am keeping hope alive for early December.
thats just because they operate international on this site....
its an official sony site and a date ....

He's just remaining skeptical, and wisely so. Until they announce it by means of a larger forum, I'd take the posting there with a grain of salt.
"Available on or about 11/30/2010. We will email you when product ships."

and for France and Europe?

Well, what day does EU usually have the game released? I don't think that release date has any weight to it, but non the less, its fun to hope.:drool: