"GT5 details leak" - Could it indeed be real?

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
And again, we have no mention of weather or day/night cycles... only hope we have tracks at night with a incredible light system. *-*

The last released video "Citreon" clearly shows London in the dark and looks like genuine gameplay rather than CGI.

I suggest you download the video and play it in slow mo or freeze frame.
Regards the earlier discussion on track building and location photography, didnt a past interview mention that the London track was photographed during the "London Bombings Of 2005" so they have been long at work on the track material/development.
Wasn't laggy for me, not anymore than now anyway. Might be because now you have the US version you are playing local people rather than hosts in Japan. While here in Australia we don't have such a large amount of local players at any given time so we are connected to US or Euro hosts. Japan is closer.

It was massively laggy and ridden with bugs. I bought the japanese game when it launched and playing from australia it was horrid. Cars would be spinning while going in a straight line and all sorts of weird **** would happen. Well, that was if you would get to race at all. Most of the time you would just get an error code. Buy the time the rest of the world got prologue most of the problems were gone. The difference now is night and day compared to the launch code.
Maybe they did improve it somehow, but I never experienced those problems with local players.

If you were playing local players then you were using the pal game, which is spec III. That means that you never played the game when it first came out and that is what we are talking about.
IS there any chance at all that they game is released on E3? ANY? It could be the second best time after christmas (considering summer break coming up on lots of schoolchildren).
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IS there any chance at all that they game is released on E3? ANY?

Very very wishful thinking, but as we know next to nothing, anything is possible. If you beleive it will happen, most likely you'll be dissapointed. Think its due in 2010 and if news comes for an early release date and you'll be much happier
If you were playing local players then you were using the pal game, which is spec III. That means that you never played the game when it first came out and that is what we are talking about.

I imported the Japanese version and played online on the day it was available (December 25) and still never had the problem.

My repsonse to the lag of local servers was because Nox said he also got the lag playing local US guys with his US version. The lag has been the same of all versions for me, none for local and some (and sometimes a lot) for long distance.

Oh and btw when PAL version came out (which I also bought) it was Spec II, Spec III didn't happen until October 3rd.
I think when we finally get the game, it will be rich with features, but not including everything that PD had in mind for release, because we would wait for ever. We will get the rest of what was originally intended in the way of DLC.

Also, I don't think we will see a GT6 on the PS3 as the current upcoming GT5 game will be expanded via DLC until we get a PS4, then with the new tech that PS4 has to offer over the PS3, we will than see a graphically improved GT6.
you do realise the PS3 has a 10year life expectancy

But that does not mean GT6 wont be on PS4.

Sure its 10 years, same with PS2, yet there is PS3... So in 2 more years new PS4 console will be out or ready to be out.
you do realise the PS3 has a 10year life expectancy
That doesn't mean anything, they will have to release a new console at the same time others do or people will think it's old technology.
That doesn't mean anything, they will have to release a new console at the same time others do or people will think it's old technology.

Original Xbox (Which was more powerful than the PS2) didn't cause Sony to rush a new system, then the Xbox360 came and Sony still didn't release the same time.
Original Xbox (Which was more powerful than the PS2) didn't cause Sony to rush a new system, then the Xbox360 came and Sony still didn't release the same time.
I didn't mean it like that. I meant that there will be a new generation of systems in the upcoming years(probably 2-4) and Sony will be one of the companies introducing a new console. If they don't and chose to continue with the PS3 the large number of consumers will disregard it and consider it old technology.
Original Xbox (Which was more powerful than the PS2) didn't cause Sony to rush a new system, then the Xbox360 came and Sony still didn't release the same time.

Because Xbox I think came one year later after PS2 console.. SO no need for SONY or anyone else to release new console after 2 years. If funny how even today world sales on PS2 are still decent.. Xbox has fail.. even tho it was more powerful, I don't know why Microsoft stop sales from day one when 360 came.. They could still continue it, there are many countries that still play older games, and PS2 for them is best console.

Back to the info thread... you guy think at least HALF of the tracks will make it in with GT5 and rest via Downlaod? Or more then 75% of them will make it in? or full list?
I think PD will give us a full game with pretty much everything they have full developed from day 1, future large DLC won't be a week after release (looking at EA here) but maybe a year down the track.

I think much of the DLC will be body kits, wheels, racing suits, maybe decal pack (for livery editor) and some new cars as they are released (Motorshow concepts, new Evo's etc). I hope we get a good stream of small DLC like body kits, racing suits, helmets, wheels etc throughout the months then after a year or so a bigger DLC pack with some new model cars and a track or two.

Who knows what they have planned.
I think about all of those tracks will be in at launch. I also believe that all the fictional courses PD designed over the years will be included at launch. And +1 to what Jay said.
The PS3 has widely been stated to have a 10Year life span, why did you think they gambled with the Bluray?

This console will be expected to outlast the 360 and fight its Microsoft's new design, the upgradeable harddrives etc, are all just futureproofing, the cell etc everything was designed, thats why games are no where near harnessing the power in the ps3 yet, yes GT5 could last the whole time with upgrades but Sony knows how to make money, if they do want to make the whole GT5 last the console span and continuously upgrade then its gona be pretty costly for the user.


there's some info
The PS3 will definitely have a 10 plus year lifespan, but there's going to be a PS4 sometime around 2013.
I don't expect a new Playstation console untill the credit crunch / recession has gone, its too costly and in this current climate only a console like the Wii would thrive so well..

most people in the last 2 years have got a PS3, if the recession is still gripping i wouldnt expect people to want to fork out for another in 3 years
I don't expect a new Playstation console untill the credit crunch / recession has gone, its too costly and in this current climate only a console like the Wii would thrive so well..

most people in the last 2 years have got a PS3, if the recession is still gripping i wouldnt expect people to want to fork out for another in 3 years

It will be long over(if the analysts are right), in 4 years who knows where we will be. I'm guessing the release dates for the new generation of consoles will be late 2012-late 2013(both to line up with the holiday season)
Maybe, just think the research and dev costs alone would put sony off for now till there making good profit
If PS4 comes out before 2015 I'll be royally 🤬 off! I just forked out $600 for this PS3, it'd better last a very long time.:odd:
If PS4 comes out before 2015 I'll be royally 🤬 off! I just forked out $600 for this PS3, it'd better last a very long time.:odd:

This is my point.

this is why they have a 10 year plan, and if you read it, it says "leading the market" which means they will have no head console above this by that time they expect.

alot of people have 360 and no PS3 untill the ps3 can collect this market, they still have a long way to go, which is why im sure the lifespan will probably be 10 years
PS3 was planned to be replaced (but still fully supported) after 5 years, then another 5 years of support. After delays and things not going to plan I think it will be a longer than that.

10 year cycle is Sony's plan (5 flagship, 5 of extra support) so a release in late 2006 going by Sony's original plan means late 2011 would be the PS4's release, but realistically 2012 is more likely. Don't forget that doesn't mean the end of PS3, thats PS3 half life, just like the PS2 before and PS1 before that.
If PS4 comes out before 2015 I'll be royally 🤬 off! I just forked out $600 for this PS3, it'd better last a very long time.:odd:
No computing architecture has ever lasted more than six years without a replacement to my knowledge, either PC or console. The PS2 lasted six years, which amazes me because, other than the Emotion Engine, the PS2 was really a weak system after two years of its life. The 4 megs of VRam was really a bad design decision, and developers hated it. The Dreamcast had double that, and they loved it. But for those who schooled themselves on the Emotion Engine, such as Hideo Kojima of Konami and Kazunori-dono, it yielded amazing results. To this day, I have yet to see anything like the torrential downpour in any video game like the one in Metal Gear Solid 2. It was real time, in game.

The PS3 is so powerful that I believe it could well be viable for a full seven years against anything, which would put the release of the PS4 at 2013, but that's really pushing it. Computing technology is going to advance a LOT in the next four years, especially in the speed of motherboard and ram bandwidth, not to mention digital media formats. My new GeForce 260 graphics card has almost double the ram the PS3 itself has. While the Cell is extremely powerful, developers wanted more ram before the PS3 was even out. Eventually, 4GB of ram will be the norm. Devs and kids will want the new tech to push even more objects, provide better A.I., render even more lifelike, fully destructible scenery, have up to 32 cars in a race easily. And Microsoft, with its poorly designed 360, and Nintendo, with its puny next gen GameCube the Wii, will both have new consoles out as early as 2011. Possibly even next year. Of course the games won't be any better, but shiny new technology captivates the herd mentality of the consumer, and they will have the buzz. Still, SONY devs could equal almost anything they do if they harness the power of the PS3 like I believe they will, but a new console will have to come out by 2013. You can only take dated technology so far.
I see no reason for a PS4 to release until 2012 at the earliest. Financially it makes no sense as R&D would cost a huge deal of money and secondly by this year or next Sony will finally be making money per console sold.

GT5 is at best releasing end of 2009 so that will have been over 2 years since the PS3 released. Sony are NOT going to waste that engine and will want GT6 on the PS3, game will not take anywhere near as long at GT5 to make since the engine will be in place and can simply be built on.

It really does come down to $$$ and with that said there is no reason at all for a PS4. Graphically and storage wise the PS3 can still go a long way and with all the first party devs Sony has many more games to come.

Also how is the framerate of GT5 Prologue? I recall GT4 Prologue looking better than the full game and that was due to PD doing that to improve framerate. I hope that does not happen with GT5 but as I said it depends on how good/bad the prologues framerate is.
Back to the track list.

It doesn't look any more than GT4 + other confirmed (e.g. Madrid) + the ones on the weather list.

I'm not sure this list is comprehensive.

If it is though them I'm delighted to see Brands Hatch, Spa, Monza and Imola on there, but dissapointed they haven't got rid of dirt/snow tracks - they don't really add value to the game.

It would also be good to see the other F1 tracks, esp. Interlagos.

The reason I find the list hard to believe is the lack of outright surprises, and the lack of American tracks - no Watking Glen, Long Beach, Road Atlanta etc.