"GT5 details leak" - Could it indeed be real?

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
I see no reason for a PS4 to release until 2012 at the earliest. Financially it makes no sense as R&D would cost a huge deal of money and secondly by this year or next Sony will finally be making money per console sold.

Thats all part of Sony's console lifespan plan, the console still makes lots of money after a new one comes along, look at the PS2, it's a cash register at the moment. It might sound fine now for the PS3 to last untill 2015 before the PS4 but the PS3 will start looking quite dated in a few years.

And by the time GT5 comes out the PS3 will be 3 years old or more, I am sure PD have a plan.
I don't see a PS4 until about 2014.

You only have to listen to EA and Activision talk about the life left in this gen; plus the fact that the PS3 still has to go through at least 3 substantial price points; $299, £199 and $149, which is where the most consoles get sold apparently.
Blu-Ray is cheap now. A more advanced writable drive for PC is less than $90 US, when two years ago they were $400-500. The stamped discs used for movies and games are close to the cost of DVDs. The Cell, RSX, ram, motherboard, power supply, hard drives, everything is cheaper to produce now. Blu-Ray is probably the cheapest component in the PS3. A price cut may come this summer, or an even bigger one in the fall.
I don't see a PS4 until about 2014.

You only have to listen to EA and Activision talk about the life left in this gen; plus the fact that the PS3 still has to go through at least 3 substantial price points; $299, £199 and $149, which is where the most consoles get sold apparently.

Hmm, EA, yeh, never take advice from this incompetent fools.

On those price points, the PS3 will never get to $149, I think it's got too much hardware value for that, they'd be losing a lot of money, and even though they could make the PS3 a loss leader, it would be a huge loss leader at that price.

Microsoft will bring out something first, they'll have to, the 360's lifespan is a lot shorter than that of the PS3, they did release it first, and MS are desperate to take a control of the console market.
Even if you don't want to take advice from EA, have a look at their balance sheet. EA, like Activision and Take-Two are all losing money this generation...that's why they're all moving more resources to the Wii. If that's the case, what is the incentive for them to go into another, more powerful hardware cycle when they can't even make money from this generation?

Microsoft don't have to release anything new. If the least powerful console last gen in the PS2 can last 10 years, there's no reason why the 360 can't last just as long. MS may well be desperate to take control of the console market, but next time they're going to have to make sure that their console works flawlessly out of the box; no RRoD fiasco's; which means more money spent on R&D. And people will remember the hardware problems this gen and may hold back buying a next gen Xbox.

And in this economy, MS aren't going to be in a position to keep shelling out for replacements, $1b warranties and repairs like they have lavished on customers this generation.

With life span, sure, we may see an advantage from the PS3 over time as devs learn more and more about the hardware, but it's not going to be ground-breaking. The 360 and PS3 are basically the same. If Sony had managed to put more RAM in, it could have been different.

Even Blu-Ray isn't really too much of a principle difference, as I have a feeling that PS3 owners are going to be annoyed when they (likely) discover that FF XIII on the 360 comes on nice multiple DVD's that are easily swappable; yet us PS3 owners will be lumbered will lengthy installs taking up gigs and gigs of space.
Well I don't want to take this even more OT, I will just say that I doubt the RROD will effect the next Microsoft console as sales have stayed strong despite it.

Anyways, E3 is around the corner and hopefully we will see how much of this list is real.
Even if you don't want to take advice from EA, have a look at their balance sheet. EA, like Activision and Take-Two are all losing money this generation...that's why they're all moving more resources to the Wii. If that's the case, what is the incentive for them to go into another, more powerful hardware cycle when they can't even make money from this generation?
It's a tough world out there, even the strong entertainment industry gets hit. But I don't expect a company like EA to be able to make profits in areas where they could, having seen how they run, they run on brand rather than quality.

Microsoft don't have to release anything new. If the least powerful console last gen in the PS2 can last 10 years, there's no reason why the 360 can't last just as long. MS may well be desperate to take control of the console market, but next time they're going to have to make sure that their console works flawlessly out of the box; no RRoD fiasco's; which means more money spent on R&D. And people will remember the hardware problems this gen and may hold back buying a next gen Xbox.

PS2 was a power house though, very reliable, good games kept being produced and you can buy one new for 60 quid. (Sorry, pound key doesn't work on this keyboard :D) Power is nothing if you can't turn it on all the time.

The 360 and PS3 are basically the same. If Sony had managed to put more RAM in, it could have been different.

No, they are very different consoles and products.

I doubt any game will use more than the 50GB BD available.
i think gt5 might be released next year now. the main reason being GOWlll. i heard its gonna be big at e309. i don't think Sony will release GOWlll and gt5 in the same year.
I think RRoD will be remembered and have some effect on sales next gen, after all, some people still dredge up the PS2's disc read error problems (for what they were).

Although, they could be xbots trolling....
GOWIIII and GT5 are both system sellers for Christmas time, why would they pass it up, they wouldn't the idea they would is ridiculous, if GT5 is ready before Christmas sony will not delay it
GT5 is the big one Sony has and rest assured if it is ready for Christmas it will release in Christmas. It's one of those franchises other companies will go around eg if GT5 has a December 09 release date Forza 3 will 1000% release before or well after. GT5, Modern Warfare 2 and Halo ODST are the games which come to mind as the mega games which will end up selling a bagillion copies.

Sony will not release GOW III + GT5 in the same period of time, it simply does make sense financially. The new IP such as MAG will get murdered by MW2 while the new Ratchet and Clank will do pretty well.

Anyway GT5 will sell more then enough copies to warrant GT6. :D
GT5 in 6-7 months?

Does somebody believe this here?

Wouldn´t wonder if it comes christmas 2010... trust my words :) but let us pray im wrong :)
i think gt5 might be released next year now. the main reason being GOWlll. i heard its gonna be big at e309. i don't think Sony will release GOWlll and gt5 in the same year.
If GT5 is ready by the holidays, there's no doubt GT5 will be on the shelves. SONY is well aware of the millions of buyers who are waiting for GT5 to buy a PS3, and along with that, Logitech and Fanatec wheel controllers. And I don't see why GOW III wouldn't be for sale at the same time. In 2007, Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank Future were both holiday releases, and both were million sellers within months. Very few people buy one game for Christmas, and the PS3 is established around the world more than 20 million strong already.

I myself am Japanese (live in UK) so have been on the forums and it seems this guy knows what he is talking about. For one we was talking about White Knight Chronicles a long time ago and he was correct about the release date and what not.

Either way no knowing if this guy is or is not correct so this is just speculation. I posted it because he has been right before and as I said this is speculation so think what you want of it. :)

The link is from a french forum and the 'insider' was Japanese so some information might have been lost in translation. TBH I cannot be bothered to translate so sorry about that. ;)

Bringing this thread up again.

It's talking about DECEMBER release! as well I bet this is very reliable source!
For the guys who think the guy was all BS..

he wrote

- Rally and race tourism and F1 is present.

That was way way way long time before PD confirmed, WRC championships, as well NASCAR, also PD wants to have F1 seasons too!

I think the list is about 90% true!
The only thing I find fishy about that list is the lack of new created tracks(other than street courses). I don't think there has been a GT with no new created tracks.
The only thing I find fishy about that list is the lack of new created tracks(other than street courses). I don't think there has been a GT with no new created tracks.

Lists always change, maybe he got info when staff member gave it to him.. who knows few months later PD might have added more tracks?
Maybe because PD is working on the current list? heck we still have DLC. Who knows if even 50 % of the tracks listed will be out by this December!
Youp, 600. 600 was that magic number PD promised even before Prologue, that link is so OLD... Now PD change their minds and want 1000 cars.. if that is true..
I wonder why PD took their list off their site.. waiting for TGS?
That was way way way long time before PD confirmed, WRC championships, as well NASCAR, also PD wants to have F1 seasons too!

I think the list is about 90% true!
Rally doesn't necessarily mean WRC, I don't see anything about NASCAR in that original post, except for some circuits which NASCAR happens to run events on and "F1 is present" could simply mean there are F1 cars, not complete championship seasons. Also, let's not forget that Codemasters currently holds the F1 license, so that makes an F1 season even less likely.

This could be real but then again it might not be. Just don't throw a tantrum if some of the things on this list don't make their way into GT5. ;)
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Yeah Codemasters hold the NEW season.. PD can build anyting before that.. Hence that is why we got that particular F2007 model, and not 2008 or 2009

Even if half the cars are PD F1 models, I would care less, an F1 is a F1, as long it has correct specs.
Hang on, didn't Prologue come out before 2008 and 2009?

I think the F1 in GT5 will be similar to the GT4 F1 championship.
Yeah Codemasters hold the NEW season.. PD can build anyting before that.. Hence that is why we got that particular F2007 model, and not 2008 or 2009

Even if half the cars are PD F1 models, I would care less, an F1 is a F1, as long it has correct specs.

Wouldnt be so sure on that, That dosnt fit the way the poison dwarf (aka Bernie Eclestone) typically deals with F1 rights. certainly with all the TV stuff, the license covers footage from all the previous seasons as well as the current one, and I'd expect they would do the games the same way.

Of course the Inclusion of past Ferraris is a little different, as Ferrari have always been a bit more througher than the others in protecting their image.

Really hope that a lot of those tracks make it through, though if Silverstone, Brands Hatch & Monaco make it I will be beond happy!