looking at the answer given about the psp mobile dlc "dlc when you already have 800 cars is like chucking water in an ocean its not worth it with a life time of cars" (not word for word as on ps3 and cant seem to copy it) could that mean no dlc, meaning the more expensive dlc free version is not really going to happen?
edit worked paste out
We?re planning on having 800+ cars right out of the box, which is pretty much a lifetime?s worth of racing (I?m still unlocking cars from GT4). With that sort of breadth and reach of options, having DLC would be like tossing water into the ocean.
edit worked paste out
We?re planning on having 800+ cars right out of the box, which is pretty much a lifetime?s worth of racing (I?m still unlocking cars from GT4). With that sort of breadth and reach of options, having DLC would be like tossing water into the ocean.