GT5 Exclusive in February OPM

  • Thread starter ScizGT
Polyphony Digital wont release any information at all until the release,

Than they should prepare for very low sales figures.

Yes, the "hardcore" fans will buy it, but they also make up a very small percentage of GT sales.(probably around 20%)
The last magazines that promised to have "world exclusive" information basicly summed up rumors from the internet and some facts, that were posted on GTPlanet months ago.

Well, those magazines said they had the "full story", and the "full story" was pretty much what was already known, so they were technically telling the truth :sly:

I think there will be new news in OPM - nothing Earth shattering - but definitely something, or some nuggets, that will be able to be gleaned out of it.

I can't remember, but how close to the JP release of GT4 did we start getting information on cars/tracks/etc?
If they should release a screenshot of a car rolling over in mid air.....:dopey:

The "general public" might not be aware of what we are allready discussing for ages, so it might actually be news to them and therefore considered world exclusive, because no other magazine covered it yet.

So which feature has allready been covered in other magazines and wich feature might be revealed?
Maybe something about the head tracking? Or just a new track, like Madrid, or Rome.
Than they should prepare for very low sales figures.

Yes, the "hardcore" fans will buy it, but they also make up a very small percentage of GT sales.(probably around 20%)
Ditto, I was going to say the same thing.
Than they should prepare for very low sales figures.

Yes, the "hardcore" fans will buy it, but they also make up a very small percentage of GT sales.(probably around 20%)

I think it will be the opposite because if its a month before release and they release a huge track, car and feature list then the hype will be massive and everyone will go out and buy it on day 1.
I asked Gary Steinman, editor in chief of PlayStation:The Official Magazine, by twitter and he tell me this:

@SSJNeBiRoS re: GT5 PTOM cover...Yes! Gorgeous new screens, deep playtest, tasty new details, and a candid chat with Yamauchi-san himself!

So i guess that at least we will have some new shots :D.
Than they should prepare for very low sales figures.

Yes, the "hardcore" fans will buy it, but they also make up a very small percentage of GT sales.(probably around 20%)

Doubt it's anywhere near that level. If you reckon that GT5 will sell something like 10 million copies, 2 million won't be avidly following it's release.

They will have a proper marketing release, but it won't tell all about the product, which is what some people seem to be expecting.
Than they should prepare for very low sales figures.

Yes, the "hardcore" fans will buy it, but they also make up a very small percentage of GT sales.(probably around 20%)

Need I point out only the hardcore fans will have been keeping tabs up to release anyway?
Casual gamers may read the odd article or whatever, I doubt they are all following GTPlanet and will lose interest between now and March (or whenever).

So, PD need not do anything, just let Sony and its affiliates (like OPM) release previews and trailers of the same info, footage and screenshots every now and again till release, with a step up in adverts the week before. They don't need to reveal anything else new now, not for casual gamers anyway. They just need to keep awareness of the iminent release up so people buy in the initial weeks of sales.
Than they should prepare for very low sales figures.

Yes, the "hardcore" fans will buy it, but they also make up a very small percentage of GT sales.(probably around 20%)

Advertisments will probably run 2/3 weeks before release until many months later. That will be enough to fire up the other 80%. Game information at this stage would only benefit the "hardcore" fans and, as you put it, they will buy it regardless. I would love to know all the features that are in GT5 as much as anybody else but there is a right time to reveal this information and to do it now would be premature in my opinion.
Don't underestimate marketing and hype generation.

I don't think it's too late to get the hype machine rolling, but just making regualr magazine articles. Getting the confirmed release date out there and TV and magazine advertising can make a huge difference to sales. Casual gamers find out via the magazines, web sites, TV adverts and thier mates. I have worked on the fringes of marketing, and although their logic and reasoning at times can be baffling, if they are good they will market thier product and the sales will boost as a relflection of that.

I don't think it's too late to generalt launch hype as I already said, but we do only have 3-4 months before the games release, any pre-launch hype should be coming sooner rather than later.
Well I remember a mag with a full two page spread, and it wasn't really on the cover, and was just mostly E3 info. Putting GT5 on the cover must mean some kind of serious info
I asked Gary Steinman, editor in chief of PlayStation:The Official Magazine, by twitter and he tell me this:

So i guess that at least we will have some new shots :D.

Well, the front cover is a 'new' shot but with nothing new in it.

I wouldn't be suprised if he/they just got some hands on time with the usual Tokyo demo (the one with the Enzo, ACR, ZR1, 458 etc) and a interview with some good questions and evading answers.

Hopefully I am wrong. :)
Well, the front cover is a 'new' shot but with nothing new in it.

I wouldn't be suprised if he/they just got some hands on time with the usual Tokyo demo (the one with the Enzo, ACR, ZR1, 458 etc) and a interview with some good questions and evading answers.

Hopefully I am wrong. :)

This is what he said about SSJ asking about anything new

GT5 PTOM cover...Yes! Gorgeous new screens, deep playtest, tasty new details, and a candid chat with Yamauchi-san himself!
This is what he said about SSJ asking about anything new

I think a NeoGaf member put it best

bud @neogaf
let me take a guess

gorgeous new screens = screens from that trailer shown in china.
deep playtest = hands-on with the tt demo and tgs demo.
tasty new details = headtracking confirmed. 950 cars. lambo's in!
yamauchi interview = ''it is possible that gt5 will feature stuff that wasn't in gt4''
I don't like that PD keeps new info secret because it makes everyone on here so negative about any new chance for news.
Just what I'd expect from that magazine..."wreck this Ferrari." What, suddenly I'm Eddie Griffin?

Not that I blame him, but maybe we need a new poll. Could GT5 have better prepared Eddie for this? (and yes, I know it was a 2007 bleeps)

We've got a new screenshot on the cover to start, so expect some new news in this one.
Bahaahaha I totally forgot about the enzo crash by eddie griffin! Was that a subliminal message for the actor? :sly:
I don't like that PD keeps new info secret because it makes everyone on here so negative about any new chance for news.

Honestly, it doesn't even matter anymore. They get negative over every little thing possible so whats gonna be so different this time? Like I said, they'll never be happy.
Advertisments will probably run 2/3 weeks before release until many months later. That will be enough to fire up the other 80%. Game information at this stage would only benefit the "hardcore" fans and, as you put it, they will buy it regardless. I would love to know all the features that are in GT5 as much as anybody else but there is a right time to reveal this information and to do it now would be premature in my opinion.

I'm not talking about commercials(As you said they come a week or two before release), normally this close to a release there are countless previews, screenshots, video's and meaningful interviews(especially for a game of this magnitude). Yes, there are screenshots and video's but only a couple have been official PD products. So far we have a demo that is making it's rounds at game shows that may or may not be of the final product and a time trial demo which may or may not be the final product.

Info at this stage also would make it's way to site's that cover gaming in general(IGN, Gamespot etc...), which is where casual gamers normally go. So, no info at this stage would really be "pre-mature" as people would still find out about it regardless of whether or not they are "hardcore" fans. The goal should be to inform people enough so they can decide to buy it, yet leave room for surprises.
...normally this close to a release....

If GT5 is following in previous GT footsteps, GT5 won't be out in NA/EU for another six months, so the game is not even close to release.

And given the differences that occurred between GT5P in JP and NA, it could be that the NA/EU versions differ in part from their JP counterpart.
This interview must have fresh infos..Edıtor says we have interviewed Kaz.Kaz wll probably say same things.At least can talk about GT mode C'mon or confirmation of Weather changes and day/night cycles.There is no time for errrr hmmm naahh blabla.3 months to go release.we want tough talking anymore.Open your mouth kazunorisan. and gimme that beans to gain protein.
Even if we get only GT5 JP in march, that would be enough... So I can wait another 6 months to EU release because finally we would see some gameplay videos on youtube...
^ Sure that's true, but we don't know if NASCAR or WRC will be in the JP version at launch for example (Super GT is probably a given though), or whether the NA version will have more cars or tracks, etc.

At launch, I have a feeling the JP version won't be representative of the NA/EU versions of GT5.
Since both NASCAR and WRC sre two of the things PD have been open about showing I'd imagine they are dead certs to be included at launch. The Japanese version i rarely the same as the EU and NA releases of the game, but it's always been minor changes, like an extra car here and there, and in some cases we've lost cars that were in the Japanese versions.