GT5 Exclusive in February OPM

  • Thread starter ScizGT
The Japanese version i rarely the same as the EU and NA releases of the game, but it's always been minor changes, like an extra car here and there, and in some cases we've lost cars that were in the Japanese versions.

But from Prologue's experience, the JP version of the game would probably be updated to match the extra content that included in the EU/US versions later on. :)
Aw why wont they just release it worldwide, its 2010 for gods sake!

Two words: Language Barrier. Not everyone in all three regions speak the same language you know.
But from Prologue's experience, the JP version of the game would probably be updated to match the extra content that included in the EU/US versions later on. :)
Yeah, that's more than likely what will happen. But I don't think there will any major differences in versions at launch as deep_sky suggested. Any differences between versions can easilly be patched as you said.
Aw why wont they just release it worldwide, its 2010 for gods sake!

Why do people always use this assumption for everything? "Its the future, it must be easier and faster now!" :rolleyes:

The final code for the game has to be sent well in advance for the factories to produce the disks, boxes and booklets in large enough quantities. This is before they go through localising the game for each region and then the time it takes to ship the game to each country and then distribute it to each of the various shops.
You can imagine its far faster to release in the country with the least work required, which is usually the very country you develop the game in, in this case Japan/Asia. So for a worldwide release, you have to delay releasing it in Japan/Asia just to please Mr American that he didn't get it after other people. You can see where most game developers and publishers don't care at this point.
Sometimes though, there may be other reasons for differing release dates, such as avoiding other major title releases or in order to make the most of a particular event (such as releasing a World Cup football game just before or after the World Cup in order to maximise sales).

Its a simple problem of logistics, its not a personal vendetta to delay the game, you can be assured they are trying to get the game out to you as as possible.

And really, the only people allowed to complain about release dates are the Aussies and Kiwi. Think about them next time you think waiting a month or two is too long ;)
Two words: Language Barrier. Not everyone in all three regions speak the same language you know.
It's not about the language, it's about marketing (mistery). Kaz said the 3 versions will be ready at the same time.
Thats not marketing delay that is the point too many japanese version sales...We will buy 2 times same game.Think about it
It's not about the language, it's about marketing (mistery). Kaz said the 3 versions will be ready at the same time.
Has he? I don't think so because I can't find any comments from Kaz that they will all be ready at the same time. I can find quotes that say that the American version should be ready a short while after the Japanese version but nothing that say's they are all ready at the same time.

You are right about marketing, release dates (particularly first party) can be largly dictated by marketing decisions rathe than "the games ready, let's get it out" lines of thought. But if you can find whatever interview Kaz said all three versions will be ready at the same time I'd appreciate it, because I've not seen it but I have seen Kaz make comments to the contrary.
Has he? I don't think so because I can't find any comments from Kaz that they will all be ready at the same time. I can find quotes that say that the American version should be ready a short while after the Japanese version but nothing that say's they are all ready at the same time.

You are right about marketing, release dates (particularly first party) can be largly dictated by marketing decisions rathe than "the games ready, let's get it out" lines of thought. But if you can find whatever interview Kaz said all three versions will be ready at the same time I'd appreciate it, because I've not seen it but I have seen Kaz make comments to the contrary.

He has said it in quite a few interviews and he also said the release dates are chosen by SCEE and SCEA not PD.

All version will be copmlete at the same time

GB: Gran Turismo 5 will not be released in Japan before March 2010. What about Europe?
KY: Trust me, it should be very close from this date because our schedules didn't changed. What I can assure you is both versions will be finished at the same time.
Where? I honestly can't recall reading him say that the game will be ready for all 3 major regions at the same time. I have read him say that the American version should be ready shortly after the Japanese version though. He has said, and this should be common knowledge, that SCE decide the release dates, it is their game at the end of the day and they are the publishers.

EDIT: Thanks patriotzero, that's interesting and good news.

For everyone else, that still doesn't mean everything would be ready for a world wide launch, to do so would still require that they hold the Japanese launch back untilt he game is shipped and stocked everywhere else in plenty of time to launch with no shipping issues.
Yeah and amar said too that it will get released worldwide at the same time... Lets hope the best, march isn´t too far...

I can´t imagine that I ever can play that game, it´s like an never ending bad dream :D
Yeah and amar said too that it will get released worldwide at the same time... Lets hope the best, march isn´t too far...

I can´t imagine that I ever can play that game, it´s like an never ending bad dream :D
True, and it would be very nice if we all got it in March/April, but since Amars cryptic thread the release plans have supposedly changed. Everything appeared to be set (internally at least) for a December release, but deadlines or something else, didn't go to plan and the release date was announced as March for Japan instead. I hope we get it as soon as possible, but I'm not going to be dissapointed if we don't get a worldwide release.
GB: Players have changed since the original Gran Turismo. How does GT adapt to this?
KY: You would notice that in Gran Turismo for PSP, game progression was accelerated. Before this, it took hours and hours to collect all cars and complete all license tests, this is not true anymore. This is a trend we are considering the possibility for GT5.

I'm kinda worried about this one. :ill:
I'm not talking about commercials(As you said they come a week or two before release), normally this close to a release there are countless previews, screenshots, video's and meaningful interviews(especially for a game of this magnitude). Yes, there are screenshots and video's but only a couple have been official PD products. So far we have a demo that is making it's rounds at game shows that may or may not be of the final product and a time trial demo which may or may not be the final product.

Info at this stage also would make it's way to site's that cover gaming in general(IGN, Gamespot etc...), which is where casual gamers normally go. So, no info at this stage would really be "pre-mature" as people would still find out about it regardless of whether or not they are "hardcore" fans. The goal should be to inform people enough so they can decide to buy it, yet leave room for surprises.

I think there are plenty of screenshots, videos, interviews and information out for a game that is anywhere between 3-6 months away. I think PD have done exactly what you said in your very last sentence. I understand what you are saying Justin i just think its a little bit early, for me at least, but at the same time i think more information will start to trickle out soon enough. Im guessing in Belgium.
GB: Players have changed since the original Gran Turismo. How does GT adapt to this?
KY: You would notice that in Gran Turismo for PSP, game progression was accelerated. Before this, it took hours and hours to collect all cars and complete all license tests, this is not true anymore. This is a trend we are considering the possibility for GT5.
I'm kinda worried about this one. :ill:
They better make the online races twice as smooth as they were in GT5P then...
I'm kinda worried about this one. :ill:

Me too I want same GTmode as in GT4 just updated. GTmode is soul of GT games!!! I don't care too much about online. If I want to play game in multyplayer I will play it in split screen or in LAN, I like to see my rivals... Am old school guy :ill:
It always baffles me why developers drop important parts of their games which helped get them to where they are now.
Polyphony Digital wont release any information at all until the release,
Than they should prepare for very low sales figures

Yes, the "hardcore" fans will buy it, but they also make up a very small percentage of GT sales.(probably around 20%)

I would have thought an 80:20 split would be wildly optimistic - my uninformed guestimate would be 90:10 or 95:5....

According to the GTP forum homepage there are 132,644 registered GTP accounts...

... so even, say, 500,000 sales to a core GT fanbase would be a small proportion of a 10 million + sales target.

PD may not want to release info, but Sony's marketing people will surely want a big blowout. After all it's PS3 system sales that they are after.
Having now read the entire thread...

On sale 19th Jan, the Feb issue is.

Gran Turismo at Belgian Motor Show Jan. 14-24
January 4th, 2010 by Jordan
GTPlanet user Snake206 has discovered that GT5 is scheduled to make its next appearance at European Motor Show Brussels, to be held January 14-24. While this is good news by itself, there are some clues we could be in for a few surprises at this show. First, Sony is actually holding a contest to give away two tickets to this auto show to “learn” about Gran Turismo -- unusual, to say the least. Also, the show ends on the 24th -- a date which just happens to be near the deadline for the GT Academy 2010 demo

Putting these two bits of info together - looks like Sony are gearing up for their marketing campaign, starting in one to two weeks time.

I'd be inclined to believe that Feb OPM will include a big reveal. News embargos lifted w/b 18/01??

ETA - I've just looked at The GT5 product page states "not published yet" and gives no indication of release date.

HOWEVER - I have pre-ordered, and my order summary page now gives a dispatch estimate of 24th - 25th March 2010. I do not recall seeing this information on Amazon UK previously...
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News embargos lifted w/b 18/01??

Hopefully. Journos did get to see that secret video with the damage while at PD's offices. It would make sense that they have a lot more info than they can share for now after such a high profile visit.
I would have thought an 80:20 split would be wildly optimistic - my uninformed guestimate would be 90:10 or 95:5....

According to the GTP forum homepage there are 132,644 registered GTP accounts...

... so even, say, 500,000 sales to a core GT fanbase would be a small proportion of a 10 million + sales target.

PD may not want to release info, but Sony's marketing people will surely want a big blowout. After all it's PS3 system sales that they are after.

Why are Sony's marketing guys after PS3 sales when they are still losing money per unit, it's the game that brings the profit
Why are Sony's marketing guys after PS3 sales when they are still losing money per unit, it's the game that brings the profit

More PS3 sales will reduce the loss per unit, if this is still the case - spreads development and manufacturing overhead costs etc.

Also, more PS3 sales increase the user base for future games sales - greater market penetration

More PS3 sales, if nothing else, helps Sony regain credibility and or prestige in a market place where they won't want to concede MS dominance.

More PS3 sales also keeps / develops consumers with the Sony brand - if not for PS3, then perhaps for PS4...
Why are Sony's marketing guys after PS3 sales when they are still losing money per unit, it's the game that brings the profit

The games bring the profit. Increased console sales = Increased games sales. Most people will spend far more on games than on the console, so you can make bigger profits (and margins) from the games, as opposed to the hardware.
the topic here isn't other games or future sales of other games, we are talking about GT5, only one game and their marketing strategy for one game, which i believe, will not outsell any other "big game"+PS3 bundle. Lots of us have purchased PS3 just for GT5 and on assumption that the game was to be released in 2009 or even earlier, so we already have console. I my opinion there aren't that much customers that are only waiting GT5 and then will purchase PS3. But there is a lot of customers who will own two GT5, one being Japanese version and after wards normal version.
Development cost have been just covered by sales apparently, so even a small loss on consoles which isn't as much as it used to be is a small price to pay. After all if they sell another 50,000 units then that's at least 200,000 game sales to accompany it.
we are talking about GT5, only one game and their marketing strategy for one game

We might be talking about one game, but I guess that Sony will be taking a broader view - it is a platform exclusive after all....

Look back at the marketing for the PSP version - bundles with the PSP, vouchers for GT PSP with the Go etc. Sony will be looking for game AND platform sales.