GT5 Game Saves And Sharing

  • Thread starter JAGUAR1977
Who cares if it's fun for you if it's fun for them?

So you would be happy if you were losing online because you got thrown into a random room with all X1's and your only in a Celica or something. Shrug

@ BoostedM3

Haha, is it too much?
So you would be happy if you were losing online because you got thrown into a random room with all X1's and your only in a Celica or something. Shrug

@ BoostedM3

Haha, is it too much?

Isn't that making a huge assumption that that'd be possible when GT5 releases? For all we know the X1 could be limited to running in X1-only races online, or private lobbies. Online is the one aspect we still know very, very little about.
I hope they lock the saves in GT5, in a month I don't wanna see new drivers with X1's running around online. What's the fun in that :(
Well, for me they can do whatever they want, it doesn't really matter. I think (hope) that whoever hosts a lobby will have the possibility to exclude certain categories of cars so it shouldn't be a problem.

I have two ps3 (lucky me :D), one for the week where i work, and one for the week end at home. I'll be forced to play two different careers, this is why i'm really pissed off. Capcom released a patch to unlock RE5 save, so did Evolutions Studios with MotorStorm: Pacific Rift and many others. Game saves must be locked to the user's account to prevent cheats, not to the system itself.
If this happens, then you're screwed mate. You can only back up the whole hdd data with the export tool (usually used when you upgrade your hdd) or directly via ethernet link from one PS3 to another. If your console doesn't restart (Ylod :nervous:), than your save is forever lost...
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That is a bit of a pain since I only use my GTP tag for GTP events. This means I won't be able to transfer my progress from my "normal" id to my GTP id.
So you would be happy if you were losing online because you got thrown into a random room with all X1's and your only in a Celica or something. Shrug

@ BoostedM3

Haha, is it too much?

No, but is it up to me to decide if someone else should be able to do it?
Well, that is worrying.

I'm currently using a fat 60GB PS3 (the model with 4 USB ports and memory card reader) to which I've already replaced once a faulty BD/DVD reader lens.
I'm sure it will fail again sometime in the future (in 6 months? 1 year? who knows), however I was thinking I'd get a newer model instead of repairing it next time.
Guess what, it turns out that I won't be able to carry over my GT5 saves? This is not funny :ouch:
Damn I was hoping they arn't copy protected. I wanted to often backup my gamesave just incase my ps3 broke. I did it alot with GT5P. Maybe they will change it so we can backup the save.

Also I think some gamesaves are tied to your PSN or console name/id (not sure how it works) which will let you continue with the trophies from were you left off if indeed you had to use that backup gamesave and I was hoping this would be the case with GT5.
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I don't care what anyone else downloads online, but a way for me to copy my save to external drives would be very nice. Allow me to know the countless hours spent playing is backed up by something.
Sony should come up with a better way of protecting game saves. Shouldn't they be tied to your PSN account and PS3 in active use? When you copy your info to a brand new PS3, it should transfer everything over, but lock your gamesaves until you verify only through PSN account transfer online. Each PS3 is encoded by MAC address anyway, aside from serial numbers. Surely Sony can figure out a way to have game saves encoded to imprint the console serial ID and Mac and tie all that into your PSN account. So when you change your system, you have to deactivate your old link to old system and activate the new system and securing a new link. Can only be moved once from an old system, and never back to it.
Sony should come up with a better way of protecting game saves.
True. From what i can tell, PD has locked the game save just because of those damned trophies, without even realising that this could cause problems to a lot of people. Locking the game save to PSN account is the way to go, just like every developper does now.

Well, that is worrying.

I'm currently using a fat 60GB PS3 (the model with 4 USB ports and memory card reader) to which I've already replaced once a faulty BD/DVD reader lens.
I'm sure it will fail again sometime in the future (in 6 months? 1 year? who knows), however I was thinking I'd get a newer model instead of repairing it next time.
Guess what, it turns out that I won't be able to carry over my GT5 saves? This is not funny :ouch:
I don't want to be negative, but i think that your old PS3 wich probably has a 90nm processor (i think it's 45nm on latest versions, much cooler) won't last long with a demanding game like GT5. Did you play Red Dead Redemption or other titles that use a lot of processing power ? They often cause the console to overheat, you can tell it by the fan turning faster and louder. PD are real masters at using the hardware to its max (see the track selection in GT4 : instant preview video without any loading, pretty amazing), so chances of YLOD could be higher with GT5.

You should sell your old 60Go fat model at a good price thanks to PS2 compatibility, and buy a slim 👍

We should send a petition to PD, asking to :

* unlock the game save
* give us the possibility to remove the HUD while racing
* add more wheel/pedals options like sensitivity, dead zones, etc. just like every decent racing game out there.
This is all because of Sony's ignorance to open their eyes at the reliability of their console. I can foresee a lot of blu ray drives failing in the near future !

Why does so many game saves get corrupted?(i read people going on about this all the time)

I'm not used to giving my ps3 a hammering and my XBOX 360 has never had any game save corrupted and i've never heard of anyone with one either.

On the plus side GT5 gave me an excuse to buy an official PS3 headset - downside of that is i bought the version 1 and just found out that Sony have released a brand new redesigned headset :(
Oh FFS. I keep getting screwed over and over just because I have two PS3s. Once again, I will be limited to playing a game on one simply because they'd rather lock a save to the machine than the PSN account :facepalm:

Punishing me for investing more money into Sony...nice one...
This shouldn't even be an issue, from a gaming perspective what's more important, a back-up of a game save from GT5 with a potential 800 car garage, tuned and set-up to your preferences, or a bloody trophy for clocking up 100,000 miles, or some other meaningless statistic.

once you earn a trophy you can't get rid of it unless you don't sync...

have MOH trophy that i would like destroyed
unless you mean a non psn trophy
I hope there is an easy way to unlock the good cars then - I was prepared to pay for someone elses game-save as I dont fancy spending 24 hours racing round some oval track (for example) just to get an x1.
we should send a petition to pd, asking to :

* give us the possibility to remove the hud while racing

YES absolutely! I have a plasma monitor and after every freaking race on Prologue I have to run the screen wipe or else the HUD burns in. HUD options are CRITICAL for a real simulator. It's an absolute joke the kind of stuff they forgot to include in GT5 as they were having fun with go-karts!
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So you would be happy if you were losing online because you got thrown into a random room with all X1's and your only in a Celica or something. Shrug

@ BoostedM3

Haha, is it too much?

How does this idea still exist? Worse, how is copying save data blamed for it? If this happens, it's certainly not due to save data at all. At all.

Let's suppose that on the first day of GT5P release, someone got the F1 car. Would they have been dominating races? Would they have even been able to use the car online [how often was there even an F1 event?]?

Copy protection is utterly useless as far as I'm concerned. If there is someway around it, I'll happily make use of the method to further my, and others', entertainment.
For a game that possibly provides months and months worth of gameplay, it is absolutely necessary to be able to easily back up saved data.

A lot can happen during that time, and I just don't see myself starting from scratch just because my PS3 breaks down.

Plus none of the above "online" arguments have any sense at all. I'm sure you'll be able to specify which cars are allowed in online races, and which aren't.

That's all there is to it really. There has to be a way to back up your progress in the game, period.
I hope there is an easy way to unlock the good cars then - I was prepared to pay for someone elses game-save as I dont fancy spending 24 hours racing round some oval track (for example) just to get an x1.

Thats the whole point in the term 'achievement' - to be rewarded something for some hard work plus have some fun on the way to the goal.

I can understand there is a lot of people who maybe do not have time to play these sort of games so for instance if GT5 had an arcade mode like Forza you could use all of the cars practically straight away but not modify them at all.

But even if you do not have the time to play this game enough to be rewarded with the best cars then you shouldnt complain as you know what it takes before you purchase it.
If your PS3 broken with GT5 files in it. I think you can just remove HDD and put in the new PS3 if you bought other one. This should worked isn't it?
I really hope saves are unlocked a month or two after the game comes out. I'm still on a fat 60GB PS3 and don't want to re-do everything if it fails.
Depending on the situation there's always a solution to continue without having to restart from scratch. Some should b easy: just moving the harddisk from one PS3 to another, and play on. It may become more complicated if you need to backup the harddisk first and restore it to another one.

Only real problem is when your harddisk has physically crashed and you don't have a backup available on an external harddisk.

EDIT: important point by Gemini55
I wasn't aware of the AUTO format fetisj of the PS3, but if that's true that's pretty harsh, and definitely complicating matters.
Depending on the situation there's always a solution to continue without having to restart from scratch. Some should b easy: just moving the harddisk from one PS3 to another, and play on. It may become more complicated if you need to backup the harddisk first and restore it to another one.

PS3 hard drives have an encryption layer that means they will only work in the specific PS3 they were formatted in. If you want to move (not copy) the save you'll need to use the transfer utility, which moves all your stuff from one ps3 to another. If you want to protect against losing the save (in case of hard drive failure or whatever) you should use the backup utility.
Just a thought, but would hdd imaging software not be a way around this (the backing up issue)?

I would have thought by creating an image (exact copy) which you could then write to a new hdd for use when your current hdd swallows itself, that you could eliminate the problem of 'this data cannot be copied' no?

In a worst case scenario would you not be able to change the hardware key on the new hdd to match the old so the PS3 'recognises' the new drive as the old one?

In relation to the transferring of save data being blocked, im rather disappointed. As others have said, i no longer have the countless hours to sit in front of the tv and grind away races to get the cars i want, hell even in gt4 i bought one of those save modifiers and gave myself infinite credits and golds in the absolute hardest races. I didnt care that money then became no object because in my eyes, enjoyment of the game came from being able to race/upgrade/tune anything and everything i could possibly want to my hearts content. Did it affect others? No. Did it spoil the game for me? Certainly not! I still did races that i enjoyed on my favourite tracks and even used the b-spec driver occasionally.

Ive since grown up (read: finished uni and got a job) and now will have even less time to play my favourite racing title of all time! If/when the guide to hacking/sharing your gamesave appears, ill be straight on that like a fat kid on cake!

There will eventually be a way to modify your gamesave through modifying the hexdata (excuse my ignorance if thats 360 only, ive just preordered the gt5/320gb slim bundle) or the like.

No computer code is 100% hackproof :)
Drawback of the backup function would be (for me at least) that it backups the entire disk and goes very slow. I use the PS3 for movie playback as well and thus large part of the disk is filled with movies, that will be included in the backup, making the time for the backup uninterestingly long.

Hope there will be a patch or refined possibility to remove the risk of losing the savefile and having to start from 0% all over. GT5 will not a game where yu say, o well, if I give it another three weeks I'll be back to the point where I was before.