GT5 Install Time

OK, so, I've been installing GT5 for a good hour. There is a little timer at the bottom, that stays infrequently updated. I've been stuck on "45 secs remaining" for a good 15 minutes. Is my PS3 frozen or should I still wait for you guys that have installed already?
I would leave it longer to be sure

Mine took 40 mins and the 45 seconds thing was there for about 10 mins.
Mine took 34 Mins on a two and a Half Year Old 60GB Fatty 👍

The Only thing I did to make the Install go a lot easier was I Connected the PS3 to the Internet Via The Ethernet Cable .

Signed onto the PS Network and when I put the GT Install Disc in , it Automatically Said there is a Version Update .

So it Quit the Main Install and Downloaded the Update then Started the Install then I got the would you like to Install the Game Data Message from that Point on it took 34 Mins

Game is Running fine No Problems 👍

Finally went to bed at 3.45am

Woke up at 8-45am switched on the PS3 without the Ethernet Cable Attached and it's still Fine :)
I would imagine the OP's has uploaded now but for anyone else:

Mine took over an hour to upload. It got about 25% through and stuck for a while then went to '45 seconds remaining' but sat there for 15 minutes at least.

So don't stress...just be patient. Its worth the wait.
I got my game yesterday morning and I was surprised that it only took around 30 mins to install.
I didn't bother with installation, had to play the game first as it said 30 minutes to complete. After playing for about 2 hours I restarted the game to install and it was down to 15 minutes. The game does slowly install as you play and view tracks/cars etc.
I didn't bother with installation, had to play the game first as it said 30 minutes to complete. After playing for about 2 hours I restarted the game to install and it was down to 15 minutes. The game does slowly install as you play and view tracks/cars etc.

I'm doing the same - it spends perhaps an extra 30 seconds installing every time you use a new track or a new car etc -seems preferable to an hour without the use of the ps3 - i've installed about a gigabyte so far.
Mine has said for the past 15 min "Approx 20 min left". I know for a fact that it's irrelevant because the progress bar keeps crawling.
Just by chance of someone being able to answer and no im not being a d**k

Why does it take so long to install

My Xbox 360 takes around 6mins to install full dvd discs - around 7GB of data.

Is it perhaps because its only taking parts of the data from the disc (my thinking is that it has to take data from different parts of the disc being a 50gb disc??)
Just by chance of someone being able to answer and no im not being a d**k

Why does it take so long to install

My Xbox 360 takes around 6mins to install full dvd discs - around 7GB of data.

Is it perhaps because its only taking parts of the data from the disc (my thinking is that it has to take data from different parts of the disc being a 50gb disc??)

I think you just answered your own question. 50 GB is a really large number and probably all the data is not conveniently in one location so it takes a good amount of time.
I waited the 45 min for the game to install. I click on dealerships, and try opening one and I'm stuck with jazz music and the arrow key with a clock rotating over it for the past 15 minutes. Is this normal?
Mine took 34 Mins on a two and a Half Year Old 60GB Fatty 👍

The Only thing I did to make the Install go a lot easier was I Connected the PS3 to the Internet Via The Ethernet Cable .

Signed onto the PS Network and when I put the GT Install Disc in , it Automatically Said there is a Version Update .

So it Quit the Main Install and Downloaded the Update then Started the Install then I got the would you like to Install the Game Data Message from that Point on it took 34 Mins

Game is Running fine No Problems 👍

Finally went to bed at 3.45am

Woke up at 8-45am switched on the PS3 without the Ethernet Cable Attached and it's still Fine :)

WHy would that matter when the game is installing from the blu ray onto the HDD?
I think it takes longer to install if your HD is full because HD spins faster at beginning than at the end.
It took me over an hour to install, then I checked and only 6gb installed. I went and pushed install again and guess what? It started installing again!! Of course I quit but I think if you press install second time and maybe third than it will install whole game! I'm gonna try it when I go to sleep.
mine said 20 mins it took over an hour just like gt games there always out with there times!!

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My copy didn't install at the beginning. It is installing a little bit at a time whenever I open something new. Is there a way to force it to install the whole thing at one time?
I played my copy without an install before work and got the B license, did a few races, etc.

When I got home tonight and downladed teh 130mb patch and installed fully I couldnt boot it up. Anyone else get this problem?

"Insufficient free space on HDD. At least 32MB required. Please exit the game and free up some space.

0x00000001 [2-1] "

I have deleted a lot of stuff to make damn sure there is like 5GB free and nothing is working. I google researched and apparently Ratchett and Clank gave the same msg a while ago, all you had to do was download/delete a file approx. equivalent to the required space it wanted and this fixed the problem. I have tried adding music worth of 32MB, deleting my game data and starting fresh, nothing works. The game gets to that GT logo page where it tells you how to access teh online gameplay terms and conditions before giving me the error message.

I'm getting REALLY frustrated, does anyone have any ideas? I tried to open a new/more relevant thread for this but I do not have permissions on this forum yet.

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advice,