GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Courtesy of NeoGAF
Did PD or KY dismissed the possibility of a GT5 Demo?

Don’t want to get people overwhelmed about this:

but considering Little Big Planet 2 got delayed until 2011, I wonder what else could be in the pipeline?

A new assassins creed beta/demo and of course the "new" game from system3.
But that will not be an exclusive for Playstation plus.
I went to the NY event early this morning, for my first hands-on with the game. So, the guy already picked the car and track, which was Mercedes SLS on Tokyo. Probably due to it being my first time playing with a wheel, I did have trouble controlling the car due to some type of delay when I was turning. Is it me or whatever wheel that was there, there was like a noticeable steering delay? Im more than average when using a Dualshock 3, but that delay completely took my ability to stay on the track. Can anyone that went, tell me if you thought the delay was present. Other than that I did see major improvement on the way you drive the car compared to Prologue.
I went to the NY event early this morning, for my first hands-on with the game. So, the guy already picked the car and track. I drove the Mercedes SLS on the Tokyo track. It was my first time playing with a wheel. I did have trouble controlling the car due to some type of delay when I was turning. Is it me or whatever wheel that was there, there was like a noticeable steering delay? Im more than average when using a Dualshock 3, but that delay completely took my ability to stay on the track. Can anyone that went, tell me if you thought the delay was present. Other than that I did see major improvement on the way you drive the car compared to Prologue.

No delay on my g27 when playing Prologue.
I'm just wondering what the (Currently Active Users Viewing) count will be on Nov 3,2010 Might be high on the 2 nd everyone saying I've got the game Bye gotta go play.
I'm just wondering what the (Currently Active Users Viewing) count will be on Nov 3,2010 Might be high on the 2 nd everyone saying I've got the game Bye gotta go play.

It will be excessively high on the night of release, then the number will fall dramatically to almost post-apocalyptic levels after release ;)
getting a bit worried that there will actually only be the tracks from gt5 prologue and the few weve seen announced.

One commentor in the news section said he saw Autumn Ring in the demo. Don't worry too much- I bet we have almost, if not all of GT4's tracks, plus the ones GT5 Prologue, plus the ones we have seen, plus a few more surprises (Spa, additional fictional course, etc.).
Well at least we know Suzuka will have rain.

Even tho the origiinal post has been corrected to say HSR... but

For some reason, i think there actually will be rain in Suzuka...
i kinda remember having seen somewhere a video showing a dark gray skies during a Suzuka Race...

It would be great! ;)
So is it HSR that has got rain and not Suzuka?
I'm keeping track of courses that have weather effects and night/day cycles, so I'd like to receive confirmation of that.
In the first video of the latest news entry, right at the end the camera is still rolling when dave(?) gets out of the cockpit.. Well i saw a glimpse of the pedals, and they looked metal. Obviously the wheel was a DFGT, but i was wondering where the pedals came from. I dont think I saw a clutch, but does the US version of the DFGT have more robust pedals? Mine are plastic :yuck:
Hope that guy doesn't suffer from kart sickness... :lol:

I do and it is not funny when you pay some 50 bucks to race a longer race and not being able to run even quali appropriately and then have to give up the race in the second lap, that day sucked.:ill:

On topic: Really really hope SOME footage of SOME yet unseen track shows up, please?:scared:
Just so you guys know [I'm RavenFox over at GAF and a GT member since 05]. There was an install screen on one of the pods all the way to the left when I went there earlier this morning[Times Square]. I thought it was an update until I saw the post in jest and figured it had to be an install. There was even something about the eye camera that took up half the screen. I'm sorry I didn't get more info, I was next up to race.
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In the first video of the latest news entry, right at the end the camera is still rolling when dave(?) gets out of the cockpit.. Well i saw a glimpse of the pedals, and they looked metal. Obviously the wheel was a DFGT, but i was wondering where the pedals came from. I dont think I saw a clutch, but does the US version of the DFGT have more robust pedals? Mine are plastic :yuck:

No the U.S. DFGT has plastic pedals as well.
Karts on Monza, this game will rock! I think it´s really bad for Sony to release GT5 because fans will buy no other game for at least 1 year :D

For me, I don´t need any other game after GT5 :) Ok maybe MGS rising...