- 459
- zod18
Rain in High Speed Ring?![]()
I'm personally thinking that all fantasy tracks will have weather.
Rain in High Speed Ring?![]()
Courtesy of NeoGAF
Did PD or KY dismissed the possibility of a GT5 Demo?
Dont want to get people overwhelmed about this:
but considering Little Big Planet 2 got delayed until 2011, I wonder what else could be in the pipeline?
For me 30 days to go, once 10 days are left, they will go fast!
I went to the NY event early this morning, for my first hands-on with the game. So, the guy already picked the car and track. I drove the Mercedes SLS on the Tokyo track. It was my first time playing with a wheel. I did have trouble controlling the car due to some type of delay when I was turning. Is it me or whatever wheel that was there, there was like a noticeable steering delay? Im more than average when using a Dualshock 3, but that delay completely took my ability to stay on the track. Can anyone that went, tell me if you thought the delay was present. Other than that I did see major improvement on the way you drive the car compared to Prologue.
I'm just wondering what the (Currently Active Users Viewing) count will be on Nov 3,2010 Might be high on the 2 nd everyone saying I've got the game Bye gotta go play.
getting a bit worried that there will actually only be the tracks from gt5 prologue and the few weve seen announced.
getting a bit worried that there will actually only be the tracks from gt5 prologue and the few weve seen announced.
No delay on my g27 when playing Prologue.
Well at least we know Suzuka will have rain.
Courtesy of NeoGAF
Hope that guy doesn't suffer from kart sickness...![]()
In the first video of the latest news entry, right at the end the camera is still rolling when dave(?) gets out of the cockpit.. Well i saw a glimpse of the pedals, and they looked metal. Obviously the wheel was a DFGT, but i was wondering where the pedals came from. I dont think I saw a clutch, but does the US version of the DFGT have more robust pedals? Mine are plastic![]()
Don't see where it says 2 discs, but GT5 is going to be 1 disc.
It's funny 'cause he told you to learn how to spell then ended it with an abbreviation. Maybe he should practice what he preaches.