GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
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Cool, but it doesn't look like Autumn ring from GT4.
^ Could it be the '90s version?


Maybe cape ring and the other 3 tracks without any logo are tracks created with the track editor.

Only thing is, the tracks that are selectable there are listed under "original", not "my courses".

Either way, i'm surprised we getting this much more info from a simple unveiling of a new car!:)
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im intrigued that all tracks so far viewed have a weather icon over them...which unless changable/dynamic. would otherwise make having that graphic over them irrelevant. so could these be added to the list... and perhaps the track list needs updating to include cape ring east... :embarrassed:
The circuit on the far right is most definitely Autumn Ring. Next to it on the left are definitely two versions of the larger Autumn Ring Valley. Although it's impossible to tell what the differences are.

Cape Ring looks like a whole new circuit to me, as are the squiggly messes on the left.

Either way, that's 7 circuits right there, which is awesome!
The circuit on the far right is most definitely Autumn Ring. Next to it on the left are definitely two versions of the larger Autumn Ring Valley. Although it's impossible to tell what the differences are.

Cape Ring looks like a whole new circuit to me, as are the squiggly messes on the left.

Either way, that's 7 circuits right there, which is awesome!

I remember having heared the "real" Lewis Hamilton to be a big GT fan...:sly:

Just kiddin'...
The Autumn Ring Full course layout looks different. As Fredde_swe MSP'd, which means a pretty drastic change in the layout and scenery. Hmmm, I liked the flow of the original layout and the drastic drop in elevation to connect to the Mini course could cause problems.

I have a feeling "Cape Ring" is a randomly generated track (as well as the other ones to it's left. The name (all lowercase, underscores) and the image in the background on the right is all I really have to go on. Also, it doesn't follow the habit of keeping the tracks sorted alphabetically; auto-generated tracks show up at the front?

Surprising... maybe I should try to hit Toronto on the 5th afterall.
Karts on Monza, this game will rock! I think it´s really bad for Sony to release GT5 because fans will buy no other game for at least 1 year :D

For me, I don´t need any other game after GT5 :) Ok maybe MGS rising...

Maybe that's the reason it took nearly 6 years to complete and PD were given the time by Sony.;)
I feel the same way though, thinking about buying a new game and then say to myself why bother, GT5 is coming soon and once that disc is in my PS3 it probably won't come out again.
I have a feeling "Cape Ring" is a randomly generated track (as well as the other ones to it's left. The name (all lowercase, underscores) and the image in the background on the right is all I really have to go on. Also, it doesn't follow the habit of keeping the tracks sorted alphabetically; auto-generated tracks show up at the front?

The "My Courses" tab is all the way on the right. Cape Ring is listed under Original, which should only be PD created circuits.

Also is that a sun logo next to each track?

Looks more like that.

And yes I know, I'm the master of MS Paint:D
If you look closely it is still the original layout, it's just that the loop touches that corner on the map. There is a line separating the two though, it's not the clearest picture but if you look closely it's there and you can see it joining where it normally does.
I have a feeling "Cape Ring" is a randomly generated track (as well as the other ones to it's left. The name (all lowercase, underscores) and the image in the background on the right is all I really have to go on. Also, it doesn't follow the habit of keeping the tracks sorted alphabetically; auto-generated tracks show up at the front?

id doubt they would do that. given that original tracks are tracks from previous games. and theres a tab for user created tracks... being able to put tracks into whatever category you want would be messy. and un-necessary.
I feel the same way though, thinking about buying a new game and then say to myself why bother, GT5 is coming soon and once that disc is in my PS3 it probably won't come out again.

Heh. Same. Getting a PS3 in July means there's still a ton of games I've yet to play. My obsession with completion means I probably won't though; still have to wrap up 100% completion for the God of War collection that came with the system, get a few more badges in MGS4, and some more trophies for Fat Princess. Still have to buy the Citroen and F1 in Prologue too; but since I own them in PSP already, they'll be available in Arcade mode in November ;). Looks like I probably won't play Arkham Asylum until the sequel is out... or SSFIV, or LBP (1 or 2)... maybe MGS Rising, however long that might be.

Hey, Sony, GT is actually counter-productive to you making money; it stops me from buying other games!


The "My Courses" tab is all the way on the right. Cape Ring is listed under Original, which should only be PD created circuits.

Also is that a sun logo next to each track?

Doh, didn't notice the My Courses tab, thanks :). Yeah, sun is probably a weather indicator.
The Autumn Ring Full course layout looks different. As Fredde_swe MSP'd, which means a pretty drastic change in the layout and scenery. Hmmm, I liked the flow of the original layout and the drastic drop in elevation to connect to the Mini course could cause problems.

I have a feeling "Cape Ring" is a randomly generated track (as well as the other ones to it's left. The name (all lowercase, underscores) and the image in the background on the right is all I really have to go on. Also, it doesn't follow the habit of keeping the tracks sorted alphabetically; auto-generated tracks show up at the front?

Surprising... maybe I should try to hit Toronto on the 5th afterall.

All lowercase letters also made me first think user created or PD created at the last moment. Did you notice the Cr. amount? Is that 25,000 or 75,000? I'm guessing 25,000 will be the starting amount we get.
I have a feeling "Cape Ring" is a randomly generated track (as well as the other ones to it's left. The name (all lowercase, underscores) and the image in the background on the right is all I really have to go on. Also, it doesn't follow the habit of keeping the tracks sorted alphabetically; auto-generated tracks show up at the front?

id doubt they would do that. given that original tracks are tracks from previous games. and theres a tab for user created tracks... being able to put tracks into whatever category you want would be messy. and un-necessary.
Alot of demo builds have that sort of text, with lowercase and underscores. It's just means it's not final.
It's not Autumn Ring, it's a new fictional course by PD called Cape Ring with a south variation, so guys don't call it autumn ring when it's clearly not labeled as such.
I know it's realy isn't any news at all but...

I wonder if Synchronized Replay from GT4 will be present in GT5. Why ?

Since 2006 i hate that feature because camera was so random. So i didn't use it.

Now in 2010 just today i noticed that if you will play this mode with music (i always turn off :) ) it will adjust camera to music !

And it looks AWASOME.... i mean realy AWASOME ;) With good music it is like PD trailers :)

So what is my point ?

If PD upgraded that feature.. just whooaahh... AAT :) Automatic Awasome Trailers :)

sory for bad quality :)