GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
No dates or anything but I would have thought that Sony would want GT5 released and out of the way well before Christmas so that it does not clash with other titles already slotted in for the Christmas season. I know it is not a massive amount of money but with kids of my own I know that you cannot buy everything and a launch anywhere near Christmas (which is really any time in December) is going to mean that GT5 will take sales/lose sale from/to other titles. So me thinks that Sony will be pulling out all the stops to get GT5 out asap and I think maybe making calls to see if they can delay something else a bit.

But that's just my thoughts.
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March 2011:nervous:trust me!

Please, don't say those things.
I really get upset by people who

1) say 2011 release dates without any lead
2) say they think a 2011 release date is good because in that way they can play some other games.

I'm sorry, I'm not the only one who solely focuses on Gran Turismo 5. I have like a life : 4th year University, a girlfriend, and lots of other tasks.. So except for the no interest, I really have no time for other games. Gran Turismo is the only thing, as a car enthusiast, I want to make time for.

On the suggestion of others to try other games..
I DID.. I bought NFS Shift, F1 2010, just to aknowledge it was a waste of time and money.

So please, hold 2011 release dates and comments like : ,,I don't mind a 2011 release date, that's fine by me" for yourself.

Thank you
Secret bugged information from PD, late one evening just recently

Translatorsan – Boss, we’ve got a teeny bit of a problem…
Kaz – What?
Translatorsan – Well it seems we’ve gone Gold 3 days too late to meet our production window
Kaz – Please tell me you’re kidding…
Translatorsan – Sorry, I’m not. We now won’t be able to have enough copies of the game to meet demand…
Kaz – Can anything else go wrong with this damn game, we thought we were going to release in Xmas 2008!
Translatorsan – Well since you asked there is something else…
(phone rings)
Kaz – Hang on… gotta get this…
Kaz answers the phone
Logitech – Hey Kaz, Logitech Technologies here…
Kaz – Hey man, what’s up? You happy with the full G27 support we’ve given ya?
Logitech – Yeah, thanks, but that issss what I want to talk to you about?
Kaz – Stop right there, we’ve given you everything you freakin’ asked for!!!
Logitech – Oh it’s not that, it’s with this launch date of early Nov you’d announced we can’t produce enough G27’s to meet expected demand…
(Kaz cell rings)
Kaz holds one finger up to Translatorsan to indicate one minute.
Kaz to Logitech – One minute please I need to take an extremely urgent cell call.
Kaz answers cell
Kaz – Good morning
Porsche – Hey Kaz, still got those 15 cars of ours modelled?
Kaz – Yes, of course, but despite our generous offer you refused us to use them.
Porsche – Well we got a favour to ask…
Kaz – You want them in the game now??!!??
Porsche – Yeah, it seems we had a little more leverage in our Terms and Conditions in the other contract than we first thought.
Kaz – You realized the game has gone already Gold and the production window is very tight!
Porsche – Well, we know that, we’re prepared to waive our charge for the cars and go halves in costs of the production delay.
Kaz – You realize how many millions of people that are going to be peed off?
Porsche – Yes the number is roughly the same as the people that want Porsche in the game…
Kaz – Good point, suggestions?
Porsche – Well, we’ve had a talk with the Ruskies and they’re in on pretending a “production problem”
Kaz – One sec please
Kaz to Translatorsan – Was there something else?
Translatorsan – It seems, a recent hack, means that Firmware 3.41 isn’t compliant but we should’ve had 3.50
Kaz to Translatorsan – The game has firmw….
Translatorsan – Yes sir, I know. It’s a two day fix. Delays the game to late Nov at most, hopefully.
Kaz – Hopefully?
Translatorsan (smiling) – It is GT5 afterall sir, people expect delays…
Kaz – Not funny. Go get it all started I’ve got a mess to sort out. Leave
Translatorsan leaves
Kaz to Logitech – Sorry about the delay, it seems we can conjure up something to accommodate your request, but by George you owe us.
Logitech – Really? Wow. Thank you so much, you’ve got us out of a tight spot.
Kaz – Keep this in the bank, we’re gonna cash this sucker in, guaranteed.
Logitech – No problem, anything you want. Thanks bye.
Kaz – Bye
Kaz to Porsche – All the delay costs and you have a deal, we get the fallout you don’t. You just have win-win.
Porsche – Fair enough, deal. We’ll call the Ruskies now. Talk later.
Kaz – Bye
Kaz to Sony – Hey Kaz here… you’re not gonna believe this…

LOL this is hilarious...thanks man 👍👍 I wouldn't be surprised if this is how it went that case we can all celebrate, Porsche is coming to GT5! hahahh
Please, don't say those things.
I really get upset by people who

1) say 2011 release dates without any lead
2) say they think a 2011 release date is good because in that way they can play some other games.

I'm sorry, I'm not the only one who solely focuses on Gran Turismo 5. I have like a life : 4th year University, a girlfriend, and lots of other tasks.. So except for the no interest, I really have no time for other games. Gran Turismo is the only thing, as a car enthusiast, I want to make time for.

On the suggestion of others to try other games..
I DID.. I bought NFS Shift, F1 2010, just to aknowledge it was a waste of time and money.

So please, hold 2011 release dates and comments like : ,,I don't mind a 2011 release date, that's fine by me" for yourself.

Thank you

I'm with you.

I realy want to play GT5 this christmass:nervous:
So me thinks that Sony will be pulling out all the stops to get GT5 out asap and I think maybe making calls to see if they can delay something else a bit.

But that's just my thoughts.

If they want to piss off other developers, this might be an option. If the final gold copy of the game was 3 days delayed on PD's end, it's their fault they missed the window, and I doubt other game makers would be pleased about getting a call about cutting into their manufacturing time because of it. If I have a doctor's appointment at 10:00, and the guy who was supposed to be there at 9:00 shows up at 10:00, I sure am not delaying my day because he can't follow a schedule.

That said... if it takes, say, 2 or 3 weeks to create the necessary amount of copies, and PD was only 3 days late delivering their final code... why not just use what days were left for production, ship on the original day with some shortages, but print more copies in short bursts whenever possible? I really don't know if that's possible either since I don't know what these disc-making factories are really like. Really wish we'd get the full, non-spin reason behind all this...

Heh, that looks like an awful wheel, but I imagine they'll shift a few of them. I'll stick with GameStop since they're the only ones offering CE here 👍
I just read one croatian car magazine EVO and find something I dont know about X1-prototype .

Here is scan

It is in craotian , so quick translation :

Lot of things we know , Sebastian Vettel tested X1-prototype and in first lap on Suzuka breke record for 20 secends , things we know .

Sorry for my english .

I think I remember hearing that that was due to the fact he could push 100% in the X1, but only 95%in an F1....
Not certain though...
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I just read one croatian car magazine EVO and find something I dont know about X1-prototype .

Here is scan

It is in craotian , so quick translation :

Lot of things we know , Sebastian Vettel tested X1-prototype and in first lap on Suzuka breke record for 20 secends , things we know .

Sorry for my english .

Well its a fictions car with no really restrictions and it's a video game
I have a sneaking suspision that we will get bikes in GT5...

Although at the same time I comepletely doubt it..

Do we really need bikes?
I actually don't care !
Don't see myself going on a bike with my steering wheel.
It's not relevant in my opinion for GT5.
But okay, I'm not the only one with an opinion.
I have a sneaking suspision that we will get bikes in GT5...

Although at the same time I comepletely doubt it..

I would love to see a few bikes in the game. I don't think they will put them in though. Not when they can just remove the cars, add a few bikes and call it Tourist Trophy 2. That way they can get another $60 out of us.
What a waste of time. This game has almost been a bit like a hobby for me. What the hell was I thinking? Holy crap.. I've given up hope for this stupid piece of crap they call a video game. I'll wait til after the stupid garbage has been released (if that ever happens, maybe I'm getting my hopes up here a bit), then I'll think about whether or not it's worth getting.

Over the past few months this game has turned out to be the laughing stock of the video game world. Delays, 1,000 or so cars and only 200 of them are worth driving and have cockpit view, still don't know how many tracks are in it because they have the stupidest way of explaining that.
I don't know if this has been suggested yet but any chance they could reveal a release date at the release party in a few days? Or would it make sense to do so after the event?
Nah, not for this game.. but Kaz has said it is possible in future titles.. Maybe they'll even realize a handle bars version of the DFGT :sly:
GT6? :sly:
I would love to see a few bikes in the game. I don't think they will put them in though. Not when they can just remove the cars, add a few bikes and call it Tourist Trophy 2. That way they can get another $60 out of us.
Makes sense, but really there really is only one reason I could think of as to why they would be in.. The reason? Karting. It was something completely unexpected. While yes, those have 4 wheels, the physics engine has to be complicated and good enough to simulate them properly. And seeing that it is, it wouldn't suprise me if bike would work with it too.

But, bikes don't really seem like something to hide either.. Hence my doubt to them being in.

They are deffinately welcome though! :dopey:

Over the past few months this game has turned out to be the laughing stock of the video game world. Delays, 1,000 or so cars and only 200 of them are worth driving and have cockpit view, still don't know how many tracks are in it because they have the stupidest way of explaining that.

Sounds like you already made up your mind, why keep aggravating yourself? :|
I don't know if this has been suggested yet but any chance they could reveal a release date at the release party in a few days? Or would it make sense to do so after the event?
I'd rather they just tell the world when the game goes Gold. That way, at least we know it's finished.

Sounds like you already made up your mind, why keep aggravating yourself? :|


Obvious troll is obvious..? Nahh..

I agree with you though. I think he is just very butthurt over the delay though.. When he calms down he will probably be able to see that there really is a valid reason for the delay.
What a waste of time. This game has almost been a bit like a hobby for me. What the hell was I thinking? Holy crap.. I've given up hope for this stupid piece of crap they call a video game. I'll wait til after the stupid garbage has been released (if that ever happens, maybe I'm getting my hopes up here a bit), then I'll think about whether or not it's worth getting.

Over the past few months this game has turned out to be the laughing stock of the video game world. Delays, 1,000 or so cars and only 200 of them are worth driving and have cockpit view, still don't know how many tracks are in it because they have the stupidest way of explaining that.

So We can assume that you'll wont buy the game and therefore are no longer interested in this forum??.
