Fix it. My PS3 got the YLOD a couple of weeks ago, and I fixed it with information from around the web and it has been doing great, and running much cooler. I spent about $50 on the stuff to do it, but that included the price of the heat gun, which I can use for many things down the road. Once you do it, though, it will probably be re-occuring after a few months, but it is easy to do, so I will probably do it a few more times before I break down and get another PS3, because I would have a hard time giving up my 60gb model. If I can get 3-4 months out of a repair, I will be happy, and continue for about a year, but make sure that once you get it up and going to back up your data, because it will YLOD again, unless you have it reballed by a professional, which is suppose to be the end all fix.