GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
To be honest Codemasters is at least equal to Gran Turismo.

Simply no, Codemasters replays or their graphics would look very impressive if there was no GT, the way the cars move also doesn't look or feel real.
It's not only the graphics, some of the car-modelling in Dirt doesn't look right ( as if they're using cheap toys instead of quality-models to replicate bodies ).
Having said all this, i did enjoy Dirt, mainly for driving the sort of vehicles we will probably never see in a GT-game.
To be honest Codemasters is at least equal to Gran Turismo.

Maybe not equal, but graphics is good and the feel is great. Being able to control weight transfer and over steer with the throttle is awesome, specially on rally stages. And handbrake turns is great, there is this one turn in rally china where you have to get your handbrake turn just right :)

Oh ... I almost forgot, driving the old school escort is so much fun.

You really have to play dirt2 with a wheel. 👍
Supposedly they are using a completely different engine that is more realistic. Than again I heard that shortly after they announced the license agreement so it may have changed.
I also liked all three of them, but Dirt 1 was certainly the best.

Have only played Dirt, played the other two only as demos, Grid was too arcadey for my liking ( at least as a demo ).
I was considering to buy Dirt 2 but after seeing it had actually less variety and a lesser amount of cars i decided not to.
So thank you for confirming the first one is the best one.
The key to Codemasters games is to not take them seriously. The same goes for NFS too. Although, I can only play Shift without dying of boredom.
Wow people are so bored of no GT5 news they started talking about a whole new racing title
Oh I haven't played dirt 1 but I loved Grid and Dirt 2(both I will be playing them again with my new G25)
I like the content that was in DiRT but the physics were crap IMO. No matter what I did there was no power on oversteer. I would pay $10 for the DiRT tracks and vehicles as DLC for DiRT 2 because the upgraded physics makes the game more fun.
I think GRID would have been a lot more fun if I could actually build my OWN racecars.. But otherwise that was a big deal. Otherwise it was great.. The physics weren't that fun, but it had a lot to offer
I think GRID would have been a lot more fun if I could actually build my OWN racecars.. But otherwise that was a big deal. Otherwise it was great.. The physics weren't that fun, but it had a lot to offer
It was fun, every single car seemed to weight no more than 500kg :sly:👍
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Have only played Dirt, played the other two only as demos, Grid was too arcadey for my liking ( at least as a demo ).
I was considering to buy Dirt 2 but after seeing it had actually less variety and a lesser amount of cars i decided not to.
So thank you for confirming the first one is the best one.

If you have a wheel, dirt2 is way better than dirt. i did not like grid specially with a wheel. It felt like dirt and grid where specifically build for the controller while on dirt2 they have improved the wheel interface. Dirt2's force feedback is great. I liked dirt2's rally stages, Malaysia and China rallies where my favorite.

Again, Dirt2 is great if you have a good steering wheel setup.
Every time i played one of the codemasters games, for some reason i felt like i need to go backwards. Probably because the only interesting thing was the crash physics. IMO
IMHO Codemasters have made some pretty good racing games over the years. TOCA Touring Cars on the Playstation 1 was one of the first decent racing games I ever played and the Colin McRae Rally games were mostly challenging and exciting. I think they do a good job of filling the gaps between GT releases ;)
We weren't talking about racing, but the replays ;)

Not exclusively. GT5 replays have always been the best (IMO) so I doubt any other studio could every match PD. Of course looks aren't everything ;)
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One game that still impresses me with their replay's quality and camera angles is RBR.

I think it has the best replays after GT
Best Codemasters game was Colin McRae Rally 2 I enjoy play it on PS1. That is the best Codemasters driving simulation!!!

CMR 2.0 was good game but it was not driving simulation.I dont understand why people say simulation to every game without NFS.
my favourite Colin was Colin 4 damage tracks were seems like heaven to me
You know even after all this time. GT is still the only game I find myself actually watching the replays and enjoying it as much as playing it. Why? because the cars look so realistic and how they move and the cameras. It just has that extra something no one else has achieved even if they have better other things, on Console or PC

It's all about the cars
Without question the replays in GT4 are still, after 5 years, the most majestic and graceful system on any platform. It seems like the same system is intact in GT5P and, hopefully, GT5. It's not just the way the replays are has a lot to do with, as you say, the way the cars look to react with the surface.

I made a thread about this about a month ago but when you combine a great replay camera system, great looking car mechanics, generally good looking cars, brilliant lighting, some fantastic exhaust flames and sparks...and amazing topography I still can't think of anything that comes close to seeing replays on Motegi, Nurburgring or Le Mans.

Watching replays, especially if you've had a really, really good battle, is godly.