I have a PWTS. After the 3.66 update gt5 can't recognise the wheel for the first 2 minutes. It is really strange. I saved the last championship before Monza race with my Minolta. Gt5 resume the race at start and can't recognise FF, throttle,brake,clutch. The gear slip away and the throttle doesn't work. First i think a wheel failure. Exit the championship (Argh) i went to' Arcade mode. After new calibration (at the startup of the wheel) and restart the race all works fine. I restart the ps3 10 times and every single time the same story. Now for me is impossible to do a championship(i can't restart the race!). It seems like forza 3 need of restart the PWTS before the first race after the startup to' calibrate the pedals and gearstick. Sorry for my poor english.