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  • Thread starter gamelle71

is it me, or is there not a tire around the back left rim? or clipping?
So what were all the other tracks in that video? Was that Rome in one screen?

There was Rome at 2:05 and then again at the end where the yellow LP560-4 flys past the camera, you can clearly see the Colosseum, that section looks like Rome in GT3 but reversed.
Looks pretty nice. I'd say that's more likely to be Tokyo R246 at night than SSR5. Could be a new track though, who knows.

It can't be Tokyo because the Tokyo track in GT5 doesn't have a bridge where it goes over a street. In the trailer it shows a car (with beautiful rendering of the headlights beaming bty) speeding past the main bridge, but it looks nothing like what I remember from SSR5, unless they modified it.

hmm about the pic above. It does look like it's in Japan or Tokyo somewhere. Maybe there's a new Tokyo street circuit? The way the lines are painted and the traffic lights, how the exit road is close to the building the whole shot looks very much like the city of Tokyo.

See what I mean?

and here...
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hmm about the pic above. It does look like it's in Japan or Tokyo somewhere. Maybe there's a new Tokyo street circuit? The way the lines are painted and the traffic lights, how the exit road is close to the building the whole shot looks very much like the city of Tokyo.

See what I mean?
[IMG ][/IMG]

and here...
[IMG ][/IMG]

Thats interesting. Ever thought Specal Stages Route 5 and 11 were based in Tokyo? :sly:
I always had the feeling that it was based on Tokyo. So it was never confirmed by anyone or anything?

Not confirmed, as far as we know it's a fictional location. But it does bear resemblance to Tokyo, the road markings and scenery etc. are the sort of thing you would find there.
So what is the track that the Lambo is racing at ?and think that that was the Secret TGS trailer so yet another old build but that was one fantastic trailer which raises the all important question (are we getting close to the release date?)
Anybody noticed this too? Looks like this one might be Tokyo at night.


The car in that is the SLS in red.
Looks to me like SSR5 towards the end before you get to the chicane and then up the on ramp to the main straight. (SSR5 & 11 are based on Tokyo but not R246)
It actually looks like a part of the original, GT1-style SS Route 11 to me...
There s nothing new for me..Only old night track right there, Ok we can talk this trailer 2 or 3 months then E3 trailer comes up we can talk it too 3 months go on....
Looks to me like SSR5 towards the end before you get to the chicane and then up the on ramp to the main straight. (SSR5 & 11 are based on Tokyo but not R246)

Actually watching that section again in the trailer, the car appears to be coming up out of a tunnel which isn't like SSR5, so I am not sure what section it is (I don't remember SSR11 in GT1 as Famine pointed out).
So what is the track that the Lambo is racing at ?and think that that was the Secret TGS trailer so yet another old build but that was one fantastic trailer which raises the all important question (are we getting close to the release date?)

I'd say no as the trailer gives us hardly anything new, as most of the scenes are lifted from other trailers. Also, GT5 got delayed about a month before GOW3 went gold, so its quite possible that they scrapped a more revealing trailer for this one.

Yeah I'm pretty disappointed by this trailer ;)
How can you say there is nothing new with this trailer? We've got first shots of Rome, a new night track, and what to me looks like the last corner of Hungaoring, although that's just pure speculation and I've not looked at it that closely.
It can't be Tokyo because the Tokyo track in GT5 doesn't have a bridge where it goes over a street. In the trailer it shows a car (with beautiful rendering of the headlights beaming bty) speeding past the main bridge, but it looks nothing like what I remember from SSR5, unless they modified it.

That looks like the shutokou expressway to me.
How can you say there is nothing new with this trailer? We've got first shots of Rome, a new night track, and what to me looks like the last corner of Hungaoring, although that's just pure speculation and I've not looked at it that closely.

We ve got first shot of rome In Asia game Show and That night track was old..We know what it is..
It looks nice, but i did also expected some more new cars since this trailer was a bit hyped up, so yes never believe the hype i guess.
I was expecting something like the first GT5 trailer, the one which revealed NASCAR, but then again the night racing was new.
The Scooby with navigator vid yesterday took me more by surprise.
Having said all this, it's probably a good thing not getting excited too much about a game which is still a long while away.
I can now use this period to gradually reduce my social life, this is the time to still engage with friends and family, slowly but steadily stacking up food supplies and cigarettes and enjoy the last summer for years to come.:lol:
OMG why don't they show some more NEVER SEEN IN GT5 cars, not only SLS, Italia, GT by Citroen! I'm sick of these cars...
and Tokyo, Nurb and Daytona... why don't they show Le Mans or Texas for example?...

Of course, the game looks great. IMO that is the "top secret" trailer shown earlier.
And they haven't shown much damage... I mean, deformation, and that stuff, only parts falling off.
It looks nice, but i did also expected some more new cars since this trailer was a bit hyped up, so yes never believe the hype i guess.

It was hyped up by us... fans... not Sony.

I actually attempted to lower the hype a little because I did believe it wouldn't show a new trailer but I am happy I was wrong. But then again it the trailer has appeared earlier than expected so we will see what GDC has to show and it might turn out I wasn't wrong.
i think Pd want to pull back to hype. Firstly kazunori said Expect Perfection. now hype is falling slowly. There are 1000 cars 60 tracks but we still see same cars and same tracks..Tokyo tokyo tokyo then tokyo abit Daytona then tokyo SLS ..I hope they jk