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  • Thread starter gamelle71
It's no surprise people around here have been scarred; fans in general.

It's no surprise that people want to be skeptical JUST IN CASE the reality is disappointing (no cockpits).

All I am saying is don't let your hopes get in the way of what has been "reported". So what if they don't have cockpits in the end?

Then I ask: So why not think positively and assume they'll be in (and give PD the benefit of the doubt)?

It's cowardly to think otherwise, as you're simply protecting yourself from the pain. Possible pain.

Scarred is overstating the impact, disappointed might be a more appropriate way to describe ( or to be fully accurate, fear of being disappointed by the final game ) this whole issue.
If your definition of cowardice is realistically altering my initial expectations after new "reports" or more importantly confusion created by official presentation ( GT5 site ) then I guess I'm a coward.
Although my definition obviously isn't yours, and yes I'm skeptical and perhaps cynical by nature ( or nurture ).
I have to see it before believing it, and ofcourse I'm hoping for it all the time.
Although hope apparantly is the last refuge of failure, better be realistically prepared ;).
What brings me to ease besides these sources saying we have cockpit view is on the GT official page. When you look at the premium model section is say nothing about cockpit racing view. It just describes how authentic the exterior and interior are to their real life counterpart. The only reason we know the premium cars have cockpit racing views is because we have saw them and played with them in GT5P. The standard section also says nothing about cockpit but says the interior will not be as detail as the premiums. In the End cockpit racing view is a huge issue, and just as they explained the difference between the the damage model between the premium and standard and the difference between the lights on the stand and premium cars, cockpit being a huge issue i think they would of clearly said Standard cars have no cockpit racing view on their web page.
Scarred is overstating the impact, disappointed might be a more appropriate way to describe ( or to be fully accurate, fear of being disappointed by the final game ) this whole issue.
If your definition of cowardice is realistically altering my initial expectations after new "reports" or more importantly confusion created by official presentation ( GT5 site ) then I guess I'm a coward.
Although my definition obviously isn't yours, and yes I'm skeptical and perhaps cynical by nature ( or nurture ).
I have to see it before believing it, and ofcourse I'm hoping for it all the time.
Although hope apparantly is the last refuge of failure, better be realistically prepared ;).

In time all will be clarified.

But in the meantime, be a bit hopeful. Don't be convinced either way, but surely don't hide under a rock.

Just my advice :)
I dont get all this whining.

GT5 is coming this year.

Its going to be like nothing we have seen before, both visually and sound wise.

It will have brand new features we havnt seen before, with or without cockpit view.

England are through to the next round , so are the USA.

How about some positive posts.
In time all will be clarified.

But in the meantime, be a bit hopeful. Don't be convinced either way, but surely don't hide under a rock.

Just my advice :)

Hopeful or doubtful implies not being convinced either way and yes time will clarify this whole issue ( hopefully for good, doubtful it will be good ).
That's where I stand right now but most certainly not hiding under rocks.
And as for being advised how I should feel, thanks but no thanks, I'm perfectly capable of deciding myself how I should feel, or at least which elements or factors I find important to allow influencing the way I feel.;)
Please stop posting the same article over and over again,is just spam OK,when you find a trustable source,with an article not regarded to any XXXXXX site then post..........say no to spam :sly:

Read here

Seems logical and looks genuine to me

Tried bringing this to the attention of GTP as a headline to stop all the bickering would be nice

Yea man people are just going to tell you "its not official Its not official"
Im with you when you read the article it seems genuine and logic but that not enough for people which is cool. I have a great feeling we will have cockpits though. When it finally gets cleared i cannot wait to make this face :lol: at the doubters 👍
Yea man people are just going to tell you "its not official Its not official"
Im with you when you read the article it seems genuine and logic but that not enough for people which is cool. I have a great feeling we will have cockpits though. When it finally gets cleared i cannot wait to make this face :lol: at the doubters 👍

Tbh I think Kaz himself could issue a statement and people would look into the placement of a comma to twist it and find uncertainty...
Sounds like GamesCom will have both Standard and Premium cars and then we'll be able to settle this issue once and for all. Hopefull we'll get a preview in July that'll put it to rest, though.
Standard car gameplay is what I crave. They look good as of E3 2010, but who knows when that was originally done...

O hell yea man cant wait to see those standards in action. I'm putting all my chips in we will have cockpits just not that detailed and generic 👍
O hell yea man cant wait to see those standards in action. I'm putting all my chips in we will have cockpits just not that detailed and generic 👍

You're very much like me. I find it hard to believe they'll be given no cockpits. But since 8/10 cars are standard, we might as well get used to them. Looking for some gameplay, cockpit view, chasecam, etc, etc.

I am excited. I know they're not going to look as good as the premiums, but they've been upscaled and enhanced by the best of the best, PD. Cannot complain too much with all that we're getting. Cockpits on all cars would be the icing everyone's been waiting for.
Yea man people are just going to tell you "its not official Its not official"
Im with you when you read the article it seems genuine and logic but that not enough for people which is cool. I have a great feeling we will have cockpits though. When it finally gets cleared i cannot wait to make this face :lol: at the doubters 👍

I like that article too, it's not as sensational as some of the others. After you read the article, and most importantly the quote from PD that says all 800 standard cars will have interiors, it's hard to speculate that they won't be there in the final product.

I'm assuming the difference from "standard" interiors to "premium" interiors would be the difference in in-car telemetry, moving wires, interior damage, replicated engines under the hood, etc. The "premium" interiors will have the aforementioned, while the "standard" interiors' won't, while still having unique interiors for each car.

An example would be the digital telemetry seen on the ASL Garaiya on the video that was just posted on the main-page. That car is most likely "premium." Now for the Chevrolet Stingray, which may not have a working tachometer, but I bet it still has a uniquely replicated cockpit. That's what I assume the difference between "premium" and "standard" will be.

I hope I haven't described a "best-case scenario," but rather a scenario.
Well if this guy has had a reply surely PD would reply to Jordan? Kaz clearly is aware of Gtplanet.

Jordan if your listening do you have any way of sending a similar request to the one this guy asked?

Just a thought.
I like that article too, it's not as sensational as some of the others. After you read the article, and most importantly the quote from PD that says all 800 standard cars will have interiors, it's hard to speculate that they won't be there in the final product.

Don't get me wrong, I really hope that this article is right in its conclusion, but whether an article is well-written or unsensational in its delivery of new info doesn't unfortunately make it automatically true.

Otherwise it would be very easy ( but subjectively ) to decide which news you can truly rely on.
And I haven't seen proof that this quote came directly ( or indirectly ) from PD, not saying it isn't therefore, but still not jumping to a final conclusion because of that.

I stand by the motto of not believing anything that's written, which is more logical than believing it because it's logically written ( or because I want to believe it, which doesn't make it true sadly ).
Unless several proven to be reliable sources claim it to be true and the final confirmation by PD or Sony is in, I'll be happy and you'll may laugh as much at me for being a doubter ( or whiner ) as you'll please.:)
I will post this here aswell as we have multiple threads talking about the same thing.

I bet if this article had been in the negative sense and this supposed PD reply had confirmed NO cockpit everyone would have been going nuts.

It seems that most of the negative people on here have already made their mind up on the very same basis they are so ready to dismiss. Non official news.

Everyone is saying " I need to hear if from an official source " but we haven't had an official source to confirm there are NO cockpits either.

PD have never promised anything regarding cockpits anyway so I don't know why everyone is giving them so much grief.
Could it be wrong?He says it's official information?May he wrong or lie?
A lie to be popular for a week or two. I don't trust an anonimous blog...

Well I can confirm that it will indeed have views for all of it's cars.
When I contacted PD for an official statement they sent a rather generic reply back

Why they replied to "him" instead of giving an official statement on playstation blog or gran turismo site?
Well, we find out that were getting cockpit for all cars, Now people are going to whine about how the standard cars aren't detailed enough.

People have to just accept what theyre getting.. How the hell have they been playing the past GT games for Christ's sake?!
Well, we find out that were getting cockpit for all cars, Now people are going to whine about how the standard cars aren't detailed enough.

People have to just accept what theyre getting.. How the hell have they been playing the past GT games for Christ's sake?!

I've played past GT games ( and loved playing them ) in the past, which says it all I guess, and don't tell me what to accept or not as I'm perfectly capable of deciding that myself thank you very much.
For the record, I'm not complaining about the graphics, nor have I been complaining or demanding for damage, reverse lights, day and night, weather, better sounds, etc. but not complaining ( welcoming rather ) for their eventual inclusion either.
The only thing I'm "whining" about is my worry that cockpit view ( which still isn't confirmed either way btw ) could possibly be excluded for the majority of cars.
A view I took for granted after playing a past GT-title called Prologue.
Standard car gameplay is what I crave. They look good as of E3 2010, but who knows when that was originally done...

In my Opinion, they look OK.

About that Interview saying all cars have Cockpit, I wont believe It until I see it, Im possitive of that being true, As I myself read the MeriStation Interview (Spanish Gaming related Site, Which has Quite good Relationship with PD and Specially Yamauchi, since more than 6 years ago) And it said that Standard Cars will Be as good as premium, Just not as detailed and that they will have Cockpit view.

Its just that, Realisticly that doesnt seem true, If they had Modeled Cockpits for standard cars, they would have at least Upgraded the GT4 Cars models and using Clear windows instead of partially Blacked out windows.

Meh, guess we'll see at GamesCom :nervous:
I will post this here aswell as we have multiple threads talking about the same thing.

I bet if this article had been in the negative sense and this supposed PD reply had confirmed NO cockpit everyone would have been going nuts.

It seems that most of the negative people on here have already made their mind up on the very same basis they are so ready to dismiss. Non official news.

Everyone is saying " I need to hear if from an official source " but we haven't had an official source to confirm there are NO cockpits either.

PD have never promised anything regarding cockpits anyway so I don't know why everyone is giving them so much grief.

Fellows, this shouldn't be about who's being negative or positive, it's about the truth.

I've played past GT games ( and loved playing them ) in the past, which says it all I guess, and don't tell me what to accept or not as I'm perfectly capable of deciding that myself thank you very much.
For the record, I'm not complaining about the graphics, nor have I been complaining or demanding for damage, reverse lights, day and night, weather, better sounds, etc. but not complaining ( welcoming rather ) for their eventual inclusion either.
The only thing I'm "whining" about is my worry that cockpit view ( which still isn't confirmed either way btw ) could possibly be excluded for the majority of cars.
A view I took for granted after playing a past GT-title called Prologue.

It wasn't necessarily directed at you.

But taking you say you have played past GT games, Wouldn't it be the normal deal to play without cockpit view? It would be a standard, regular experience that we should all be used to by now. The fact that PD has given a cockpit view for a (Unconfirmed) 200 cars is very sufficient and generous. I used to think that PD was only going to place the super cars as "premium", but after E3 showed us a camaro, and Prologues cars were all "Premium", that must mean that a small portion could have lower end cars to start off with. (I could be wrong). 200 cars is alot of vehicles. That's 4 times prologues, Thats 4 times pretty much every need for speed/midnight club arcade racer out there. Thats value already.

Those other 800 cars would just be GT4 cars on a PS3, In HD... Lets see, Ive played GT4 and I loved it. What could possibly be wrong? Nothing, Taking in account that It will be under a new lighting engine, It will be in HD, and I can expirience them on a PS3- On another (New) game, ( So I don't have to take my PS2 out of the closet and start up a game Ive already played a hundred and seven times).