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  • Thread starter gamelle71
Congrats Solidsnakex. I tried also but guess my comp to slow or something also kept hitting refresh . When it popped up i didn't even get to put in my e-mail. Said context was already over. Glad to see a real fan won one. Just hope it don't take them the full ten weeks to send it to you or you will get it well past the release date lol.
What if everything is done early? (doubt earlier release) or could they be overdue in terms of finishing touches?

I don't think it's possible for this game to be done early. Many times it's been said they'll work to the last possible moment.
I do dislike how my own voice sounds, yes, but I've heard it back a few times and I've never sounded like that :lol:

I thought I'm the only one :dopey:
I HATE to hear my voice in recordings, it sounds like somebody else :lol:

You guys did a great job at Gamescom, thanks for the effort.👍
So did you have time to do some sightseeing in Cologne ?
How did you like it ?
8-10 weeks?Is that longer than a street release date?

This contest started on August 16th. People that have been winning since that time have received 8-10 week delivery dates. On Subways Twitter they said that people should receive their games weeks or days before the games are available in stores.
MRI - isn't that just a scan to find out what's wrong? - Rather than an Op to fix what's wrong?

Yep. We're not sure whether it's the kneecap itself or something deeper, but it's a bit of a pest.

You guys did a great job at Gamescom, thanks for the effort.👍
So did you have time to do some sightseeing in Cologne ?
How did you like it ?

Unfortunately not - we were pretty pushed for time as it was, since Venari (who apparently got promoted to the staff, somehow) had work the next day. We recorded that ISR segment at pretty much 9pm on the Wednesday and we had to head back to the GamesCom media centre to get the embargoed material published to the GTP blog by 11am the next morning.

Nice trams and train station though.

Famine's voice is compressed that's why, just like all the sound complain in GT5 :lol:. Stupid youtube.

No, it's because they recorded me at idle (literally). Had they recorded me under load, you'd have heard more of the nuances.

Under a lot of load, I become a Sheffielder.
I did. And I quite liked it. :D

I just hope the final damage model is a bit more comprehensive as incidents such as a hood popping up are extremely unlikely.

@Famine- how certain, or uncertain, are you about what Kaz said when referring to the 70 unique tracks?
Famine you did great job to answer Zonda backview question. And To ISR Reporter: Theres no need to drive zonda to answer this question. Enough to play abit zonda and see the car in outside cam.
Good work fellows! I especially appreciated Venari's technical understanding when it came to pixilated reflections and optimal coding 👍👍

So when is the next game convention that may reveal more? :dopey:
As many here (and I'm one of them) doubt that the ps3 can handle 16 cars, damage, dynamic light and weather at the same time , I have found sth. rather interesting in the "science" magazine I buy monthly, I try to translate as good as I can: The physicist Gaurav Khanna from the Massachusetts University is a real tinker. Actually he is an expert for astronomie and quantum physics. He always works with computer simulations to understand some phenomena of the universe even more. "But the simulations are so complex, that we need at least a sub-supercomputer to efficiently run them. That is pretty expensive. Some institutes rent there supercomputers to others but want 5000 dollar per simulation." Than Khanna had the idea to build his own supercomputer. Everything he needed for this, were 8 PlayStation 3s. He combined them to a grid and what he got was a supercomputer. This grid was powerfull enough to easily simulate a star collapse.

Sounds pretty strong to me at least, lets hope it's enough to simulate all the stuff we want lol.
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Good work fellows! I especially appreciated Venari's technical understanding when it came to pixilated reflections and optimal coding 👍👍

So when is the next game convention that may reveal more? :dopey:

A lot more to come in TGS. TurismoGoingSick:dopey:
I just hope the final damage model is a bit more comprehensive as incidents such as a hood popping up are extremely unlikely.

@Famine- how certain, or uncertain, are you about what Kaz said when referring to the 70 unique tracks?

I can't say for sure - mainly in case I get taken as gospel and quoted once the game comes out, but... I think >70 includes short versions (Suzuka, Suzuka West, Suzuka East) but excludes reverse tracks. The number of direction/configuration variations could number much, much higher than that.
Nie: "...pixelated... like Atari or the Commodore 64..."
Nie: "...and on the Zonda there was no backview, there was nothing there when you looked back in the cockpit..."
Famine to the rescue: " really doesn't have a rear window..."
Nie: "!"
Nie: "Yeah, but... well... you know..."

Sorry Nie, I really laughed out loud at that part >_>

Nie, Famine and Venari, that was great! First time I watch a full ISR episode and I'm glad it was this nice. Thank you.

*Just for the record, I didn't know that either, I tought the Zonda had at least some space there to see what is happening behind you! themoreyouknow.jpg
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And Nie Said I didnt drive Zonda in real life so i dont know.
You cant see your back while driving Zonda in real life but you can see it in GT5. GT5>Real
Oh well, not poking fun at him because of that, I didn't know that either. Because A) Never did drive one in real life and B) I am too lazy to look up pictures on Google and pay attention to some... details like lack of rear window :P

But I found that part genuinely funny ^_^
So Famine, do you really think it is physically impossible for it to snow at Daytona, or was that just nerves speaking?! ;)

Great show though guys, I enjoyed watching that and putting faces to names 👍
The Zonda R appears to indeed have no rear window, they could perhaps include a view of the rear spoiler, etc. ( to make the rear view look better or more "believable" instead of seeing nothing at all ) in the same way they did on the F1 2007 in Prologue as looking back directly on that car is also difficult to translate accurately without making looking back completely pointless.

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The Zonda R appears to indeed have no rear window, they could perhaps include a view of the rear spoiler, etc. ( to make the rear view look better or more "believable" instead of seeing nothing at all ) in the same way they did on the F1 2007 in Prologue as looking back directly on that car is also difficult to translate accurately without making looking back completely pointless.

Am I the only one who has not mapped a button to rear view?

I never found it realistic to look behind you during a race. I just use left/right view and mirrors. Also it is impossible to look behind you in a real F1 car (and all single seaters). The F2007 look right/left and mirrors I find really well done in GT5P.
I can't say for sure - mainly in case I get taken as gospel and quoted once the game comes out, but... I think >70 includes short versions (Suzuka, Suzuka West, Suzuka East) but excludes reverse tracks. The number of direction/configuration variations could number much, much higher than that.
Could you clarify your understanding fella. I mean to me Suzuka East and Suzuka West are configurations so, including Suzuka and Suzuka Reverse, there would be 6 Suzuka tracks.

Also, using Susuka as an example, how could you get more configurations out of East and West?
I can't say for sure - mainly in case I get taken as gospel and quoted once the game comes out, but... I think >70 includes short versions (Suzuka, Suzuka West, Suzuka East) but excludes reverse tracks. The number of direction/configuration variations could number much, much higher than that.
So this brings us back to the 20+ locations (=unique tracks) thought...

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