Ahhh Wolfie Boy...You make me laugh! First things first, I stand by every single word I say about the GT series, and as for "blind faith"...Sorry buddy, but going by past GT games, there's NO SUCH THING!!!
Yes there is, I had too much blind faith that GT4 would be the best GT game yet, imo it wasn't. I was adamnt that the online mode would be included because PD said so, it wasn't. With every new GT release "surely they've fixed the AI, they must have" goes through my head, the never have.
Tell me WHY the GT format is starting to get a little stale? More or less every GAME ever made (not just driving games) works on the same principle.
Because not a damn thing has changed in the last 10 years. The principal of buyign and selling andtuning is great and fine, but PD haven't added nay more depth to the tuning or the buying or selling in 10 years.
You start with nothing and slowly work your way to the top, or haven't you figured that out yet? lol And let me just inform you of something you might not know...Well blatantly obvious you DON'T know. Gran Turismo is THE yard stick of every driving sim, it's what every other driving game developer and his dog aim to beat, it's GT they sit down with and ask each other "How can we better this?"
Not really, the only game that imo comes close to GT4 in terms of as a rival is EPR, and EPR is better imo. Forza is on another platform so they arn't in direct competition, Race Driver games are nothing like GT and neither are Need for speed games. That pretty much covers all the big guns.
GT has only ever been as big or as good as the console will allow it to be. So PLEASE think again when you use the term "highly debatable" when the greatness of GT is bought into question!
Not it's not, GT3 didn't use the full capacity of the PS2, GT4 supposedly did, yet I still think GT3 is the better game.
HOLD ON!!!!! Your not looking at what I've said in the context in which it was meant! So...Let me SPELL it out for you. GT1 set the standard full stop, no question!
Pretty much yes, back in 97 GT1 brought the idea of realisticly handing cars to the masses.
Game developers were still picking their jaws up off the floor when GT2 hit the scene, and from then on other developers have been playing a game of their own...Called catch up.
No they haven't, like I said, EPR is Konami's first effort and imo it's a better game, also there are far more reaslitic and more enjoyable sim's out there that GT4. GT4's trump card is it's content.
Therefore Gran Turismo changed the way we play driving sims and that's the way it will remain, and nobody (yourself included) will EVER take that away from PD.
Nobody want's to take away what PD did when they brought to GT series to us, we just want them to realsie that we're not all that keen on paying £40 to play the same game we paid £40 to play 10 years ago.
WHAT??? Half baked GT3.5? JEEEESUS! Everyone with half a brain cell already knew that GT4 wouldn't be a huge leap above GT3.
In content it was, in terms of physics it was better, but as a game to play and enjoy it wasn't as good as GT3, nor did it introduce much new to the series from GT3.
(Hello!!! Still on the same hardware!) In general a much bigger game with subtle changes in graphics and a BRAND NEW, built from scratch physics engine would be enough to satisfy us TRUE GT fans, so if your happy enough with your Sega Rally then who am I to argue?
You a true GT fan why? Because you have no desire for PD to push the series harder than they have been doing, because you don't see any potential the series has that so far hasn't een exploited. I beg to differ, the true GT fans are thoes that want the best for the series, thoes like JohnBM01 who put a lot of thought into ways that the GT series could improve yet still give credit where credit is due. You're giveing credit where it;s due but at the same time ignoring anything that they haven't done right.
My advise to you is, if you want to get the full driving experience of what ANY Gran Turismo game can give a player...THEN GET SOME PRACTICE IN!!!
I assure you, Wolf probably does not need much practice, he's also played on other sims, some that offer a more realistic experience to GT4. If you wand to experience something more realistic you'll have to put GT4 down.
Yes GT4 is a massive game, the content alone deserves praise, yes the physics are better than GT3, no it is not the most realistic racing game on the market, neither is EPR neither is Forza. And imo, no GT4 is not a fun to play as GT3 or EPR.