GT5 needs to be less sterile

  • Thread starter Slurm
I've been playing GT since the first one, and what I'd love to see in GT5 is more imagination put into the atmosphere of the whole experience. The screenshots and montages of new games always get me so excited, but the reality of driving in Gran Turismo is for the most part a pretty dull experience. Although I love Gran Turismo blindly, this is the one thing I would really like to see. There's a great oppurtunity with the PS3 to create some really stunning effects and add so much to the experience!

Imagine a low-lying fog effect on the Nurb, with a pink sunset sky and fog settled only in the troughs of the hills. That would be so COOL rising into the clear air and then dscending back into the fog. Or what about a non-street night cicuit, with only tiny parts lit up so you spend 90% of the lap in darkness: so you could have like a huge floodlit grandstand and then you go straight into a long, brightly lit tunnel that spits you out into complete darkness. Then you spend like 2 minutes racing around techinical twisties and undulations in the pitch black and then you come across a hairpin bathed in orange, but staight away it's back out into the wilderness for another 2 minutes, and now you can see the Lights from the grandstand in the distance etc etc....

I mean hopefully improved AI and online racing will liven it up alot and finally create a racing game rather than a driving game, but they could pack a big one-two punch with the addition of lovely, imaginative effects. I'd like little details like tiny bits of crud and oil getting flicked onto the screen when towing behind another car, puddles, patches of dust, summery bird noises - I really think that this is what can give games a truly amazing feel. Gran Turismo has got the difficult stuff nailed already, all it needs is some flair in the art department and it could become an truly unbelievable experience.
Just add weather and night/day transisions and I´m happy! Nightrallies would be really cool though!
Real_Tron well put!!! I couldn't agree more about this, and your ideas I'm sure alot of fans are waiting for. Like it was just mentioned I believe that the ps3 will give pd a whole world of options. I'd like to think limitions of the ps2 cut these details out of gt4.
Hi. I was tempted to post another topic just to talk about something I think it is important to be discussed, I'll just use this one to do it, pardon me.

The day and night effects in GT4 do not bother me, I know each one has a different opinion, but I guess that it not what is missing. When you are driving a real car in a winding road, and the sky is all clouded, you don't feel bored. I guess that is just because GT4 is a good game, not an excelente game.

From my "point of view", this is what needs to be changed:

The dynamics when you are driving are not very acurate. If you lap Tsukuba with an Honda NSX-R, with the stock tires on (SN), you will do around 1min flat, that is my time. If you see, for instance, Best Motoring (International, for non Japanese), you'll see that this car laps around 1,05,000. That is a five second difference. I thought, "this is because of the tyres!". I've equiped the car with "Standard Road" tyres, and laped 1,06,000. This could be because they drive in real life, better than what I do in GT4. If you watch the speed we reach in the straight after the second airpin, just before the last huge turn, it is wider than the speed a real car attains. You can lap very closer to a car's real time, but it will be with a very different driving. In GT4, the straightway speed is way better, the braking performance is way better, and the cornering performance is a bit under the real one.

Please go to Test Course, attain 200Km/h (125M) and test your brakes, with a car like the Honda S2000, or even a Civic Si-R (VTi). I can start braking in a mark, and finish before the other mark, this means, less than 100 meters (62.5 in miles). A car driving at 100Km/h (62Mp/h) should stop in about 50 meters, but this is exponencial, if you try it at 200, it will be wider than 100 meters.

I'm sorry about my written english, it is quite bad, but I guess you can understand what I am trying to say.

In GT5 cars will have to brake less, turn the same, or just a bit better, and will have to be slower on straights, since all JDM 280HP can clock at least 5 flat in 0-60 mph.

I've already voted for the poll, but I'll say it again. Ferrari, Lamborghini, and other brands like those, should appear on the game, even here in Portugal (yes this is the end of the world, half of the citizens are poor and the average monthly wage is 500 €, one liter (not a gallon!) of gasoline costs 1.220€, an Honda Civic Type-R costs 37800€, and other things like that..) you are able to see Ferrari, when you drive to "rich" zones, like the sea coast in Porto, or Lisboa.

Hope you agree with the post, please comment it.
If it can't top GTR in the weather department I'll probably get the game and play GTR more as I've done compared to GT4 now.
Yes, GT5 should and will have much nicerer atmospheric effects.
The idea of the fog on the nurb really got some awesome mental pictures in my mind... Especially combined with a pinky-orange sunset kinda light...
Ah thats sounds awesome, we can only hope.

hmmm, a light fog on the nurb, little moisture on the track and an M3 GTR..... yeah I'd be a happy boy then! :dopey:
Those are good ideas. Even though the PS2 was scrimped in the graphic capacity, Polyphony has done a lot with the machine they've had to code for, and I do think the environments are fantastic in the previous GTs. Since the PS3 is basically like a super computer, save for the ram, I don't doubt that Kazunori-sama's team will be able to do tons of things that they've only been able to imagine.

Hopefully Sony will lift a corner of the curtain on both the PS3 and Gran Turismo 5 this month. Surely by the E3 Expo, we'll get a detailed look at things in progress.

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