GT5 Olympics (Sign-Ups Open/Race 1 Announced)

  • Thread starter gogatrs
Sorry guys but i can't make it to tonight's preseason race :( I was really looking forward to it so it's a shame but i should be able to race next week.
Sorry guys but i can't make it to tonight's preseason race :( I was really looking forward to it so it's a shame but i should be able to race next week.

That's OK, that's why you have teammates!
Im looking forward to it.
It should be an excellent photo opportunity!
hey hey, I would love to sign up, and Join the green and gold. Australia.
and can race tonight for bobcar96.

PSN: momoniu
Country: Australia
Are you interested in being a team leader?: no
Any chance of it being able to start an hour or 2 later? I really can't be bothered waking up at 6:30 am for this.
11:00:00 p.m. Saturday April 16, 2011 in EDT converts to
01:00:00 p.m. Sunday April 17, 2011 in Australia/Queensland

is this correct?

He was referring to the USA meeting. The race itself is 5pm edt
I know ey, its not there fault, they tried giving a good time for everyone, but were in australia.

no, I wasn't being sarcastic, I have most sundays off, so I do love it. I work saturday and some weeks saturday night.

so from the list what cars do you have?

I've only got the Jag
no, I wasn't being sarcastic, I have most sundays off, so I do love it. I work saturday and some weeks saturday night.

so from the list what cars do you have?

I've only got the Jag, you love waking up at 6am, damn, i can't bear it. Yeah, i have everything else aswell., you love waking up at 6am, damn, i can't bear it. Yeah, i have everything else aswell.

yeah, I wake up at 5am to start work at 6am 4 days a week. so if I try to sleep in I wake up at 5.30 in a mad panic thinking I am late for work. :(
The later for me the better.
If we can push it back an hour, I would like that.
It's up to the Brits.
If we push it back an hour, then you guys will be up until 10:30-11:00...

I'm pretty pumped for the race.
America will rule you all!!! lol
9 is pretty much the latest team England is comfortable with. The race will last for like 1-1nhalf hours. Sorry
Woah not us, the thread says UK time, it's the OP who has put the times wrong... We are on time, according to what is stated
Sorry guys, yeah it was my fault.
I've never been very good with timezones and daylight savings isn't helping.
It really isn't possible for me to go any earlier.

Will you guys still be able to do this?
I'm sorry, but I can't host if we go any earlier.

I did say 5:00 EDT and nobody corrected me...