GT5 Olympics (Sign-Ups Open/Race 1 Announced)

  • Thread starter gogatrs
Sorry guys, yeah it was my fault.
I've never been very good with timezones and daylight savings isn't helping.
It really isn't possible for me to go any earlier.

Will you guys still be able to do this?
I'm sorry, but I can't host if we go any earlier.

I did say 5:00 EDT and nobody corrected me...

I thought you meant the actual race starts 5:00 EDT...dang it.
From the next races I'd prefer it to start an hour later, as I have family commitments right when the race starts at this time. I'll still be here tonight though.
This is me personally speaking, don't know about others
Here are a few things I noticed so far...

The races are probably best served to be under a half hour, mebbe 20min if that.

The cars have to be addressed in such a way that the people involved are in a race and not just a waiting-while-driving holding pattern a la GT40 vs. Jaguar race car where the GT just has no chance.

I know that if it's worldwide, time is most definitely a factor. I think that'll be the biggest hurdle, really.

I did have fun though. Having an annoying GT40 driven by tom riding my bumper did make the racing that much more enjoyable. :P

Those kinks though...we have to demolish those...
I got dissconected at lap 2 :( i was going to say i got dissconected but didnt want to disturb anyone when the race was going on
Guys, if nobody is going to show up other than you guys, there really is no point...

This. Really frustrating, when so many people sign up, and only 1/4 show up
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