GT5 Olympics (Sign-Ups Open/Race 1 Announced)

  • Thread starter gogatrs
Not saying it should be banned or anything, but the Toyota 7 is 4-7 seconds a lap faster than the Ferrari P4
Not saying it should be banned or anything, but the Toyota 7 is 4-7 seconds a lap faster than the Ferrari P4

We can always limit it.
I don't have much time (or money lol) to test for this.
So if someone can come up with some good HP/Power limits, that would help a lot.
Power. Weight

Jaguar XJ13. 694. 998
Ferrari 330 P4. 630. 792
Ford Mark IV. 534. 1000
Ford GT40. 522. 998
Chaparral 2D. 526. 771
Toyota 7. 924. 620

They are the stats I have for the cars
I'll leave it up to everyone else what they think...
I would suggest leaving the 7 out entirely. It's leagues above the competition and, as such, is an unfair selection for this race. The others are relatively similar it seems.
A HP limit would make little sense. The Toyota with it's extra 300BHP is around 15mph slower down the back straight than the Ferrari, the downforce is the key factor.
Its a preseason race for a reason, to find the flaws in the series and alter it accordingly for the first race. Let's just run with it with them cars. If a certain car dominates, then we looked at hour performance points, BHP, weight compare to the others. Find where it's getting it's strength and then limit that area. Lets just run with it with those cars, or if there's too much stick, exclude the Toyota 7 (it's the easiest to get so would make it harder for some people to race...).

EDIT: also, the Toyota is a lot harder on it's tyres and fuel than the others. Is not just about raw lap times in endurance racing :)
OK, I've decided that we are going to ban the Toyota 7.
Cars have to be in stock form.
Meaning no upgrades are allowed.
Tune accordingly.
Okay :)
Now the cars are sorted a question about qualifying, will this start at 9 and the race follows, or is the qualifying session before 9? Also how long will qualifying be? Will it be a timed session or will it be like 1 lap each?
Sorry if those are stated in the OP, it's late and only just occurred to me
The room will open at 8:30.
Qualifying will start at 8:45.
Race start is at 9:00.
We will all go out and run laps, grid order is fastest first.
Alright cheers mate. Sorry if I'm getting annoying with the questioning, just want to clear up lose ends before the seasons starts
Alright cheers mate. Sorry if I'm getting annoying with the questioning, just want to clear up lose ends before the seasons starts

Not at all.
I should have had all this in the OP lol.
Suggestion on how to discourage deliberate crashers:
The person who crashes - half points for that race, not eligible for the fastest lap bonus points
Team - also half points and not eligible for fastest lap (even if the teammate got fastest lap, would count towards the teammates individual score, but not team).
Repeat offenders (ie someone who has caused a deliberate crash in 2/3 races) are first off banned from qualifying, so they must start from back, if they carry on banned for a race (ie team is only allowed to field 1 driver)

Just a few ideas, a little harsh yes, but it should stop people who throw it in hoping for the best. If there is an accident like this, the replay should be saved, then the team leaders decide on if a penalty should be given. (borderline crashes for example could mean the team and driver keep points, but a time penalty in the next qualifying session) doesn't state any penalty for crashing, just it is prohibited if intentional.

Although if you or anyone else has an ideas, I'd be happy to support them too.
Suggestion on how to discourage deliberate crashers:
The person who crashes - half points for that race, not eligible for the fastest lap bonus points
Team - also half points and not eligible for fastest lap (even if the teammate got fastest lap, would count towards the teammates individual score, but not team).
Repeat offenders (ie someone who has caused a deliberate crash in 2/3 races) are first off banned from qualifying, so they must start from back, if they carry on banned for a race (ie team is only allowed to field 1 driver)

Just a few ideas, a little harsh yes, but it should stop people who throw it in hoping for the best. If there is an accident like this, the replay should be saved, then the team leaders decide on if a penalty should be given. (borderline crashes for example could mean the team and driver keep points, but a time penalty in the next qualifying session) doesn't state any penalty for crashing, just it is prohibited if intentional.

Although if you or anyone else has an ideas, I'd be happy to support them too.

I like it!
Apart from the team penalty.
It's not the rest of the teams fault.
Maybe we just make them ineligible for fastest laptime.
Obviously the race will have to be reviewed, this is something I'm going to need somebody else to do...
Any volunteers?
Preferably a good cameraman. :)
I like it!
Apart from the team penalty.
It's not the rest of the teams fault.
Maybe we just make them ineligible for fastest laptime.
Obviously the race will have to be reviewed, this is something I'm going to need somebody else to do...
Any volunteers?
Preferably a good cameraman. :)

I'll volunteer, I'll promise not to be biased on my county.
Looking back, the team penalty does seem a little unfair. Shall we say they are just not allowed the have fastest lap, so a slight punishment but not much.
I would say though, if a country keeps on fielding dirty drivers, there should be something done.
Yeah an independent overseerer would make sense, I just wasn't sure we would find one, but looks like we have :D.
Always happy to help :)

EDIT: if you could update the OP with that information, and the qualifying information, it would be great, then everyone can see it
Hey to all the US guys, could you guys all add me on PSN?
I'm gogatrs.
Gonna try and get a meeting to discuss everything...
When did you want to get this meeting going? I've got work until about 5pm PST today, if that's any consideration. /nod